Publication:Council of Wyrms

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Council of Wyrms is a Dungeons & Dragons boxed set that includes rules for playing dragon, half-dragon, and dragon servant characters. It includes three rule books. One for the base rules, one for dragon family and clan histories, and one for adventure modules.[1] In 1999 it was slightly revised and reprinted as a hardcover book.[2]

The setting of the campaign is a chain of islands called Io's Blood Island Chain. These islands represent all major climates. It is separated from the rest of its world by very large oceans.[1]

The dragons on the islands are described as having a loose democratic government with a caretaker. Each dragon clan with a wyrm level dragon gets a vote on issues before the Council of Wyrms. The caretaker only gets a vote on tie issues. Thus dragonkind cooperates and makes decisions on issues effecting dragon welfare.[1]

Humans are not native to the islands, and those humans who come to the islands are mostly adventurous dragon slayers.[1]

According to the draconic myth described in the setting, the islands were created by the dragon god Io. Seeing his children, the dragons, engulfed in dragon war, Io cried out: "If dragon blood must be spilled, then let it be mine!" He then slashed open his belly with his own claws and spilled his blood into the oceans. The divine blood solidified and became a chain of islands. These islands Io gave to the dragons, hoping that they would be able to live there in peace.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Slavicsek, Bill (1994). 'Council of Wyrms'. (TSR)
  2. Slavicsek, Bill (1999). 'Campaign Option: Council of Wyrms Setting'. (Wizards of the Coast)
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