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Talk:Alternative (3.5e Spell)

543 bytes added, 03:20, 11 January 2011
oh noes! my gum haz no flava!
::The flavor text is completely out of line with how the spell would actually be used then, which in this case is just a huge Bard power-up. I don't know if you realized it when writing, but as written the Bard can designate themselves to cast the spell as an immediate action. [[User:Surgo|Surgo]] 00:33, 11 January 2011 (UTC)
::: Yeah, if the bard in question wanted to double cast this spell, which is ineffective, or use it to cast another spell. I intended this spell to be useful in a variety of groups, like the others in the series. For example, a bard can cast this spell, and then cast [[Techno (3.5e Spell)]], and then cast yet another spell, maintain his bardic music, and take two move actions. Thus, this spell works very well for both solo, party, and specialized play. --Change=Chaos. Period. [[User:Spazalicious Chaos| SC]] 03:20, 11 January 2011 (UTC)

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