User:Leziad/Raider/Raider Tricks

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Raider Tricks

Unless stated otherwise, raider tricks may only be taken once. Each level you can change which raider tricks you know, provided you still meet any pre-requisites.

Against the Wall (Ex): The Raider counts walls as allies for the purposes of flanking.

Better Part of Valor (Ex): The Raider can withdraw as a standard action moving up to their move speed, or they can withdraw as a full round action as normal in which case they do not provoke for any part of their movement.

Bonus Feat: The Raider gains a bonus feat from the Ambush, Luck, or Fighter bonus feats. They must qualify for the feat as normal.

Blind Stab (Ex): The Raider is able to still make skirmish strikes against targets with concealment (even total concealment), as long as they hit the right square.

Brawler (Ex): The raider gain both Improved Unarmed Strike and Superior Unarmed StrikeToB as bonus feats.

Careful Backstab (Ex): The Raider is capable of making non-lethal skirmish strikes with any weapon, not simply weapons which normally deal non-lethal. When using normally non-lethal weapons such as the sap, the critical multiplier increases by +1.

Cat Fall (Ex): The Raider can decrease an arbitrarily amount of falling damage with a tumble check. For every 5 points of the tumble check, the Raider can ignore 1d6 points of falling damage (maximum 20d6 at DC 100). If the fall would result in no damage due to tumbling, the fall is completely silent.

Corner Grip (Ex): You are never flatfooted while climbing and can take 10 on Climb checks, even in stressful situations. So long as you have two walls to brace against within your natural reach, or even a wall and a roof in a corner, you can anchor yourself up there with your last Climb check result and continue to act or even fight until you move at least 5 ft from your position.

Combat Trained (Ex): The Raider becomes a full BAB class, gaining +1 BAB per class level.

Combat Trickster (Ex): The Raider gains Improved Combat Trick as a bonus feat, and may use either the normal ability score or Dexterity on any opposed ability checks.

Daredevil (Ex): Minimum class level 4th. You may roll twice and take the better result on any movement based skill check (Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim, or Tumble).

Fake Death (Ex): As a non-action you may fall prone and make a bluff check in response to any attack, and those which do not succeed against your bluff believe you to be dead. Unusual or suspicious circumstances or plausable circumstances can grant a +4 bonus or -4 penalty on your check. Opponents are flatfooted against your next subsequent action. This only works once per creature, or until they have forgotten about you. In addition you have a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear dead which is opposed by a Heal check.

Feint Trickster (Ex): The Raider gains Improved Feint as a bonus feat. If they already have or later take Improved Feint, they can feint as an immediate action instead.

Find the Weak Point (Ex): The Raider can now skirmish strike creatures immune to critical hits or skirmish strike, but they always deal minimum damage on their skirmish strike. Choose one creature type from the ranger's favored enemy list; you can always skirmish strike that type of creature for the normal full damage regardless of fortification or immunity. A Raider may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting an additional creature type for it to apply full damage to.

Gang Aim (Ex): Minimum class level 4th. When a Raider use a move action to aim at a target with Combat Precision, she grant the benefits of her combat precision to all allies who can see or hear her within 30 feet against the same target.

Grappling Hook Mastery (Ex): Minimum class level 4th. You may use a Grappling Hook as a Hookshot with the same length of rope as you have for your grappling hook but with a range increment of 30 feet. It support the same weight as you heavy load instead of a flat 300 feet.

Hidden Pockets (Ex): The Raider acts as having a handy haversack but simply due to supreme item packing skills and weight balancing. They may also draw hidden weapons as a move action, or a free action by taking a -10 penalty to their sleight of hand check.

Hide in Terrain (Ex): Minimum class level 6th. Choose a terrain from the horizon walker or the Pathfinder Ranger's favored terrain list. You gain Hide in Plain Sight as a ranger in that terrain.

