Wordcasting (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 1/21/10
Status: Complete
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Wordcasting Basics

Wordcasting is a spellcasting method that works by stringing words together, and then succeeding on the wordcasting check. Each word has it's own properties, and combined they describe a spell. The categories of words are shape words, effect words, and modifier words. The shortest spell consists of an shape word describing how an effect word is applied. Ayl(one target) Pyr(fire damage) is a two word spell. There is no upper limit on how long a spell might be, but longer spells take more time, and have higher wordcasting checks.

Wordcasting Frequently-Important-Facts (FIFs)

Shape Words: These describe the shape of the spell's effect. Since a spell cannot be multiple shapes at once, only one shape word can have effect in a spell. If a spell is cast with multiple shape words, it automatically fizzles.

Effect Words: These describe the effect of the spell. These are additive, and, where relevant, take effect in the order that they are said (for instance, "Ayl pyr kol" would set people on fire then ice the ground, rather than "ayl kol pyr" causing people to trip, then burning them and melting the ice with heat).

Modifier Words: Modifier words are optional, and affect everything in the spell after the modifier (thus they often come before the shape word). Modifier words are very diverse, some modifying the shape, some modifying the effect of the spell, some creating triggers, etc.

Saves: When a wordcasting spell effects a target, the target immediately makes any required saves. All saves of the same time are lumped together (Reflex, Will, Fortitude). The saves occur before any effects take place. The save DC for a Wordcasting spell specific to the wordcasting class in question, but generally follows the pattern of 10 + (Number of Words used)/3 + the class's relevant stat. Each spell can only

Wordcasting spell level: A wordcasting spell counts as a spell of level equal to one third the number of words in the spell (rounded down).

Wordcasting level: A caster's Wordcasting level is the sum of classes levels that can do wordcasting.

Wordcasting Check: To cast a spell with wordcasting, the caster must succeed against a wordcasting DC determined by the words used. Each word adds a specified amount to the check (starting at 0). The roll is 1d20 + (the caster's wordcasting level). As the caster's wordcasting level increases, she gains multipliers on the d20 roll: A x2 at level seven which increases to x3 at level 14, and so forth every 7 levels (21, 28, etc.). A natural 1 is an automatic fail. (See chart).

Wordcasting Check Results: On a success, the spell is cast, and any unpaid word costs are spent (Word Wizards spend words during spell preparation). On a failure, the spell fizzles, and half the words invested in the spell are wasted, and the other half are retained/regained by the caster.

Casting Time: The time used by a wordcaster to cast a spell is based on how many words are in the spell. As an immediate action, a word caster can cast a spell with 2 words. 3 words can be cast as a swift action, 10 words as a standard action, and 20 words as a full round action. For every 20 words after that, starting with 21 words, add on another consecutive full round action. The number of words castable in any given action is doubled by the tungtwist modifier word, and also by accelerating pronouns. (See chart).

Spell Resistance: Spell resistance affects any targeted wordcast spell that does not specify otherwise. Some words (like Orb) grant exceptions.

Components and Foci: All wordcasting uses Verbal and Somatic components unless specified otherwise (this causes arcane spell failure to be a problem for most wordcasters). The Tungtwist modifier word requires a book of tongue-twisters as a focus. The Gilt modifier word uses any component costing a specific amount (See chart).

Arcane Spell Failure: Wordcasting suffers from arcane spell failure chance for any spell with a somatic component - by default, this is all wordcasting spells.

Wordcasting Lists

Shape Words List

Shape Words List
Word DC Effect Summary
Ayl +1 Medium range, Single target
Spyn +3 120 foot line
Orb +1 Ignores SR but needs a ranged touch attack
Bang +3 Medium range, 20 foot spread
Hand -2 Melee touch attack
Burs +2 15 foot burst, only hits targets you want it to
Con +2 30 foot cone
Chen +2 Hit three targets in a Close range chain
Wal +1 30 foot wall
Sfir +1 10 foot-radius sphere around you

Effect Words List

Effect Words List
Word DC Effect Summary
Pyr +1 1d6 fire, burn things
Lek +1 1d6 electricity
Forch +1 1d4 force
Saun +1 1d4 sonic, deafen things
Aci +1 1d4 acid, 1d4 acid over time
Kol +1 Ice the ground
Deth +1 1d6 negative energy, raise skeletons
Min +1 Befuddle
Terr +1 Scare
Path +1 Read minds somewhat
Avis +2 Turn things invisible
Ilus +1 Make illusions
Lyf +1 1d6 positive energy, raise people
Arm +1 +2/+1 per 4 Armor bonus
Inv +1 Spell immunity
Excel +1 Boost skills, saves, and attack rolls
Sir +1 Spell resistance
Port +15/+2 Grant targets the opportunity to teleport
Al +1 Make Port more precise
Thro +1 Throw things around
Disp +10/+2 Dispel magical effects
Lift +18/+1 Provide the power of flight
Ant +1 Suppress magical effects

Modifier Words List

Modifier Words List
Word DC Effect Summary
Scri +2 Watch something
Del +3 Give the spell a trigger
Tra +2 Make a Del spell trap-like
Long +3/+4/+5 Add more range
Wyd +5 Affect a larger area
Tungtwist +1 Reduce casting time
Gilt -X Add a spell component
Charg +10 Double the spell's power
Vudu +4 Cast from scrying
Lob +2 Cast over obstacles

Wordcasting Descriptions

Shape Words

Effect Words

Modifier Words

Wordcasting Miscellaneous Charts

Casting Times Table
Casting Time Normal Tungtwist or Accelerating Pronouns Tungtwist and Accelerating Pronouns
Immediate Action 2 4 8
Swift Action 3 6 12
Standard Action 10 20 40
Full Round Action 20 40 80
+1 Full Round Action +20 +40 +80

Wordcasting Check Table
Caster Level Roll
Levels 1 through 6 1d20 + Caster Level
Levels 7 through 13 1d20x2 + Caster Level
Levels 14 through 20 1d20x3 + Caster Level
Levels 21 through 27 1d20x4 + Caster Level
+7 levels 1d20x(+1 from above) + Caster Level
Gilt Prices and Effects Table
Component Cost is at least: DC reduction is:
1 gold piece 1
5 gp 2
25 gp 3
125 gp 4
500 gp 5
500 gp 6
2500 gp 7
5000 gp 8
10000 gp 9
+10000 gp +1
Subtract the largest.

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AuthorFoxwarrior +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
Rated ByHavvy +
RatingRating Pending +
TitleWordcasting +