Talk:Black Lion (4e Class)

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Why this Class?

  • Switch between Melee and Ranged: Tired of picking between Ranged and Melee specializations as a Striker? Now you don't have to.
  • Wisdom Perk Swap: Tired of being an Elf just to get those perfect Stat bonuses? Now you don't have to.
  • Urban and Social: Tired of all that wilderness fluff as a Ranger? Now you don't have to be.
  • Swing, Miss: Tired of dealing zero damage on your turn? With the 'Black Lion Lead' paragon path, now you don't have to.
  • Possess the Strongest Attack Ever: The damage possibilities of 'The Black Game' power are endless. Though, statistically improbable. --Jay Freedman 12:27, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Why not?

  • Nothing original: Just a reorganization of already existing material. Offers nothing new to the player.
  • Loss of Hunters Quarry: Hunters Quarry and it's accompanying feats make the Ranger Class far superior in Damage Per Round Statistics.
  • No Continued Support: New errata is being released all the time for Core Classes. This class is static.
  • Humans and Wisdom Bonus: The Wisdom Perk Swap is useless for Human players. Why make a Class Feature useless for humans?


Q: I noticed your missing the skill Acrobatics. Why is that? This is a strong Dexterity based class at times. I mean, what is my nimble little elf going to do now?

A: Yeah sorry. I still don't have a good reason to leave it out yet. But I'll think of something. You can't have it! Never! Mughahahaha! --Jay Freedman 03:35, 17 April 2012 (UTC)