Alpha Sniper (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 5th February 2024
Status: Complete
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Alpha Sniper

Usually coming from the ranks of fierce monster hunters, military forces and mercenary gangs. Alpha snipers are trained to be elite marksmen, striking fear in their enemies with their ranged prowess. Most often an alpha sniper is known only by their callsign, a nickname that they acquired or gave themselves during their service.

Class: Vigilante

Level: 1st, 4th, 6th

Replaces: Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Specialization (Altered), Social Talent (1st), Vigilante Talent (4th)

Benefit: An alpha sniper gain the following class features:

Callsign (Ex): An alpha sniper is notorious in her own way. Unlike a normal vigilante, often does not attempt to separate or conceal her actual identity, or at least not as skillfully. Instead of a vigilante identity, a callsign sniper has a callsign. A callsign sniper is always considered to be in both identities for the purpose of her vigilante class features. Unlike a normal vigilante, the Alpha Sniper has the same alignment in both of her identities and cannot switch between them. A callsign sniper's identity is typically not secret, instead her reputation often precedes her.

This ability replaces Dual Identity.

Elite Training (Ex): An alpha sniper gains Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot as bonus feats, ignoring their prerequisites.

This ability replaces seamless guise and the social talent gained at 1st level.

Stalking Marksman: An alpha sniper must choose the stalker specialization and her hidden strike class feature may only be dealt with ranged weapons. However she starts with the sniper vigilante talent as a bonus talent even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

The Alpha Sniper cannot select rogue talent or vital punishment as a vigilante talents, but she may select one of the following special talent:

Gas Canister (Ex): This vigilante talent functions as the smoke bomb ninja talent, except that instead of spending ki the Alpha Sniper may use this talent a number of times per day equal to her 3 + her Intelligence modifier. She may spend 2 uses of this ability to use as it as part of the withdraw action. At 6th level she counts as having the choking bomb talent.
Swift Marking (Ex): An alpha sniper with this vigilante talent is capable of using her mark class feature as a swift action instead of a move action. An alpha sniper must be 8th level to select this vigilante talent.
Vital Aim (Ex): Upon selecting this talent, the alpha sniper gains the Vital Strike feat as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisite. Additionally when uses her vital strike feat with a ranged weapon, she deals a hidden strike as if she was flanking her target. The vigilante must be at least 6th level to select this talent and this talent counts as vital punishment for the purpose of prerequisites.
Vital Targeting (Ex): When the Alpha Sniper uses vital strike with a ranged weapon, she may target a limb as per the gunslinger targeting deed. The vigilante must have the vital aim vigilante talent to select this talent.

This ability alters specialization.

Mark Target (Ex): An alpha sniper of 4th level is able to mark a creature within her line of sight as a move action, the target of this ability hereafter referred to as marked target. On the first ranged attack each round made against her marked target, the Alpha Sniper gains a competence bonus on attack roll equal to half her level, ignores concealment and if her attack is a hidden strike, deals damage as if her foe was unaware of her presence.

The Alpha Sniper may only have a single marked target, if she chooses another creature to be her marked target or her marked target leaves her line of sight for more than one round then it ceases to be marked.

This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 4th level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4522 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassVigilante +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryUsually coming from the ranks of fierce mo
Usually coming from the ranks of fierce monster hunters, military forces and mercenary gangs. Alpha snipers are trained to be elite marksmen, striking fear in their enemies with their ranged prowess. Most often an alpha sniper is known only by their callsign, a nickname that they acquired or gave themselves during their service.
d or gave themselves during their service. +
TitleAlpha Sniper +