Publication:Libris Mortis
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This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
Name | Page Number | Description |
Baleful Moan | 24 | Your hollow cry strikes fear into the hearts of the living. |
Bolster Resistance | 25 | Undead you raise or create are more resistant to turning than normal. |
Contagious Paralysis | 25 | Your paralyzing attack is contagious. |
Corpsecrafter | 25 | Undead you raise or create are tougher than normal. |
Corrupted Wild Shape | 25 | You have learned to use the necromantic energy that powers your undead form to overcome the inability of undead creatures to wild shape. |
Daunting Presence | 25 | You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents. |
Deadly Chill | 25 | Undead you raise or create deal more damage than normal. |
Death Master | 26 | Foes are especially afraid of your critical hits. |
Destruction Retribution | 26 | Undead you raise or create harbor a retributive curse that is unleashed if they are destroyed. |
Divine Accuracy | 26 | You can channel positive energy to give your allies' melee attacks another chance to strike true against incorporeal creatures. |
Empower Turning | 26 | You can turn or rebuke greater numbers of undead with a single turning attempt. |
Empowered Ability Damage | 26 | Your ability damage (or ability drain) special attack is more potent than normal. |
Endure Sunlight | 26 | Your vulnerability to sunlight is reduced. |
Enduring Life | 26 | You can ignore the effect of negative levels for a short time. |
Energize Spell | 26 | Your spells channel positive energy to deal extra damage to undead creatures, but are less effective against other opponents. |
Enervate Spell | 26 | Your spells channel negative energy to deal extra damage to undead creatures, but are less effective against unliving opponents. |
Eviscerator | 26 | The allies of your foes are especially afraid of your critical hits. |
Fell Animate | 26 | Living foes slain by your spell may rise as zombies. |
Fell Drain | 27 | Living foes damaged by your spell also gain a negative level. |
Fell Frighten | 27 | Living foes damaged by your spell are also shaken. |
Fell Weaken | 27 | Living foes damaged by your spell are also weakened. |
Ghost Scarred | 27 | You are adept at fighting incorporeal undead. |
Ghostly Grasp | 27 | You can handle corporeal objects even while corporeal. |
Graft Flesh | 27 | You can apply a certain type of graft to other living creatures or to yourself. |
Hardened Flesh | 27 | Undead you raise or create can better handle themselves in a fight. |
Heighten Turning | 27 | You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts. |
Improved Energy Drain | 27 | You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims. |
Improved Paralysis | 27 | You are better at paralyzing your victims. |
Improved Toughness | 27 | You are significantly tougher than normal. |
Improved Turn Resistance | 27 | You have a better than normal chance to resist turning. |
Lasting Life | 28 | You can shed negative levels with an act of will. |
Life Drain | 28 | You drain additional life energy from your foes. |
Lifebond | 28 | Select a specific living creature that is friendly to you. You create a special bond with that creature. |
Lifesense | 28 | You see the light that all living creatures emit. |
Mother Cyst | 28 | You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by growing a cyst of your own. |
Necromantic Might | 28 | Undead you control gain benefits when they are near you. |
Necromantic Presence | 28 | Undead you control are harder to turn when they are near you. |
Necropotent | 29 | Your special melee or ranged attack with one type of weapon is especially effective against undead. |
Necrotic Reserve | 29 | You are not immediately destroyed when your hit points fall to 0 or lower. |
Nimble Bones | 29 | Undead you raise or create are faster and more nimble than normal. |
Positive Energy Resistance | 29 | You are resistant to the damage dealt by positive energy effects. |
Profane Lifeleech | 29 | You can channel negative energy to draw the life force from nearby living creatures. |
Profane Vigor | 29 | You can channel negative energy to heal nearby undead allies of physical damage. |
Quicken Manifestation | 29 | You can manifest from the Ethereal Plane with a moment's thought. |
Quicken Turning | 29 | You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought. |
Requiem | 29 | Your bardic music affects undead creatures. |
Sacred Vengeance | 30 | You can channel energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee. |
Sacred Vitality | 30 | You can channel positive energy to gain protection from damage to your abilities or your life force. |
Spell Drain | 30 | You can cast any spell that you drain from a creature's mind. |
Spurn Death's Touch | 30 | You can channel divine energy to remove some of the harmful effects of attacks made by undead creatures. |
Stitched Flesh Familiar | 30 | When you are ready and able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose to gain a stitched flesh familiar. |
Tomb-Born Fortitude | 30 | The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has hardened your flesh and given it the foul look of the grave. |
Tomb-Born Resilience | 30 | The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and body to the effects of mind-controlling magic, poison, and disease. |
Tomb-Born Vitality | 31 | The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has removed your need to sleep and eat. |
Tomb-Tainted Soul | 31 | Your soul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath. |
Undead Leadership | 31 | You gain the service of loyal undead followers. |
Unquenchable Flame of Life | 31 | You are hardened to the attacks of the undead. |
Vampire Hunter | 31 | Your knowledge of vampires has given you the extraordinary ability to detect subtle signs of their presence and to resist their dominating gaze ability. |
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Facts about "Libris Mortis"
Abbreviation | LbM + and LM + |
Author | Andy Collins + and Bruce R. Cordell + |
ISBN | 0-7869-3433-6 + |
Item Code | 179240000 + |
Media Type | Hardcover + |
Page Count | 192 + |
Publication Date | October 2004 + |
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e + |
Title | Libris Mortis + |