Guild (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Guild is a Group Patron in 5th edition, described in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

Unofficial Summary: Collection of craftsmen, artisans, merchants, masons, etc.

Types of Guild

Guild Type
d6 Guild Types
1 Crafters' Guild
2 Merchant Consortium
3 Miracle Makers' Association
4 Moneychangers
5 Philosophical Faction
6 Identity Traders

Guild Perks

With a guild as your group's patron, you gain the following perks.


Guild Contact

Guild Contact
d6 Contact
1 The Perfectionist.
2 Attentive Overseer.
3 Hidden Benefactor.
4 Discerning Mentor.
5 Golem Guide.
6 Fallen Muse.

Guild Representative

Guild Representative Roles
Role Backgrounds
Researcher Acolyte, Entertainer, Guild Artisan, Sage
Negotiator Charlatan, Entertainer, Guild Artisan, Noble, Sailor
Saboteur Charlatan, Criminal, Guild Artisan, Soldier, Urchin
Guard Criminal, Folk Hero, Outlander, Sailor, Soldier
Explorer Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Outlander, Sailor
Expert Any

Guild Quests

Guild Quests
d6 Quest
1 Deliver Goods.
2 Acquire Materials.
3 Eliminate a Rival.
4 The Masterpiece.
5 The Collector.
6 The Bill Comes Due.

Sources and Notes

Back to Main Page5x5eGroup Patron

Facts about "Guild (5e)"
Agent NameRepresentative +
AgentsResearcher, Negotiator, Saboteur, Guard, Explorer, Expert +
AuthorTasha's Cauldron of Everything +
Canontrue +
ContactThe Perfectionist, Attentive Overseer, Hidden Benefactor, Discerning Mentor, Golem Guide, Fallen Muse +
PerksAccommidations, Equipment, Resources, Training +
PublicationTasha's Cauldron of Everything +
QuestsDeliver Goods, Acquire Materials, Eliminate a Rival, The Masterpiece, The Collector, The Bill Comes Due +
SummaryCollection of craftsmen, artisans, merchants, masons, etc. +
TypesCrafters' Guild, Merchant Consortium, Miracle Makers' Association, Moneychangers, Philosophical Faction, Identity Traders +