Beastblooded (3.5e Class)
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Play as a man-beast, essentially a lycan you can flavor easily.
In mythology and folklore, one of the recurring aspect is the otherwise decent man or woman turning into a vile beast. The beatsblooded was designed to provide an easy wayvto play such a concept. The beastblooded class can be flavored in many many way, it could represent a nature spirit possessing the character, a curse afflicting her or even maybe transformation as the result of occult experiment. The beastbloodeds' beast form is also highly variable, it is always horribly monstrous but not necessarily animal-like.
Ultimately the beastblooded, unless multiclassed, is most capable in combat. However it is designed to be not particularly ability dependent and thus can be customized to the player's liking using feats and multiclassing.
Making a Beastblooded
A beastblooded share many aspect between the Druid, they do however possess the spellcasting of the druid or the ease of the barbarian's rage. In essence they possess the ability to transform in a much stronger creature than what the druid is capable of, but much more limited.
Abilities: A beastblooded is much like a barbarian but to a greater extreme, unless they multiclass the only ability scores they truly need is their Constitution. They also gain benefits from having a high Dexterity for their AC and Reflex saving throws. A beastblooded will benefits for an extraordinarily high Strength and mental ability scores as well, especially Wisdom or Charisma for their sanity reserve and skill checks.
Races: Any races can be beastblooded, but orcs and human make most of them.
Alignment: Any, but beastblooded tend heavily toward chaotic and evil.
Starting Gold: As Fighter.
Starting Age: Simple.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Beastblooded.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The beastblooded is proficient with all simple, martial and one exotic weapon of her choice as well as light armor but not shield.
Sanity (Ex): A beastblooded really on her sanity to keep herself in control when undergoing a transformation, she possess 3 + 1/2 Class level + her Charisma or Wisdom bonus (whichever is higher) sanity points. A beastblooded recover all her sanity by meditating for 10 minutes, but no more than once per day and only in her normal form. Whenever the beastblooded would gain a point of madness she can instead lose a single point of sanity.
Partial Transformation (Su): A 1st level beastblooded is too weak to fully transform, instead she is capable of turning herself partially in the terrible hybrid beast-man hybrid. As a move action she can take on terrible bestial traits, her features become feral and she grows long claws and teeth. The beastblooded lose a single point of sanity when she transform and each minute she is transformed. She may transform back into her human form as a move action, if she was transformed for less than 1 minute she lose 1 sanity.
During her partial transformation the beastblooded gain the following traits:
- Her Strength become 18, or gain a +2 bonus. Whichever is higher.
- She gain 2 temporary hit points per class level, she may recover these hit point as a move action but immediately lose 1 sanity.
- Her land speed increase by 10 ft.
- She gain DR 3/Silver.
- She gain scent and low-light vision
- She gain a armor bonus of 2 + 1/2 class level.
- She gain two feral strike claws, these claws do not interfere with the beastblooded's ability to use weapon.
- The beastblooded become agitated and take all penalties as if she was raging. It count as rage for the purpose of prerequisites and effect which affect rage also affect this transformation.
- The beastblooded alignment shift one step toward chaotic.
If the beastblooded run out of sanity during partial transformation she become confused as per lesser confusion (bypassing immunities) for as long as she stay transformed and 1 minute thereafter, if she roll flee she must instead attack the nearest creature.
Feral Strike Claw
One-Handed Melee
Cost: | — gp |
Damage (Small): | 1d8 |
Damage (Medium)1: | 1d10 |
Critical: | 19–20/×2 |
Weight2: | — lbs |
Type3: | Slashing |
HP4: | 10 |
Hardness: | 5 |
1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.
Shapechanger (Ex): A 1st level beastblooded gain the shapechanger subtype.
Beastblood Abilities (Ex): At 2nd, 4th and each even level thereafter the beastblooded receive a single beastblood ability from the list below.
Armored Hide (Ex): The armor bonus granted by partial transformation increase by 2, the bonus granted by full transformation increase by 4.
Beast Roar (Su): As a standard action the beastblooded can replicate the effect of shout and fear, doing so make her lose 2 points of sanity. Beast Roar require a minimum of 8th class level.
