The Great Snake (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Adventure Hooks

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Adventure Hooks

  • The Cult of Resurrection aims to retrieve the Great Snake's soul from Paradise so it can be resurrected, even though doing so would result in the deaths of most people living on it. Do the heroes help the return of the snake, or do they stop this apocalyptic plot?
  • One of the Great Snake's smaller organs has been recently discovered, and it seems to have incredible powers.
  • Do the heroes have what it takes to overthrow God-Emperor Vladimus and his army of teleporting necromantic underlings, or will they die trying?
  • God-Emperor Vladimus has been recently slain by a ragtag band of assorted characters, and his palace is filled with wonderful gadgets, ripe for the taking. However, other people are aware of this too.
  • Someone is trying to paint an eye on the sky, in order to watch the world. Figure out who they are and why they think this plan is practical.
  • Lord Axigaxis is producing Wished items at an alarming rate. Can the heroes discover his Efreet prison and fix things before war is started with the City of Brass?

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