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Often shortened to 'Deli-Box' by rich travelers and adventurers, ''Motskalla's Quantum-Entanglement Delicatessen Box'' uses the most state of the art magitechnologies and developments into Spatial- and Quantum-Entanglement to bring the comforts of hot, delicious food prepared by skilled cooks all over the world right to wherever the hell you happen to be at the time. Whether you're currently at home and too boneidle to go out and get groceries, or resting up after having barricaded yourself into an old storeroom in the depths of a dungeon filled with monsters, or lost in the middle of the jungle, all you have to do is put this 15 inch by 15 inch by 15 inch box down on the ground and use the Magi-Digital computer panel on the top to make a selection of available restaurants. The on-board software allows the user to cycle through the available list by what type of food they want, as well as manage favourites and pre-sets and even keep track of periodic discounts or specials. A large network of fast-food chains and restaurants around the world use the Deli-Box system, allowing the rich and hungry to order food 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Depending on the quality of the food ordered, the price of a single meal for a single person can vary from 3 1 gp (example; some french fries with the sauce of your choice, and a hamburger) to 10 3-5 gp (example: a tasty, filling ravioli dish) to some haute cuisine of 25gp 10-25 gp or more (example: beef tenderloin topped with foie gras and served with marsala sauce and truffle). After a moment of time, the box will make a 'ping' sound and a light will go on, signaling that the food is ready, at which point one may put payment in an offered slot to open the box and receive dinner. The waiting time varies from roughly 2 to 5 minutes for fast food to half an hour or more for restaurants. Note that a sender and receiver is present on the box, allowing the user to talk with the establishment and further elaborate on their order.
While the Deli-Box spatially entangles the user's location with the kitchen of whatever restaurant is taking their order, the Deli-Box is an effective intermediary diode, only letting things through from the other side. The user cannot squeeze things through, except by offering coins through the money slot. Food and drinks for up to 6 people can be ordered in one sitting through a Deli-Box.

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