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Golem Overlord (3.5e Monster)

398 bytes added, 18:47, 9 August 2011
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|al=N |size=[[SRD:Gargantuan|Gargantuan]] |type=[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct]]
|init=+0 2 |listen=+14 |spot=+14 |sens=Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
|ac= 41 |touch= 27 |flat= 39 |acmods=-4 Size, +2 Dex, +19 deflection, +6 natural, +8 armor
|hp=140 1120 |hd=14|fort= +22 |ref= +18 |will=|spd=+19
|spd=50 ft. (10 squares) |bab=+10 /+5 |grp=+2232 |str=30 |dex=15 |con= |int=16 |wis=18 |cha=12
|san1=Aura of Animation ([[Su]])
|san2=Throw object ([[Ex]])
|sad2=The golem overlord can throw an object within its reach at an enemy within 250 ft., dealing damage based on the object's size. The golem must succeed at a ranged attack roll with a +20 35 bonus to hit(+30 for a second attack, +25 for a third attack, etc.). See below for the action required and damage amount.
*A gargantuan object deals 15d6 20d6 damage and requires 1 round to use this ability. If the golem is dealt damage during this time, it must make a Strength ability check DC 10 + one fifth the damage dealt or drop the object on itself dealing 5d6 10d6 damage to the golem and object.*A huge object requires a full-round action and deals 10d6 15d6 damage if it hits.*A large object requires a standard action and deals 7d6 12d6 damage if it hits.*A medium object requires a attack action and deals 4d6 6d6 damage if it hits.*A small object requires a swift action and deals 1d6 2d6 damage if it hits.
The object always takes an equal amount of damage that would have been dealt on impact. Any object that is not very dense (such as a ball of fluff or a ball of linen sheets) will deal either no damage or 1 damage per 1d6 that would have been dealt, up to the DM's discretion.
If a golem overlord throws an animated object, it may make a free attack against the target.
|san3=Solo Encounter ([[Ex]])
|sad3=The golem overlord is meant to be fought on its own (it brings its own mooks to the battle). As such, it has increased HP, AC, Saves, etc. for a monster of its CR.

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