Canon:Wizards of the Coast

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Wizards of the Coast (often referred to as WotC or simply Wizards) is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes. Originally a basement-run role-playing game publisher, they popularized the collectible card game genre with Magic: The Gathering in the mid-1990s. Today they publish board games, collectible card games and role-playing games. Currently they are a subsidiary of Hasbro.


Wizards of the Coast was founded by Peter Adkison in 1990 just outside Seattle, Washington, and their headquarters is still in nearby Renton. Originally the company only published role-playing games such as the third edition of Talislanta.

At 1993 Gen Con the company presented Magic: The Gathering, the success of which was so big that its revenue helped to solve numerous other problems Wizards has been having at that time. In 1994, they expanded their role-playing game line by buying SLA Industries from Nightfall Games and Ars Magica from White Wolf, Inc. In 1995 they released Everway and then closed their roleplaying game product line with Peter Adkison explaining that they were doing a disservice to the games with lack of support and had lost money on all of their roleplaying game products. In 1997, Wizards of the Coast was granted US patent 5662332 on Collectible card games, followed by the purchase of TSR, Inc., the cash-strapped makers of Dungeons & Dragons.

Many of the creative and professional staff of TSR relocated from Wisconsin to the Renton area, and Wizards re-hired many game designers who had been laid off during the troubled last years of TSR. TSR was used as a brand name for a while, then retired. Wizards of the Coast allowed the TSR trademarks to expire. The game and toy giant Hasbro bought Wizards of the Coast in September 1999. Between 1997 and 1999, they spun off several well-loved but poorly-selling campaign settings (most notably Planescape, Dark Sun and Spelljammer) to fan groups, focusing their business primarily on the profitable Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms lines.

Right now Wizards of the Coast publish several rules supplements, campaign setting supplements and adventures every year, together with updating the old books with web enhancements, erratas, additional maps and customer support.

There is also a tendency to explore the best bits of the older D&D editions and to migrate them to 3.5.

Games and products

For the full list please consult Wikipedia.

Miniature Games

Role-playing games and supplements

Wizards of the Coast drafted the Open Game License used by Open Gaming Foundation and the d20 system.

Fantasy novel series

Wizards of the Coast also publishes many fantasy novel series based on its other game products. Some of these are now out-of-print.


