Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Skilled Character Background

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Skilled Background

This background is similar to the academic magic background, except that it represents learning and instruction in subjects not related to magic. Nevertheless, a spellcaster may well select this background if he is interested in studying other topics.

Recognition for skilled background activities is similar to recognition in an academic magic background: degrees and memberships in honorary societies. (Athletes get trophies, functionally similar to military decorations, instead.)

Each activity in this background is associated with a particular skill-the one mentioned first in the entry's Skills column. A character's ranks in that skill provide a bonus on recognition checks.

Skilled Background Activities
d% Activity Class Feats Skills Gear Contacts Rep Recognition
01-16 Religious scholar Cleric Scribe Scroll, Diligent Decipher Script, Know (religion), Spellcraft Robe or cloak Information +0 Degree or society, DC 26
17-32 Music theorist Bard Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Perform) Perform (any), Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Decipher Script, Speak Language Instrument Information Degree or society, DC 28
33-44 Barrister Rogue Persuasive, Negotiator Intimidate, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Bluff, Know (nobility and royalty) Wondrous item that protects against spells Information +0 Degree or society, DC 26
45-60 Scribe Wizard Any metamagic Decipher Script, Speak Language, Know (arcana) Extra spells in spellbook Information +0 Degree or society, DC 28
61-74 Naturalist Druid Track, Natural Spell Know (nature), Prof (herbalist), Handle Animal, Spellcraft, Concentration Scrolls, wand, or staff Information +0 Degree or society, DC 28
75-90 Scientist Wizard Any item creation Know (architecture and engineering), Craft (any), Spellcraft Wondrous item that moves by itself Information +0 Degree or society, DC 26
91-100 Athlete Monk or ranger Athletic, Dodge Balance, Climb, Jump, Tumble, Swim Item that boosts physical stats Information +1 Degree or society, DC 26

Know = Knowledge; Prof = Profession.

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