User:DraconicMan/Cat god (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Cat God

—Bast, Cat God

As heroes rise and demons fall few can truly ascend to be called a god.

Becoming a Cat God

Cat God is a title that must be passed to one that is worthy. They also must be truly loved by at least one cat

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +1.
Feats: Combat Reflexes.
Skills: Survival 2 ranks, Balance 5 ranks. 5th level Arcane or Divine casting level
Class Features: Catastrophe as a spell like ability that can be used once per day per level of Cat god. Uses d6 hitdice

Table: The Aeon Walker

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Cat-like abilities, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Summon cat, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
3rd +3 +3 +4 +3 Evasion, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
4th +4 +4 +5 +4 Feline Form, Cat Mastery 1, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
5th +5 +4 +6 +4 Cat Mastery 2, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
6th +6 +5 +7 +5 Cat holiday, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Cat Mastery 3 , +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
8th +9/+1 +6 +2 +6 Catnado, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class
9th +10/+2 +6 +3 +6 Rise of the cat god, +1 in an Arcane spell casting class

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Cat God.

Cat-like abilities (Ex): As a Cat God adapts to her new power she becomes more aware and cat-like. Any critically failing reflex save roll may be rerolled, but not more than once. +5 to jump, spot, search, listen, and hide checks. Felines, except those made by Catastrophe, cannot attack a Cat God and will be friendly to her. A fall cannot fatally wound a Cat God. On death you may choose a cat within 500 feet and become reborn as him. You must wait 1d10 days before you can become yourself again. If this cat is killed the Cat God dies and the title passes on. This cat has the same stats and abilities as the cat god except it only has 10 health and cannot cast spells. Your claws sharpen so you may make lethal unarmed attacks that deal 1d12 damage + strength mod + caster level. You gain +1 dodge bonus to AC.

Summon cat (Ex): A cat god may summon up to her caster level in dire cats per day, each as a standard action. These Dire Cats gain an AC bonus equal to half the Cat God's caster level, +1 HD per 2 levels of Cat God, do 1d6 damage with a claw attack, +1 to every ability, and may inflict Cat-Scratch Fever. If these Dire cats are with in 10 feet of the cat god their AC increases by +2, their attacks do 1d10, and will automatically block any attack that would hit the Cat God. (Note that the AC of this is determined by the Cat God's, if there would be damage or an effect placed done to the Cat god that isn't friendly that is coming from the space with a cat in the way or five feet from the line. She may also summon a cat in the line of an attack at any time to cancel a single target attack, this cat has 0 AC for the turn it is summoned. Summoned cats disappear at the end of an encounter. You may only control up to your caster level in cats at any given time.

Evasion (Ex): You gain +1 Dodge bonus to AC. Any attack made against the Cat God has a 5% chance of missing at any time. If it does miss due to this effect the cat god may appear behind the target and deal 3d12 damage. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Feline Form (Ex): You gain +2 dodge bonus to AC. Once per encounter, if a targeted attack or spell would deal damage to the cat god she may spend 2 summons to summon a cat in the line of fire. You are also now able to summon one Dire Panther.

Cat Mastery 1 (Ex): +1 cat summons. Instead of using a cat summon a Cat God can now use it . Cats she summon now have +3 AC instead of +2 if within 10 feet of her. Cat summons Gain +1 to any ability the cat god decides

Template:Cat Mastery 2 (Ex): +1 cat summons.Cats gain +4 AC instead of +3 if within 10 feet of the cat god. Cat summons gain +1 to any ability the Cat god decides.

Cat Holiday (Ex):+1 Dodge bonus to AC. Once per day the Cat God may turn turn one enemy into a Kitten with 1 health. The cat god must make an opposed will and fortitude check in order to do this. The target must be mammalian.

Cat Mastery 3 (Ex):+1 cat summons. +1 dodge bonus to AC, Using one cat summon a cat god may switch places of herself and any of her summoned cats. Cats now have +10 AC bonus instead of +8., maximum number of cat summons are now 40 instead of 30

Catnodo (Ex): Instead of using a cat summon. the cat god may heal a target for 3d8+caster level that is within 50 feet as a free action. Also she may use it on target cat summon to increase it's hit dice by 2, +2 AC, and it's attacks deal +2 more damage. This last until the cat summon dissipates and may stack up to two times

Chant of the Cat God (Ex): +1 cat summons, Twice per day the cat god may sing for 1d4 rounds. During this any of her allies in the Area gain 4d8+her wisdom mod health each round. She may have any number of cats join the song to increase healing by 1 for each cat, the maximum number of cats she may have is now 50 instead of 40

Rise of the cat god (Ex): +3 cat summons, the cat god may now have her caster level +10 cat summons per day but may only control up to her caster level. Cats now last 1d4+wisdom hours. If catnado is used on a cat three times the cat god may make that cat stay indefinitely and may cast it three more times on the cat. This cat grows to large size. She may not summon any cats while sustaining this cat except by the feline form ability, when it dies she may cast up to 5 cats - how many feline form cats were summoned. that day afterward. Every 5th caster level including the ones before attaining level 10 cat god increases cat summons HD by 1 and hit/attack by +2.

The cat god does not have any followers that are not cats or crazy cat women. A religion check of 15 is required to tell that she is the cat god.

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