Bloody Claws (Ex): The claw feral strike granted by partial and hybrid transformation now inflict 2 points of bleed and possess the tactical maneuver of a shred spear.
Breath Weapon (Ex): The beastblooded gain a breath weapon usable every 1d4 rounds, it deal 1d6 damage per class level level with a Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 HD + Constitution mod) halving the damage, it is either shaped as a 30 ft cone-shaped spread or a 60 ft line (chosen when the breath weapon is used). In partial transformation the damage increase by 1d8 per level and in full transformation to 1d10 It may deal acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic damage, chosen when this ability is gained, however if sonic is chosen it deal a base of 1d4 instead of d6 (d6 in partial and d8 in full). Using the breath weapon in partial or full transformation consume 1 point of sanity,
Bite of the Lycan (Ex): The beastblooded gain Improved Grab with her feral bite attack she gain while in hybrid form. Bite of the Lycan require a minimum of 3rd class level.
Devour (Ex): The fully transformed beastblooded gain the ability to eat the body of the recently slain for both nourishment and vigor, eating a medium sized body takes 1 minute, and it takes twice as long to eat something larger, and half as long for something smaller. After eating, the beastblooded regains hp equal to the HD of the consumed creature. While eating a body the beastblooded do not lose any sanity, she in fact regain 2 point of sanity upon finishing her meal, if such action can truly be considered sane.
Some creatures such as constructs, undead, and oozes, are likely inedible. Poisonous creatures must be eaten with care, for consuming such a creature will expose you to its poison unless the beastblooded succeeds on a DC 15 Heal or Craft Cooking check to ensure the food is safe to eat.
Keen Scent (Ex): The range of your scent double, it quadruple against creature that are bleeding (under half hit point or having any amount of bleed).
Maneuver-like Ability (Ex) or (Su): The beastblooded gain a maneuver-like ability of the wild moon discipline. She must meet the prerequisite for the maneuver (including initiator level, although she use her full character level as normal for maneuver-like abilities). She may take this ability multiple time, each time gaining a new maneuver-like ability.
Noxious Fluids (Ex): Pure beastblood is incredibly poisonous, so is the saliva of it bearer. While in partial or full transformation, making a natural attack or unarmed against the beastblooded carry a deadly poison (DC is Constitution-based) dealing 1 point of constitution damage as both primary and secondary effect. If the natural attack is a bite attack the DC of the noxious fluid increase by 2. In full transformation the poison is also carried by the beastblooded's feral bite attack.
Retributive Transformation (Ex): Upon being struck for at least 10 damage the beastblooded may assume partial transformation as an immediate action, or full transformation if she was already partially transformed.
Terrorizing Presence (Ex): When the beastblooded in full transformation charge or otherwise perform hostile action, all hostile creature within 60 ft. must make a Will save or become At Bay from the beastblooded. At the end of each of their turn, the affected creatures are allowed a new Will save to throw off the effect, alternatively it automatically end if the affected creature successfully damages the beastblooded. A creature who succeed it save is immune to Terrorizing Presence for 24 hours. Terrorizing Presence require a minimum class of 8th.
Two-Weapon Fighter: A 2nd level Beastblooded gain Ambidextrous and Scaling Two-Weapon Fighting as bonus feats, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Bonus Feat (Ex): Starting at 3rd level and each three level thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, etc), the beastblooded gain a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of from the following list: Bad Moon Rising, Instinctive Tactics, Lycan Heritage, Lycan Legacy, Lycan Power, Lycan Presence, Lycan Skin, Night Rage, Power Attack, Scaling Shapechanger Rejuvenation, Shapechanger's Resilience, Two-Weapon Rend and Two-Weapon Wall.
Damage reduction granted by the feats above stack together and the inherent damage reduction granted by this class.
Full Transformation (Su): A 3rd level beastblooded gain the ability to fully transform, as a full-round action (or as a standard action from partial transformation) she can take on the terrible form a manbeast. The beastblooded lose a points of sanity when she transform and at the beginning of each turn she is transformed. Upon transforming any clothes or armor the beastblooded was wearing are torn and left adjacent to her Broken. Turning back into a human from full transformation is a 1 round action.