Publisher Publication List
Publication System Month Published
Dungeon/Dungeon 150 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 200 JL
Tomb of Horrors Dungeons and Dragons 1e 1978
Quests from the Infinite Staircase Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Dungeons and Dragons 1e 15 July 2024, 1982
The Dawning of a New Age Novel September 1996
Dungeon/Dungeon 063 Dungeons and Dragons 2e February 1997
The Day of the Tempest Novel August 1997
Dungeon/Dungeon 064 Dungeons and Dragons 2e October 1997
Dungeon/Dungeon 065 Dungeons and Dragons 2e December 1997
The Eve of the Maelstrom Novel February 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 066 Dungeons and Dragons 2e February 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 067 Dungeons and Dragons 2e April 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 068 Dungeons and Dragons 2e June 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 069 Dungeons and Dragons 2e July 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 070 Dungeons and Dragons 2e October 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 071 Dungeons and Dragons 2e December 1998
Dungeon/Dungeon 072 Dungeons and Dragons 2e January 1999
The Puppet King Novel February 1999
Dungeon/Dungeon 073 Dungeons and Dragons 2e April 1999
Dungeon/Dungeon 075 Dungeons and Dragons 2e July 1999
The Forge of Fury Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Wheels Within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Ettin's Riddle, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Base of Operations, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Vessel of Stars Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Alchemist's Eyrie, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
SRD v3.5 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2000
The Sunless Citadel Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Burning Plague, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Dalamar the Dark Novel January 2000
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2000
Dragon/Dragon 268 Dungeons and Dragons 2e February 2000
Dragons of a Fallen Sun Novel March 2000
Dungeon/Dungeon 079 Dungeons and Dragons 2e March 2000
Dragon/Dragon 270 Dungeons and Dragons 2e April 2000
Dungeon/Dungeon 080 Dungeons and Dragons 2e June 2000
Dragon/Dragon 272 Dungeons and Dragons 2e June 2000
Downfall Novel June 2000
Dragon/Dragon 274 Dungeons and Dragons 3e August 2000
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 3e October 2000
Dragon/Dragon 276 Dungeons and Dragons 3e October 2000
Draconian Measures Novel November 2000
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Dungeons and Dragons 3e November 2000
Dragon/Dragon 278 Dungeons and Dragons 3e December 2000
The Fright at Tristor Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Sea Witch, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Oriental Adventures Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Heart of Nightfang Spire Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Sword and Fist Dungeons and Dragons 3e January 2001
Somethings Cooking Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Harvest of Evil, A Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Black Rain Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Secret of the Windswept Wall Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
The Speaker in Dreams Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
A Tale Manifesting Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Frigid Demise, A Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Dungeon/Dungeon 84 Dungeons and Dragons 3e January 2001
Dragons of a Vanished Moon Novel January 2001
The Standing Stone Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Ministry of Winds Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Monsters of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Deep Horizon Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Desert Sands Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Ghosts of Aniel Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
House of Harpies Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Tower of Deception Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Eye for an Eye, An Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Fang, Break, and Claw Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
One Last Riddle Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2001
Dragon/Dragon 280 Dungeons and Dragons 3e February 2001
Dragons of a Lost Star Novel April 2001
Dragon/Dragon 282 Dungeons and Dragons 3e April 2001
The Inheritance Novel May 2001
Dragon/Dragon 284 Dungeons and Dragons 3e June 2001
Betrayal Novel June 2001
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3e June 2001
Dungeon/Dungeon 087 Dungeons and Dragons 3e July 2001
Dragon/Dragon 286 Dungeons and Dragons 3e August 2001
Magic of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e August 2001
Manual of the Planes Dungeons and Dragons 3e September 2001
Dungeon/Dungeon 088 Dungeons and Dragons 3e October 2001
Dragon/Dragon 288 Dungeons and Dragons 3e October 2001
Dungeon/Dungeon 089 Dungeons and Dragons 3e December 2001
Dragon/Dragon 290 Dungeons and Dragons 3e December 2001
Haunting Lodge Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Bastion of Broken Souls Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Ill Wind in Friezford Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2002
Stronghold Builder's Guidebook Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Start at the End Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Treasure of the Black Veils, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Dungeon/Dungeon 090 Dungeons and Dragons 3e January 2002
Lord of the Iron Fortress Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Icy Heart, An Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Tigers Palace Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Thicker Than Water Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Crumbling Hall of the Frost Giant Jarl, The Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
A Question of Ethics Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Test of the Demonweb Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2002
Dragon/Dragon 292 Dungeons and Dragons 3e February 2002
Masters of the Wild Dungeons and Dragons 3e February 2002
Dragon/Dragon 294 Dungeons and Dragons 3e April 2002
Faiths and Pantheons Dungeons and Dragons 3e May 2002
Dragon/Dragon 296 Dungeons and Dragons 3e June 2002
Silver Marches Dungeons and Dragons 3e July 2002
Redemption Novel July 2002
Dragon/Dragon 298 Dungeons and Dragons 3e August 2002
Monster Manual II Dungeons and Dragons 3e September 2002
Book of Vile Darkness Dungeons and Dragons 3e October 2002
