User:Aarnott/Lego Bin 16/Ifrit

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Ifrit is the eidolon manifestation of a powerful entity in the Elemental Plane of Fire. He often takes the form of a bestial humanoid that incorporates some elements of efreeti physical traits (possibly suggesting that the entity he comes from is somehow related to an efreeti sultan). Ifrit is always covered in fire, which beyond looking pretty awesome, also provides light like a torch. He is always heavily muscled and often is adorned with large golden hoops pierced in his ears and intricately designed golden bracelets (attire that is suggestive of efreeti).

Although he is under complete control by the summoner, outside of combat (if the summoner does decide to talk to him), he likes to suggest more reckless strategies of attack. In fact, he is most happy being put directly in front of attacks so that he can lash back at the enemy with stronger attacks. And that isn't a bad strategy to use his abilities either. He powers his class abilities by taking damage, so summoners will often try to have him draw several attacks early on in the battle and then use those abilities aggressively before falling back for healing.

Ifrit tends to get angry very easily and as an esper, he will often betray the angry emotions of a summoner while the summoner is involved in negotiation. During combat, he often yells extremely vulgar words at his enemies in Ignan and he smiles with sadistic glee when he defeats an enemy that has harmed him.


  • Elemental [Extraplanar, Fire]
  • Large sized (tall): Ifrit takes up a 10ft. square area and has a 10ft. reach., but he takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls and AC.
  • Fire Resist 5.
  • Takes 25% extra damage from cold sources
  • Uses your Charisma instead of Strength to determine his bonus to grappling.

Base Abilities

Fire Punch (Su): As an attack action, Ifrit can make a melee attack that deals 1d6 fire damage per character level + your Charisma modifier.

Revenge (Ex): Ifrit is constantly burning with rage. He has a pool of points called a "Revenge Pool" that starts at 0 points when he is summoned and increases each time he takes damage. Whenever he takes damage, he adds a number of revenge points to his revenge pool equal to half the damage he took. Whenever he heals HP, he loses a number of revenge points from his revenge pool equal to twice the HP healed.

Fiery Anger (Ex): As a swift action that costs half of Ifrit's revenge points (round up), he deals extra damage with his next attack equal to the number of revenge points spent. If the attack misses, his revenge points are still consumed.

Unlockable Abilities

Stoke the Fire (Ex), required level 2: As an immediate action after an attack hits, but before damage is rolled, Ifrit can choose to take an additional 1 damage per 2 character levels from the attack but gain revenge points equal to the full damage of the attack, not half (including the extra damage caused by this ability).

Fire Burst (Su), required level 3: As a standard action that costs 4 revenge points, Ifrit can pound the ground and send a wave of flame into each square he threatens. Each creature in the area must make a Reflex save or else be ignited and take 1d6 fire damage per 2 character levels at the start of each of their turns. The creature can attempt a new saving throw each round as a move action to stop this effect. A creature can only be ignited by one effect at the time (taking the highest damage effect).

Piercing Flames (Ex), required level 4: Any fire damage that Ifrit deals ignores the first 5 points of hardness or fire resistance.

Fire Ball (Su), required level 5: As a full round action that costs 6 revenge points, Ifrit can throw a fireball anywhere within medium range. It explodes in a 15ft. radius and deals 1d6 fire damage per character level.

Greater Fire Punch (Su), required level 6: Ifrit's fire punch can ignite a creature. The creature must make a Reflex save or else be ignited and take 1d6 fire damage per 2 character levels at the start of each of their turns. The creature can attempt a new saving throw each round as a move action to stop this effect. A creature can only be ignited by one effect at the time (taking the highest damage effect).

Reckless (Ex), required level 7: Ifrit gains a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against fear, charms, and compulsions.

Power Slam (Su), required level 8: As a full round action that costs 6 revenge points, Ifrit can make two Fire Punches.

Sculpt Flames (Su), required level 9: As a standard action that costs 5 revenge points, Ifrit can create shapes and walls made of fire. The Fire is fully shapeable, but cannot pass through more than 2 squares per character level. Any creature passing through a square with fire in it suffers 1d6 of fire damage per character level. A creature which is in a square that is being filled with fire is entitled to a Reflex Save to avoid the damage. These flames persist for 1 round, but each round Ifrit can spend a move action and 2 revenge points to keep the fires burning for another round.

Huge Sized (Ex), required level 10: When Ifrit is summoned, he can be summoned as a Huge sized creature (taking a 15ft. square area, having a 15ft. reach, and taking a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC).

Cauterize Wounds (Ex), required level 11: As a move action that consumes all of Ifrit's remaining revenge points, he can heal himself for a number of hitpoints equal to the number of revenge points spent. This ability is only usable once per summoning.

Improved Stoke the Fire (Ex), required level 12 and Stoke the Fire: Ifrit can optionally have Stoke the Fire apply to each attack against him until his next turn. He also gains 1.5x the damage dealt to him as revenge points.

Flaming Body (Ex), required level 13: As a move action that costs 8 revenge points, Ifrit can cover his entire body with intense fire, dealing 2d6 damage per character level to any creature he grapples. This ability lasts 1 round.

Greater Power Slam (Su), required level 14 and Power Slam: When Ifrit uses power slam, he can make 3 fire punches.

Greater Piercing Flames (Ex), required level 15 and Piercing Flames: Any fire damage that Ifrit deals can only be reduced by a maximum of 50% from fire resistance, fire immunity, or hardness.

Greater Flaming Body (Ex), required level 16 and Flaming Body: Ifrit can spend 8 revenge points as a free action at the start of his turn to extend the duration of flaming body by an extra round (causing fire damage again to creatures he grapples).

Bonds of Fire (Sp), required level 17: Ifrit can craft solid fire and entrap a victim in it by spending 10 revenge points. The bonds will immobilize a creature within close range if it fails a Reflex Save. They also entangle the creature unless it succeeds on its save by more than 5. A creature can attempt a new saving throw by taking a standard action to break the bonds. The victim suffers 20 points of fire damage per round they are immobilized, and the bonds of fire last until the victim escapes or Ifrit dismisses them.

Consumed by Flame (Su), required level 18: As a full round action that costs 15 revenge points, Ifrit can Swallow Whole an enemy of any size that he is grappling (the target actually enters extra dimensional space on the elemental plane of fire). The creature is entitled to a Reflex save to avoid being swallowed The creature takes 1d6 fire damage per character level each round and needs to deal 1/2 of Ifrit's hit points in damage to the walls of the extra dimensional space to be released. When the creature is released, Ifrit takes damage equal to 1/2 his maximum hit points. Ifrit can only swallow a single creature at a time.

Greater Stoke the Fire (Ex), required level 19 and Improved Stoke the Fire: Ifrit can activate improved stoke the fire on his turn as a free action. He gains 2x the amount of damage he takes as revenge points.

Hellfire (Su), required level 20: As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and costs 20 revenge points, Ifrit can lift a 15ft. cube of earth/rock that is adjacent to him, jump up, and then throw it at a 15ft. cubed area within close range. When Ifrit grabs the earth, he sends powerful fire magic through it, turning it into a red ball of fire. Any enemy hit by it takes 1d6 fire damage per character level and 1d6 bludgeoning damage per character level. Creatures that are in the path of it can make a Reflex save for half damage. Any creatures standing on the earth the he pulls up can make a Reflex save to avoid being launched with the earth (avoiding the damage completely). These creatures that are launched with the earth are placed in an unoccupied square on the ground in the area the fire/earth ball hits (of Ifrit's choice) and their movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.