During her full transformation the beastblooded gain the following traits:
- Her Strength become 22, or gain a +4 bonus. Whichever is higher.
- She gain Powerful Build.
- Her land speed increase by 30 ft. and she gain a climb speed equal to half her land speed.
- She is treated as a monster by most NPC, which typically has bad effect when interacting with them.
- She gain 5 temporary hit points per class level, she may recover these hit point as a move action but immediately lose 1 sanity.
- She gain DR 6/Silver.
- She gain scent and low-light vision
- She gain a armor bonus of 4 + 1/2 class level.
- She gain two feral strike claws (same as partial) and one feral bite, these claws do not interfere with the beastblooded's ability to use weapon.
- The beastblooded become agitated and take all penalties as if she was raging. It count as rage for the purpose of prerequisites and effect which affect rage also affect this transformation.
- The beastblooded alignment shift one step toward chaotic and evil.
If she run out of sanity during full transformation she become confused as per confusion (bypassing immunities) for as long as she stay transformed and 1 minute thereafter, if she roll flee she must instead attack the nearest creature. She must make a DC 20 will saving throw in order to turn back when she has no sanity left.
Feral Strike Bite
Light Melee
Cost: | — gp |
Damage (Small): | 1d6 |
Damage (Medium)1: | 1d8 |
Critical: | ×3 |
Weight2: | — lbs |
Type3: | Slashing and Piercing and Bludgeoning or Nonlethal |
HP4: | 10 |
Hardness: | 5 |
1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.
Whirlwind Attack: A 4th level beastblooded gain Whirlwind Attack as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Strength of the Beast: A 5th level beastblooded is growing stronger and stronger, even in her human form, she gain a +1 inherent bonus on her Strength score. This bonus apply any modification from transforming into her partial or full transformation. At 8th level and each 3 levels thereafter this bonus increase by a further 1, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level, exceeding the normal bonus limit of inherent ability score bonus.
Improved Meditation: The 7th level beastblooded can mediate any number of time per day, however each time after the first she recover 2 less sanity points (to a minimum of 0).
Alpha Man-Beast: At 11th level the beastblooded gain powerful build when in partial transformation and may grow one size category larger when in full transformation as if she had taken the Increase Size feat.
Beastblood Ascendant (Su): A 13th level beastblooded no longer lose Sanity when she uses her Partial Transformation. She still lose sanity from using her beastblooded abilities.
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a beastbloodedno longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the beastblooded still dies of old age when her time is up.
Two-Weapon Whirlwind : A 16th level Beastblooded gain Two-Weapon Whirlwind as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Abominable Form: A 19th level the beastblooded may grow one additional size category when in full transformation, as if she had taken the Increase Size feat.
Beastbhorne (Su): A 20th level beastblooded no longer lose Sanity when she uses her Full Transformation. She still lose sanity from using her beastblooded abilities.
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Leziadv [Expand] |
Article Balance | High + |
Author | Leziad + |
Base Attack Bonus Progression | Good + |
Class | Melee + |
Class Ability | Other + |
Class Ability Progression | Other + |
Cost | — gp + |
Critical | 19–20/×2 + and ×3 + |
Damage | 1d10 + and 1d8 + |
Damage Type | Slashing +, Piercing +, Bludgeoning + and Nonlethal + |
Fortitude Save Progression | Good + |
Hardness | 5 + |
Hit Points | 10 + |
Identifier | 3.5e Class + |
Length | 20 + |
Minimum Level | 1 + |
Proficiency | None + |
Range | — + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Reflex Save Progression | Good + |
Size | One-Handed + and Light + |
Skill | Balance +, Climb +, Control Shape +, Craft +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Speak Language +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim + and Tumble + |
Skill Points | 4 + |
Summary | Play as a man-beast, essentially a lycan you can flavor easily. + |
Title | Beastblooded + |
Weight | — + |
Will Save Progression | Poor + |