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3.5e Bloodline

245 bytes added, 16:20, 6 February 2010
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{{{for template|3.5e Bloodline|label=Add your bloodline!}}}
{| class="formtable"
! SourceDescripA short description of the Source of the Bloodline:
| {{{field|SourceDescrip}}}
! PersonalityEffectHow this Bloodline might affect those in whom in manifests:
| {{{field|PersonalityEffect}}}
! HowIntroducedHow might this Bloodline have been introduced into another race's line:
| {{{field|HowIntroduced}}}
! HowIntorduced:| {{{field|HowIntorduced}}}|-! BloodlineSourceWhat is the source of this Bloodline (the creature or entity it is named after):
| {{{field|BloodlineSource}}}
! AffinityWhat creatures or entities might be favorably disposed toward those carrying a hint of this Bloodline?:
| {{{field|Affinity}}}

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