Meteor (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Sulacu (talk)
Date Created: April 5, 2015
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This is the shape of your doom.

Evocation [Force]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Indeterminate and Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level); see text
Effect: Gravity lance that pulls a meteor from space
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None, Fortitude negates or halves and Reflex half; see text
Spell Resistance: No

To cast this spell, you need to be under the open air. Stretching out your arm, you focus a massive lance-like burst of gravitation into outer space. Any cloud cover overhead is immediately blown away, creating a circle of clear sky. The gravity lance finally terminates beyond the planet's atmosphere, where it attracts and pulls down a meteor with a diameter of roughly 50 feet. Once you finish casting the spell, a noticeable tremor can be felt out to a 1-mile radius centered on the chosen point of impact, as an omen of what's to come. The tremor forces everyone in the area that touches the ground to make a DC 15 Reflex save or Balance check or fall prone. Creatures larger than Medium get a +4 competence bonus for each size category above Medium they possess against any of the above saves or checks.

Over the course of the following 5 rounds, the meteor descends to a designated point of impact within Long range (400 ft. + 40 ft./caster level), where at the end of the 5th round it smashes into the ground, creating a massive wave of fiery destruction that leaves almost nothing behind. Once the meteor starts its descent, it is an extraordinary effect, as the spell merely pulled it down to earth.

Meteor Effects
Distance from Ground Zero1 Effect
0-30 ft Subject gets hit directly with 10,000 metric tons of rock moving at an inordinate speed and dies. Any creature with a divine rank, or that is somehow big and/or strong enough to lift 10,000 metric tons as a light load can defend itself sufficiently to avoid outright destruction, but still takes 10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, no save. All structures, objects and creatures up to 30 feet below ground are totally obliterated, though creatures may make a Fortitude save to instead take damage as mentioned prior. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
30-60 ft Subject takes 10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Fortitude save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 20 feet below ground take half damage, and creatures may save to halve it a second time. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
60-120 ft Subject takes 1d10 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Fortitude save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 10 feet below ground take half damage, and may save to halve it a second time. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
120-240 ft Subject takes 1d6 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per caster level, with a Fortitude save for half. All structures, objects and creatures up to 5 feet below ground take half damage, and may save to halve it a second time. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
240-480 ft Subject takes 1d6 points of simultaneous fire and bludgeoning damage per 2 caster levels, with a Fortitude save for half. Immunity, resistance, or damage reduction does not protect you unless you are immune and resistant to both forms of damage.
  1. Any effect that creates an otherwise invincible barrier, like wall of force, is destroyed on contact with the meteor's detonation and lessens the effects suffered by any creatures it protects by one stage, as described above. Furthermore, any barrier sufficient to create total cover from the blast likewise lessens the effects by one stage, provided the barrier is strong enough to withstand more than half of the damage. Any barrier strong enough to take all the damage grants total cover from the blast to any creature adjacent to it (on the side facing away from ground zero).

A meteor called down to the ground scatters meteoric iron ore around the blast site. Enough ore to fashion up to 2d6×25 pounds of quality metal can be collected from the surface of the blast site, and forged into ingots or ready-made meteoric iron over the course of 1 day per 10 pounds.

Material Component: A rod fashioned from starmetal or gravsteel worth 10,000 gp. After it is used to create the gravity lance, it becomes inert.

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Facts about "Meteor (3.5e Spell)"
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorSulacu +
ComponentV +, S + and F +
DescriptorForce +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 9 +
RangeOther +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolEvocation +
SummaryUses gravity magic to call a vast meteor down from space. It takes a while to descend, however. +
TitleMeteor +