Genasi (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Genasi Overview

Unofficial Description: Humanoids with a Genie in their ancestry.

List of Genasi[edit]

Genasi as Characters[edit]

Air Genasi[edit]

Genasi descended from Djinni.

Earth Genasi[edit]

Genasi descended from Dao.

Fire Genasi[edit]

Genasi descended from Efreeti

Water Genasi[edit]

Genasi descended from Marid

Genasi as Creatures[edit]

(1 official and unofficial Genasi)

Name Type Subtype Size HP CR (XP) Alignment Habitat Source
Genasi Overview Overview Humanoid, Genasi

Sources and Notes[edit]

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Facts about "Genasi (5e)"
Canontrue +
Creature NameGenasi Overview +
NameGenasi Overview +
SortTextGenasi AAA Overview 5e +
SubtypeHumanoid + and Genasi +
TypeOverview +