Dragonlance Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Shoals of Intrigue Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Eye of the Sun, The Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Sheep's Clothing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Draconomicon Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
The Temple of Redcliff Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Hasken's Manor Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Ghostwalk Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2003
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Environmental Impact Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Stone Dead Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Into the Frozen Waste Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2003
Fallen Angel Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2003
Matters of Vengeance Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Road to Oblivion Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Bad Moon Waning Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2003
Savage Species Dungeons and Dragons 3e February 2003
Arms and Equipment Guide Dungeons and Dragons 3e March 2003
Races of Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3e March 2003
Fiend Folio Dungeons and Dragons 3e April 2003
Unapproachable East Dungeons and Dragons 3e May 2003
Night of Blood Novel June 2003
Underdark Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2003
Book of Exalted Deeds Dungeons and Dragons 3.0e October 2003
Miniatures Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2003
Complete Warrior Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2003
War of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
March of the Sane Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
The Thunder Below Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Shrine of the Feathered Serpent Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Frozen Whispers Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2004
Lochfell's Secret Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Shadows of the Last War Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Wreck Ashore Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Bad Light Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Tarus's Banquet! Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Force of Nature Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Whispers of the Vampire's Blade Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Serpent Kingdoms Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Dry Spell Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Primrose Path Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Cave of the Spiders Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Lest Darkness Rise Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2004
Amber and Ashes Novel 31 January 2004
Unearthed Arcana Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2004
Player's Guide to Faerûn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e March 2004
Expanded Psionics Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e April 2004
Complete Divine Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e May 2004
Eberron Campaign Setting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2004
Planar Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e July 2004
Races of Stone Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e August 2004
Monster Manual III Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e September 2004
Frostburn Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e September 2004
The Lake of Death Novel October 2004
Aberrations Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2004
Libris Mortis Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2004
Shining South Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2004
Sharn: City of Towers Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2004
Complete Arcane Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2004
Races of Destiny Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e December 2004
Champions of Ruin Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Hellspike Prison Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Magic of Eberron Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Complete Adventurer Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e January 2005
To Quell the Rising Storm Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Dark and Stormy Night, A Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Grasp of the Emerald Claw Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Tower in the Ice Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Stormwrack Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Fait Accompli Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2005
Lord of the Rose Novel 2005
Races of the Wild Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2005
Sandstorm Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e March 2005
Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e March 2005
Races of Eberron Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e April 2005
Heroes of Battle Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e May 2005
Lords of Madness Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e May 2005
Dungeon Master's Guide II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2005
City of Splendors: Waterdeep Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e July 2005
Magic of Incarnum Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e September 2005
Heroes of Horror Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2005
Underdark Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2005
Spell Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e December 2005
Amber and Iron Novel 2006
Monster Manual IV Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
The Frostfell Rift Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Dragontown Grotto Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Fane of the Drow Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Legend of the Silver Skeleton Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Fiendish Codex II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Red Hand of Doom Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Empire of Blood Novel 2006
Voyage of the Golden Dragon Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Races of the Dragon Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e January 2006
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Fields of Ruin Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Secrets of Xen'drik Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2006
Complete Mage Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2006
Tome of Magic Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e March 2006
Trail of the Black Wyrm Novel April 2006
