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Skills Overview
Skill Synergy
It’s possible for a character to have two skills that work well together. In general, having 5 or more ranks in one skill gives the character a +2 bonus on skill checks with each of its synergistic skills, as noted in the skill description. In some cases, this bonus applies only to specific uses of the skill in question, and not to all checks. Some skills provide benefits on other checks made by a character, such as those checks required to use certain class features.
5 or more ranks in ... | gives a +2 bonus on ... |
Autohypnosis | Knowledge (psionics) checks |
Bluff | Diplomacy checks |
Bluff | Disguise checks to act in character |
Bluff | Intimidate checks |
Bluff | Sleight of Hand checks |
Concentration | Autohypnosis checks |
Craft | related Appraise checks |
Decipher Script | Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls |
Escape Artist | Use Rope checks involving bindings |
Handle Animal | Ride checks |
Handle Animal | wild empathy checks |
Jump | Tumble checks |
Knowledge (arcana) | Spellcraft checks |
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) |
Search checks involving secret doors and similar compartments |
Knowledge (dungeoneering) | Survival checks when underground |
Knowledge (geography) | Survival checks to keep from getting lost or for avoiding hazards |
Knowledge (history) | bardic knowledge checks |
Knowledge (local) | Gather Information checks |
Knowledge (nature) | Survival checks in above-ground natural environments |
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) |
Diplomacy checks |
Knowledge (psionics) | Psicraft checks |
Knowledge (religion) | checks to turn or rebuke undead |
Knowledge (the planes) | Survival checks when on other planes |
Psicraft | Use Psionic Device checks involving power stones |
Search | Survival checks when following tracks |
Sense Motive | Diplomacy checks |
Spellcraft | Use Magic Device involving scrolls |
Survival | Knowledge (nature) checks |
Tumble | Balance checks |
Tumble | Jump checks |
Use Magic Device | Spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls |
Use Psionic Device | Psicraft checks to address power stones |
Use Rope | Climb checks involving ropes |
Use Rope | Escape Artist checks involving ropes |
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