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Exiled Ruler (3.5e Prestige Class)

23 bytes added, 03:21, 23 May 2013
I briefly thought it meant "any spell from the Divination school"
--Master-At-Arms: Choose one weapon or piece of equipment to receive special care from the Master-of-Arms. This weapon or piece of equipment can no longer be destroyed by any natural or magical means. You may only have one weapon or piece of equipment under the care of the Master-of-Arms at a time. Changing the item under care is a free action, but it takes the Master-of-Arms a full day to prepare the new item.
--Royal Adviser: Once a day you may call upon the wisdom of your adviser to aid you. This functions the same as a ''[[SRD:Divination|divination ]]'' spell, but with no chance of failure.
--Royal Archivist: You have the knowledge of a prestigious scholar readily available. You may take 10 on any knowledge check, and you may make any knowledge check untrained.

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