Complete Psionic Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e April 2006
Player's Handbook II Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e May 2006
Fiendish Codex I Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2006
Tome of Battle Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e August 2006
Dragon Magic Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 12 September 2006
Dragonmarked Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2006
Cityscape Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2006
Eyes of the Lich Queen Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
The Sinister Spire Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Barrow of the Forgotten King Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Complete Scoundrel Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e January 2007
Fortress of the Yuan-Ti Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Fantastic Locations: City of Peril Dungeons and Dragons 3e 2007
Wizards Presents: Classes and Races Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2007
Return to the Temple of the Frog Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Scourge of the Howling Horde Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e 2007
Dungeonscape Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2007
Magic Item Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e March 2007
City of Peril Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e April 2007
Dragons of the Dwarven Depths Novel 8 May 2007
Complete Champion Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2007
Monster Manual V Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e July 2007
Dragons of the Highlord Skies Novel 10 July 2007
A Practical Guide to Monsters None August 2007
The Grand History of the Realms Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e September 2007
Dragon/Dragon 360 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2007
Desert of Desolation Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e November 2007
Elder Evils Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e December 2007
Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
King of the Trollhaunt Warrens Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Pyramid of Shadows Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Demon Queen's Enclave Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Amber and Blood Novel 2008
Thunderspire Labyrinth Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2008
Dragon/Dragon 362 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2008
Dragon/Dragon 364 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2008
Dragon/Dragon 366 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e August 2008
Adventurer's Vault Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2008
Dragon/Dragon 368 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2008
Dungeon/Dungeon 159 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2008
Demonweb Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2008
Manual of the Planes Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2008
Dragon/Dragon 370 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e December 2008
Dungeon/Dungeon 161 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2008
Prince of Undeath Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Dungeon/Dungeon 162 Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Dungeon Delve Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Revenge of the Giants Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Death's Reach Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Kingdom of the Ghouls Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Seekers of the Ashen Crown Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2009
Dragons of the Hourglass Mage Novel 2009
Dragon/Dragon 372 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2009
Dungeon/Dungeon 163 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2009
Player's Handbook 2 Dungeons and Dragons 4e March 2009
Dragon/Dragon 374 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e April 2009
Monster Manual 2 Dungeons and Dragons 4e May 2009
Dangerous Delves Dungeons and Dragons 4e May 2009
Dragon/Dragon 376 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e June 2009
Eberron Player's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e 16 June 2009
Eberron Campaign Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e 21 July 2009
Dragon/Dragon 378 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e August 2009
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2009
Dungeon/Dungeon 170 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2009
Dungeon/Dungeon 171 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2009
Dragon/Dragon 380 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e October 2009
Dungeon/Dungeon 172 Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2009
The Plane Below: Secrets of the Elemental Chaos Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2009
Dragon/Dragon 382 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e December 2009
Orcs of Stonefang Pass Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2010
Tomb of Horrors Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2010
Marauders of the Dune Sea Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 174 Dungeons and Dragons 4e January 2010
The Slaying Stone Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 175 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2010
Dragon/Dragon 384 Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e February 2010
Player's Handbook 3 Dungeons and Dragons 4e March 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 176 Dungeons and Dragons 4e March 2010
Dragon/Dragon 386 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 177 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2010
The Plane Above Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 178 Dungeons and Dragons 4e May 2010
Player's Strategy Guide Dungeons and Dragons 4e May 2010
Dragon/Dragon 388 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 179 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2010
Monster Manual 3 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 180 Dungeons and Dragons 4e July 2010
Psionic Power Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2010
Dragon/Dragon 390 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 181 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 182 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 183 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2010
Dragon/Dragon 392 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 184 Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 185 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2010
Dragon/Dragon 394 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2010
