The Entombed Soulmaster (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-29-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Entombed Soulmaster

Long ago a king and his kingdom were subject to a dreadful curse, perhaps one of their own making. To survive he transformed himself and his people into the bodies of machines but found the cost of freedom from the curse perhaps too high to bear.

Level: 2nd

Binding DC: 18

Special Requirement: No


Long ago a king and a kingdom fought powers beyond their ken. These opponents may have well been gods and they themselves ants, yet through persistence, numbers, magic, and technologies they took on an opponent far greater than them and defeated them. For this they enjoyed a brief peace but the calm was not to last, for in their blasphemy they fell to a curse upon the kingdom that would render their lives suffering and short. The kingdom's greatest arcanists worked hard and found a solution from a suspiciously helpful source, to transfer the minds and souls of the populace into the bodies of the war constructs they had built before. The king approved and ordered it to be implemented at once. And so, the plan worked... in a sort.

At first the populace was both free and able to live once more but the endless march of time would begin to degrade not their bodies, but their minds. Their thoughts became scattered, their personality fuzzy and distance, and soon they began to revert into mindless constructs. The strongest willed remained, and tried another ritual to return them to bodies of flesh. However, the ritual did not work. While they did seem to leave their mechanical coffins they did not end up in flesh but instead went somewhere else.


A black sphere begins to grow in front of the binder, sucking in a swarm of glowing teal alien letterings and runes out of the air and into the inky darkness. As the runes flow in so the sphere grows until it reaches the size of a small humanoid and envelops itself in a horizon of ever-shifting runes. No words are spoken but messages in an unknown language appear on the surface of the sphere, only translated by the binder. A contract is made, and there sphere releases its runes onto the binder as the black blot shrinks back into non-existence.


The binder is covered in dull subtle runes which light up whenever the binder uses the supernatural abilities of this vestige.


You become somewhat distant and disconnected from the world, reacting to events the same way a person watching or reading this as a separate party would. You also instinctively see constructs as "people" even if they are mindless, attempting to communicate with them when possible until proven that they are mindless or not.

Granted Abilities

Animate Objects

You can use a single target version of variant animate objects with a duration of Concentration. This works by imbuing wandering souls into objects, and is thus the negative energy version. You cannot make this permanent. You may use this once every 5 rounds.

Dull Mind

As a swift action you can render yourself mindless, with all the benefits and problems that invokes. You may give yourself commands on how to act while mindless as you enter this state, and up to two contingencies to bring yourself back from a mindless state. This effect ends if the binding ends as well.

Ghost Touch

The binder benefits from both ghost touch armor and ghost touch weapons on any weapons they use.

Soul Tomb

The binder may use soulbinding sword at will as a swift action, but the effect only is in play for 1 round and you cannot bind creatures with more HD than your binder level. These binds are also temporary, lasting only 24 hours. You do not need to transfer the creature into your weapon but may place them into any object one size larger than themselves or smaller within Close range (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels).

When you have entombed a soul in an object it glows with obvious magic, and is capable of communicating but not acting. The trapped creature is under no compulsion to speak, and is unable to be targeted by spells or other effects other than to remove the soul. The creature is freed in the nearest empty space (at 1 hp per soulbinding sword) if released as a standard action or if the object is broken.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Binding DC18 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level2nd +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryLong ago a king and his kingdom were subject to a dreadful curse, perhaps one of their own making. To survive he transformed himself and his people into the bodies of machines but found the cost of freedom from the curse perhaps too high to bear. +
TitleThe Entombed Soulmaster +