Hog Tie (Ex): As long as if you have rope, chains, or manacles you can draw them and use them as light or unarmed weapons in a grapple, dealing the same damage as a club. Whenever you pin or against any helpless creature you can hog tie or lock up the creature in manacles on a successful grapple check using your grapple check as the DC to escape their binds even if you subsequently let go. If you have Death Attack, you may attempt to bind a creature with this ability instead of paralyzing or killing the target.

Improved Ranged Skirmish Strike (Ex): The range which you can make skirmish strikes increases by +30 ft or to your first range increment, whichever is more.

Improvised Fighting (Ex): The Raider gains Tea House Fighter and Improvised Weapon Specialization as bonus feats. You may pick up objects from the ground as part of a move action.

Item Juggler (Ex): The Raider gains Quick Draw and Quick Sheathe as bonus feats.

Inertial Run (Ex): The Raider gain the ability to accelerate greatly, each round she run she increase her run multiplier by 1, to a maximum of double her run speed. Additionally she gain Inertial Movement as a bonus feat.

Kip Up (Ex): The Raider can stand up from prone as a free action on their turn.

Nondetection (Ex): Minimum class level 6th. The Raider is capable of instinctively evading magic. They benefit from a constant extraordinary nondetection which they may toggle as a free action.

Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, the Raider can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the Raider’s attack of opportunity for that round. Even a Raider with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Outdoor Training (Ex): The raider gain the Outdoorsman feat as a bonus feat. While moving through natural terrain your and your allies's overland speed double.

Parkour (Ex): If two walls are present within your natural reach you may wall jump upward at half your movement speed with no check required. You can also run across any wall or roof up to 10 ft with no check, so long as you end up on a stable surface at the end. If you have the Stuntman ability its effects now extend to 10 ft instead of 5 ft, and you can move up to 1/4th of your movement as your minimum speed instead of just 5 ft.

Poison Use (Ex): The Raider gains Poison Use as an assassin, and may apply poison as a move action. If you get Poison Use again from another source you may apply it as a swift action.

Quick Dash (Ex): The Raider gain the Dash feat as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Quick Trap (Ex): The Raider can Craft Traps in half the time and half the cost. She also gain Craft Quicktrap as a bonus feat.

Rogue Talent (Ex): The Raider can choose a Rogue Talent off the Pathfinder Rogue list. This ability may be taken multiple times.

Rope Movement (Ex): The Raider can climb at their full movement speed instead of 1/4th speed, and can rappel on ropes easily. As a move action they can swing up to half the length of their position on the rope to the ceiling in any direction. They may secure and use a rope and grapple (as per [[SRD:Use Rope Skill|Use Rope) as part of one single move action.

Silent Kill (Ex): If a Raider strike a flat-footed creature she may have it be incapable of vocalizing or make any loud noise until the start of it next turn.

Slippery Mind (Ex): Minimum class level 6th. This ability represents the Raider’s ability to wriggle free from effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a Raider with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Surprise Mastery (Ex): If making a surprise attack and there is cover within a single move action's distance, they may attack and immediately move into cover with a Hide check at -4 as they hide using the panic of the situation.

Tracking Expert (Ex): The Raider gain the Track feat as a bonus feat and may do so while moving at full speed, she add her Intelligence modifier to Survival while tracking. If she track an opponent for at least an hour and beat the DC by at least 10, she automatically know the distance between her and it with a 100 feet uncertainty margin. This last for as long as the raider is tracking the target and immediately end if she loses it tracks.

Trapfinding (Ex): You automatically gain a Search check whenever within 5 ft of a trap, and may search an area for traps actively in half the time. You may discover and disable traps as a rogue.

Trap Sense (Ex): You gain 2 + 1/2 your class level to AC and saving throws against traps and as damage resistance/- against traps.

Wide Step (Ex): Minimum class level 4th. The Raider may take a 10 ft step instead of a 5 ft step.

Wilderness Crafter (Ex): Minimum class level 4th. The raider is able to substitute her Survival for her Craft skill for the purpose of making armor, tools and weapons made of bone, hides or wood as well as any traps. She gain Mundane Crafter (Magic Arms and Armor) as a bonus feat.