3.5e OGL Druid Spells

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This page contains the OGL class spell list for the druid class. You may be looking for the SRD:Druid Spell List.

Druid Spells

0th-Level Druid Spells

1st-Level Druid Spells

2nd-Level Druid Spells

Decay: Corpses touch turn into dust, and can no longer become undead or otherwise be affected; undead corpses must make a Will save or die.

3rd-Level Druid Spells

Armor Piercing Fang: Armor ignoring fang makes one of the subject’s natural weapons armor piercing.

Gift of Life: Permanently transfers hit points to another creature, or another creature permanently transfers hit points to you.

4th-Level Druid Spells

Absorption: Causes any liquid carried by a creature to dry up — affects potable water and potions.

5th-Level Druid Spells

Greater Contagion: As contagion, but with multiple targets.

Skeletal Spurs: Target deals damage on successful grapple attacks.

6th-Level Druid Spells

Acorn Grove: Full grown trees sprout where you throw a handful of enchanted acorns.

Age Other: Ages a creature 1d10 years.

Armor Ignoring Fang: Armor ignoring fang makes one of the subject’s natural weapons armor ignoring.

Cone of Stupidity: Deals intelligence damage to affected creatures every round.

Corrupting Darkness: Summons mist that deals difficult-to-heal damage, constitution drain over time.

7th-Level Druid Spells

Plague Carrier: Subject contracts diseases, which strike immediately and can only be cured through magical means.

8th-Level Druid Spells

Continual Wounds: Stops target creature from recovering hit points, ability damage.

9th-Level Druid Spells

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