Dungeon/Dungeon 186 Dungeons and Dragons 4e January 2011
Dragon/Dragon 395 Dungeons and Dragons 4e January 2011
Madness at Gardmore Abbey Dungeons and Dragons 4e 2011
Dragon/Dragon 396 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 187 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 188 Dungeons and Dragons 4e March 2011
Dragon/Dragon 398 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 189 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 190 Dungeons and Dragons 4e May 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 191 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2011
Dragon/Dragon 400 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 192 Dungeons and Dragons 4e July 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 193 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2011
Dragon/Dragon 402 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 194 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 195 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2011
Dragon/Dragon 404 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 196 Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2011
Dragon/Dragon 406 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 197 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2011
Dungeon/Dungeon 198 Dungeons and Dragons 4e January 2012
Dragon/Dragon 408 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 199 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 200 Dungeons and Dragons 4e March 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 201 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2012
Dragon/Dragon 410 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2012
Dragon/Dragon 412 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 204 Dungeons and Dragons 4e July 2012
Dragon/Dragon 414 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2012
Dragon/Dragon 418 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 206 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 207 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2012
Dragon/Dragon 416 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 208 Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2012
Dungeon/Dungeon 210 Dungeons and Dragons 4e January 2013
DnD Next Playtest Packet 20130128 Dungeons and Dragons Next 28 January 2013
Dragon/Dragon 420 Dungeons and Dragons 4e February 2013
Dragon/Dragon 422 Dungeons and Dragons 4e April 2013
Dragon/Dragon 424 Dungeons and Dragons 4e June 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 216 Dungeons and Dragons 4e July 2013
Dragon/Dragon 426 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 217 Dungeons and Dragons 4e August 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 218 Dungeons and Dragons 4e September 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 219 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2013
Dragon/Dragon 428 Dungeons and Dragons 4e October 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 220 Dungeons and Dragons 4e November 2013
Dungeon/Dungeon 221 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2013
Dragon/Dragon 430 Dungeons and Dragons 4e December 2013
Hoard of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2014
Lost Mine of Phandelver Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2014
Dead in Thay Dungeons and Dragons Next 2014
Player's Handbook Dungeons and Dragons 5e 19 August 2014
Monster Manual Dungeons and Dragons 5e September 2014
The Rise of Tiamat Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2014
Dungeon Master's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e December 2014
Out of the Abyss Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2015
Princes of the Apocalypse Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2015
UA Classics Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e 4 January 2015
Player's Companion Elemental Evil Dungeons and Dragons 5e 16 April 2015
SRD-OGL v5.1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 May 2015
UA Variant Rules Dungeons and Dragons 5e 8 June 2015
Dungeon Master's Basic Rules v3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 10 June 2015
UA Eberron v1.1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 10 June 2015
UA Psionics Dungeons and Dragons 5e 9 July 2015
Player's Basic Rules v.3.4 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 11 July 2015
UA Modern Magic Dungeons and Dragons 5e 5 August 2015
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2015
UA Waterborne v3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 8 November 2015
UA Ranger Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e 9 November 2015
UA Rune Magic Prestige Class Dungeons and Dragons 5e 9 November 2015
UA That Old Black Magic Dungeons and Dragons 5e 7 December 2015
Storm King's Thunder Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2016
Curse of Strahd Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2016
UA Psionics and Mystic v2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 4 February 2016
UA Feats v1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 June 2016
UA Quick PCs SFG Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 August 2016
UA Underdark Characters Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 August 2016
UA Battlesystem Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 August 2016
UA Gothic Characters Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 August 2016
UA Non-Divine Faithful SFG Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 August 2016
UA Revised Ranger Dungeons and Dragons 5e 12 September 2016
UA Encounter Building Dungeons and Dragons 5e 10 October 2016
Volo's Guide to Monsters Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2016
UA Barbarian Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 November 2016
UA Bard Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 November 2016
UA Cleric Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 November 2016
UA Druid Dungeons and Dragons 5e 28 November 2016
UA Fighter Dungeons and Dragons 5e 5 December 2016
UA Monk Dungeons and Dragons 5e 12 December 2016
UA Paladin Dungeons and Dragons 5e 19 December 2016
One Grung Above Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2017
Tomb of Annihilation Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2017
Tales from the Yawning Portal Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2017
UA Sorcerer Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 February 2017
UA Wizard Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e 20 March 2017
UA Starter Spells Dungeons and Dragons 5e 3 April 2017
UA A Trio of Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e 19 April 2017
UA Feats for Races Dungeons and Dragons 5e 24 April 2017
UA Revised Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e 1 May 2017
