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Nefas (3.5e Monster)

2,661 bytes added, 22:31, 10 January 2010
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== Nefas ==


{{Stat Block 2
|summary=<!-- insert a one-or-two sentence summary of your creature here. -->
|al=NE |size=Medium |type=Outsider
|lang=Common, Elven, Nefas
|init=+4 |listen=+12 |spot=+12
|ac=22 |touch=15 |flat=17
|acmods=+5 dex, +4 armor, +3 natural
|hp=60 |hd=8
|othhp=5/Magic and Cold Iron
|immune=ability drain, cold, disease, energy drain, poison
|resist=electricity 10
|fort=+9 |ref=+10 |will=+9

|bab=+8 |grp=+11
|melee1=Masterwork Black Ice Thinblade +14/+9 (1d8+1d6 cold+3/18-20)
|sa=[[#Aura of Cold|Aura of Cold]]
|sq=[[#Channel Cold|Channel Cold]], [[#Sunlight Vulnerability|Sunlight Vulnerability]], [[#Taint|Taint]]

|str=16 |dex=20 |con=16 |int=14 |wis=12 |cha=16
|feats=[[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]], [[SRD:Iron Will|Iron Will]], [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]]
|skills=[[SRD:Hide|Hide]] +16, [[SRD:Knowledge|Knowledge]] (arcana) +13, [[SRD:Knowledge|Knowledge]] (the planes) +13, [[SRD:Knowledge|Knowledge]] (religion) +13, [[SRD:Listen|Listen]] +12, [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] +16, [[SRD:Sense Motive|Sense Motive]] +12, [[SRD:Spellcraft|Spellcraft]] +15, [[SRD:Spot|Spot]] +12, [[SRD:Tumble|Tumble]] +16
|poss=Masterwork Black Ice Chain Shirt, Masterwork Black Ice Thinblade
|hdadv=By character class

=== Abilities ===

'''{{Anchor|Aura of Cold}} ([[Su]]):''' An area of unnatural cold follows the Nefas. Any creature within ten feet of a Nefas takes 1d6 cold damage per round.

'''{{Anchor|Channel Cold}} ([[Su]]):''' Any weapon wielded by a Nefas is treated as having the Frost ability, dealing an extra 1d6 points of cold damage.

'''{{Anchor|Darksight}} ([[Ex]]):''' A Nefas can see as well in darkness as other creatures see in brightest day.

'''{{Anchor|Sunlight Vulnerability}}:''' Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds Nefas for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

'''{{Anchor|Taint}}:''' A Nefas is healed by negative energy (such as ''inflict'' spells), and harmed by positive energy (such as ''cure'' spells).

===Strategies and Tactics===

===Sample Encounters===



'''Typical Physical Characteristics:'''




===Sample Lair===

===Typical Treasure===

===For Player Characters===

===Creatures As Characters===

===Creatures With Class Levels===

===Advanced Creatures===

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