Talk:Devourer Demon (3.5e Monster)

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Rithaniel favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Block Reason: This is a legacy rating from before our current ratings scale. While the reasons should be valid, it is not counted in the ratings on the article page because of the inaccurate scale.
Pain and simply, this creature is quite terrifying. The idea's that have gone into it are creepy, and the things that it can do, are unsettling. When I read the stats for this guy, the first thing that flashed into my mind was a mental image of a devourer demon who had assimilated a choker, and who waltzed into battle, to immediately summon 1d6 Vrocks without fail, move, and attack. This, for an instant, made me think that this was simply too powerful, but then I looked at the stats, and saw that it wasn't particularly capable of defending itself, what with it's low AC, and average hp. So, all in all, this creature is a fascinating curveball, and I would love to toss it at my players sometime. Favored.

RatedLike.png Jota likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
As I was scrolling through the statistics I found myself fairly unimpressed by the actual numbers given the listed CR, though as I read further the given abilities more than make up for that. The only thing I'm not particularly fond of is the puzzle-monster aspect that this has with regard to the assimilate ability (needing very specific spells, most of which can hardly be considered staples), but otherwise this looks pretty darn good.


If the devourer demon were to teleport with an assimilated creature, would that count as part of the self, or against the 50 pounds of equipment? -- Jota 18:53, February 11, 2010 (UTC)

That is a good question, and I haven't actually considered that. On one hand I would like to say that 'yes, the assimilated creature counts as the self', but on the other hand, assimilating somebody and teleporting away is a rather cheesy tactic.
In response to your favour comment, I am not 100% happy about the way the assimilate ability works myself. It will likely be subject to later modification in order to make the creature altogether more workable as an encounter. --Sulacu 19:03, February 11, 2010 (UTC)