Sha'ir, Variant (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd January 2024
Status: Complete
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This archetype is a complete rework of the pathfinder sha’ir archetype for the occultist. This is not official material.


A sha’ir is a binder of genies, starting with rather humble elemental spirits called jin. As she grows in power, so do her magical abilities. Unlike an occultist, the sha’ir relies on her personal charisma to negotiate for her powers, or force it out of her bound jin.As a result they are extremely capable

Class: Occultist

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Spellcasting (Altered), Implement (Altered)

Benefit: A sha’ir gains the following class features.

Power Unbound: A sha'ir's power is not determined by carefully studying occult energy and extracting from objects, but by harnessing the power of bound jin, either forcefully or by negotiating with them. A sha'ir bases off all of her occultist class features, including those from archetype, off her Charisma rather than her Intelligence. This includes her spellcasting and the DCs of her implement, etc.

Spellcasting: A sha’ir is an arcane spellcaster instead of a psychic spellcaster, her spellcasting is otherwise unchanged. A sha’ir can cast spells while wearing light armor without incurring arcane spell failure.

This ability alters spellcasting.

Cantrips: Each time he selects an implement school, a sha’ir gains one cantrip, or 0-level arcane spell (including when he selects a school that he has already learned to use). These cantrips otherwise behave as an occultist’s knacks.

Binding Implement: A sha'ir is capable of binding jin to various binding tools, and using them to. She must select conjuration as her first and only implement at 1st level, she then gains an additional implement school of her choice at 2nd, 6th and 14th level. The occultist implement takes the form of jin binding tools, such as rings, lamps, and trinkets instead of normal items of their kind. The bound jin obeys only the sha'ir and thus passing her implement has no uses for allies.

This ability alters implements.

Mental Focus: The sha’ir’s available mental focus is equal to her occultist level + her Intelligence modifier + her Charisma modifier.

This ability alters mental focus and replaces the occultist's proficiency with medium armor,

Jin Binding: Whenever a sha'ir regains her spells for the day she must bind jin to each of her implements. A jin is associated with one of the air, earth, fire, or water schools (Advanced Player’s Guide 142). When binding a jin to an implement, the sha'ir chooses a single spell associated with the implement school and one spell associated with the jin school for each level of spell she can cast. She adds those spells to her spell known until she next decides to change them.

This ability replaces the sha'ir normal spell known.

Elemental Servitor (Su): A sha'ir is a powerful summoner of elemental and binder of genies. As a standard action, she can expend 1 point of mental focus to summon an elemental servitor.This ability functions as summon monster I, but you can use it only to summon creatures with the elemental or genie subtype, and the effect lasts for 1 minute per occultist level. At 3rd level and every 2 occultist levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing her to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level).

The sha'ir adds the following creature to those she can summon: small elemental (summon monster I), wysp (summon monster II), medium elemental (summon monster III), large elemental (summon monster IV), djinni (summon monster V), efreeti or shaitan (summon monster VI), or marid (summon monster VII). Summoned genies cannot cast wish.

This ability replaces the conjuration tool’s servitor base power.

Elementalist Focus (Ex): A sha'ir is capable of using the power of jin to augment her magic. Her jin grants the evocation's intense focus resonant power to all elemental school spells associated with them, using the mental focus invested in her conjuration implement. This bonus overlaps with itself (if spells fall into multiple schools) but stacks with the evocation’s resonant power.

This ability replaces the conjuration implement’s casting focus resonant power.

Master Summoner: A 2nd level sha’ir gain Augment Summoning as a bonus feat. She may apply the effect of the feat to her servitor focus power.

This ability replaces object reading.

Unbound Jin (Su): A 4th level sha'ir is capable of temporarily unbinding one of her jin to act as a servant and advisor. When she binds her jin for the day, she may select one of those jin to act as her familiar. As a standard action she may allow the jin freedom, releasing it as a small elemental of the same type as it associated elemental school with all benefits of a familiar as a wizard of your occultist level. To provide the implement component for a spell or focus power, a jin must be within 30 feet of its master. If the jin is slain, then you lose half of the mental focus invested in its implement and can no longer summon it until you bind a new one, but carries no further consequences. The sha'ir may recall a jin from anywhere into its bound implement as a standard action, or as an immediate action at the cost of 1 mental focus invested in its implement.

At 7th level the jin evolves into an elemental wysp.

This ability replaces shift focus.

Expert Elementalist (Ex): At 5th level, the sha’ir adds +1 to the DC of all spells she cast with the [acid], [air], [cold], [earth], [electricity] or [fire] descriptor. At 10th level and 18th level this bonus increases by 1.

This ability replaces aura sight and the implement school normally gained at 10th and 18th level.

Genie Contact (Su): When a sha'ir gains outside contact at 8th level she must only use it to learn the true names of outsiders with the elemental or genie subtype.

This ability alters outside contact.

Binding Mastery (Ex): A 20th level sha’ir is capable of binding her jins to her whims. By spending 1 point stored into one of her implement, she may immediately bind another jin to it (as per jin binding), ejecting the previous jin. This allies her to choose new spells known until she decides to bind another jin.

Additionally once per year, she may force a genie to be summoned as part of outside contact ability and have it grant her three wishes.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4504 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassOccultist +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA sha’ir is a binder of genies, starting w
A sha’ir is a binder of genies, starting with rather humble elemental spirits called jin. As she grows in power, so do her magical abilities. Unlike an occultist, the sha’ir relies on her personal charisma to negotiate for her powers, or force it out of her bound jin.As a result they are extremely capable
jin.As a result they are extremely capable +
TitleSha'ir, Variant +