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User:MisterSinister/Rogue Redux/Rogue Tricks

14 bytes removed, 07:06, 10 July 2012
Ricochet: clarity
'''Requirement:''' 1st level
'''Benefit:''' You can use your Strength modifier on attack rolls with thrown weapons instead of your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, any thrown weapon returns to your hand as part of any ranged attack made with it, as long as that attack missed. Lastly, you can use any weapon as a thrown weapon, even if it normally isn't one (in which case, it is considered to have a range increment of 20ft). When throwing a weapon, you can use your Strength modifier on attack rolls instead of your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, if an attack with a thrown weapon does not hit a target, it returns to your hand as part of the attack action.
At 5th character level, even if a ranged attack attacks you make with a throwing weapon that ''hitshit'', it still returns return as if it they had missed.
=== Sense-Breaking Strike ===

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