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Luckstone (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Sulacu (talk)
Contributors: MisterSinister
Date Created: 8th November, 2008
Status: Cleaned up by MisterSinister
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Price (Item Level): 2,080gp (6th)
Body Slot: -
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 17) evocation
Activation: Free (mental)

This large, polished garnet brings luck to whomever possesses it. Once per day, anyone carrying a luckstone can get a +10 luck bonus to one of the following; their AC against a single attack, a single attack roll, or a single check or save of their choosing. The power of a luckstone may be invoked after an attack, save or check has been made.

Effects from multiple luckstones do not stack, either in the bonus given or in the times per day they are usable. As they say, luck should not be relied upon, nor taken in excess.

The base material component of a luckstone is a garnet valued at 1,000 gp. This gem is a necessary component in the creation of such a stone, and is considered part of its price.

Note: Many different items can convey a powerful fortune. A luckstone can appear as another item, such as a coin, a feather, or any other such mundane object. Regardless, it still requires a 1,000gp gemstone, which is used as part of its creation (but doesn't always feature in it).

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor
Cost to Create: 1,540gp, 22 XP, 3 days

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