Talk:Intelligent (3.5e Equipment)

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RatedLike.png Leziad likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
A nice way of doing intelligent items, I approve.

Small detail

What are the mental stats of the item? 10/10/10? 14/10/6? Same as user? Fluffykittens (talk) 22:08, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

This was intended to be a simplification of the rules for intelligent items, so for the sake of less bookkeeping and an easy answer I'll say the same as the wielder's. No numbers having to change mid-combat will make everyone happy, I think. - TG Cid (talk) 07:05, 15 October 2014 (UTC)
Why only as a weapon enhancement? Why no intelligent armors? --Undead_Knave (talk) 23:23, 27 April 2015 (UTC)
(Oh silly me. Looks like it was already asked. See below for my silly.) -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:43, 5 February 2019 (MST)

Armor and Shields

Well, shields kinda work by virtue of also being a weapon, but could this not also work for armor? Or do the benefits become too good when accounting for the price difference between +X armor and +X weapons? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:41, 5 February 2019 (MST)