Performer's Outfit (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 16 April, 2015
Status: done
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Performer's Outfit

An entertainer's garb may be fine for taverns and street performances, but no one wants to play before the royal court wearing a gaudy robe festooned with bells and other foolery. Only the finest fabrics available are used to make the outfit, which is always hand-tailored to flatter the owner. While the outfit's design may include more theatric elements such as bright colors, a short cape, or more ruffles than would otherwise be currently fashionable, the overall ensemble allows one a measure of professional respectability while still attracting attention when it counts. Jewelry can be worn with the outfit or added to the fabric's design (an additional 50 gp). Costume jewelry can be substituted for real jewels for only 3 gp, but a DC 8 Appraise check reveals the gems to be obvious fakes.

The performer's outfit bestows a +1 to perform checks and diplomacy checks when interacting with those of wealth or nobility. The outfit also counts as a courtier's outfit for the purposes of interacting with such individuals.

Price 75 gp, 3-6 lbs

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewEquipmentOutfits

AuthorSpanambula +
Cost75 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryMore respectable than the Entertainer's Garb, but still attention-getting. +
TitlePerformer's Outfit +