UA Greyhawk Initiative Dungeons and Dragons 5e 10 July 2017
UA Three-Pillar Experience Dungeons and Dragons 5e 7 August 2017
UA Eladrin and Gith Dungeons and Dragons 5e 11 September 2017
UA Fiendish Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e 9 October 2017
Xanathar's Guide to Everything Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2017
Tortle Package Dungeons and Dragons 5e 3 November 2017
Errata Monster Manual 2.0 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2018
Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2018
Dragon Heist Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2018
UA Three Subclasses Dungeons and Dragons 5e 8 January 2018
UA Into the Wild Dungeons and Dragons 5e 12 February 2018
UA Order Domain Dungeons and Dragons 5e 9 April 2018
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Dungeons and Dragons 5e 7 May 2018
UA Centaur Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 May 2018
UA Giant Soul Dungeons and Dragons 5e 11 June 2018
Waterdeep Dragon Heist Dungeons and Dragons 5e 18 September 2018
Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2018
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica Dungeons and Dragons 5e 20 November 2018
Locathah Rising Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2019
Dragon of Icespire Peak Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2019
Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2019
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2019
Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2019
UA Artificer 2019 Dungeons & Dragons 5e 28 February 2019
UA Artificer2 2019 Dungeons & Dragons 5e 4 May 2019
UA Barbarian and Monk Dungeons and Dragons 5e 15 August 2019
Baldur’s Gate Descent into Avernus Dungeons and Dragons 5e September 2019
UA Sorcerer and Warlock Dungeons and Dragons 5e 5 September 2019
UA Bard and Paladin Dungeons and Dragons 5e 18 September 2019
Tyranny of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 5e October 2019
UA Cleric, Druid, and Wizard Dungeons & Dragons 5e 3 October 2019
UA Fighter, Ranger, Rogue Dungeons and Dragons 5e 17 October 2019
UA Class Feature Variants Dungeons & Dragons 5e 4 November 2019
Eberron Rising from the Last War Dungeons and Dragons 5e 19 November 2019
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron Dungeons and Dragons 5e 19 November 2019
UA Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard Dungeons and Dragons 5e 25 November 2019
UA Psychic Soul Psionics Dungeons & Dragons 5e 26 November 2019
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 1 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 January 2020
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 February 2020
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 3 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 24 February 2020
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount Dungeons and Dragons 5e 17 March 2020
UA 2020 Spells and Magic Tattoos Dungeons and Dragons 5e 26 March 2020
Errata Player's Handbook v2.0.2 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 April 2020
UA 2020 Psionic Options Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 April 2020
UA 2020 Subclasses Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e 12 May 2020
UA 2020 Feats Dungeons and Dragons 5e 13 July 2020
Mythic Odysseys of Theros Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 July 2020
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 4 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 5 August 2020
Errata Spelljammer Adventures in Space Dungeons and Dragons 5e 3 September 2020
Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden Dungeons and Dragons 5e 15 September 2020
UA 2020 Subclasses Part 5 Dungeons and Dragons 5e 26 October 2020
Errata Volo's Guide to Monsters Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2020
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything Dungeons and Dragons 5e 17 November 2020
UA 2021 Gothic Lineages Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 January 2021
UA 2021 Folk of the Feywild Dungeons and Dragons 5e 11 March 2021
UA 2021 Draconic Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e 14 April 2021
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft Dungeons and Dragons 5e 18 May 2021
UA 2021 Mages of Strixhaven Dungeons and Dragons 5e 8 June 2021
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 September 2021
Domains of Delight Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 September 2021
Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy Dungeons and Dragons 5e 5 October 2021
UA 2021 Travelers of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e 8 October 2021
UA2024 Artificer Dungeons and Dragons 5e 2024 8 October 2021
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons Dungeons and Dragons 5e 26 October 2021
Strixhaven Dungeons and Dragons 5e November 2021
UA 2022 Heroes of Krynn Dungeons and Dragons 5e 3 March 2022
Monstrous Compendium Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 April 2022
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 1 Spelljammer Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e 21 April 2022
UA 2022 Heroes of Krynn Revisited Dungeons and Dragons 5e 25 April 2022
Monsters of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e 17 May 2022
UA 2022 Giant Options Dungeons and Dragons 5e 23 May 2022
Journeys through the Radiant Citadel Dungeons and Dragons 5e June 2022
UA 2022 Wonders of the Multiverse Dungeons and Dragons 5e 18 July 2022
Light of Xaryxis Dungeons and Dragons 5e 16 August 2022
Astral Adventurer's Guide Dungeons and Dragons 5e 16 August 2022
Boo's Astral Menagerie Dungeons and Dragons 5e 16 August 2022
Spelljammer Adventures in Space Dungeons and Dragons 5e 16 August 2022
UA 2022 Character Origins Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 18 August 2022
UA 2022 Expert Classes Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 29 September 2022
UA 2022 Cleric and Revised Species Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 1 December 2022
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 2 Dragonlance Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e December 2022
Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen Dungeons and Dragons 5e 6 December 2022
UA 2023 Druid and Paladin Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 24 February 2023
Monstrous Compendium/Vol 3 Minecraft Creatures Dungeons and Dragons 5e April 2023
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 5 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 26 April 2023
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D 29 June 2023
UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 7 Dungeons and Dragons One D&D September 2023

... further results

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