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Safir (5e Race)

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Safir Traits
{{5e Racial Traits
|abilityscores=+2 Intelligence|abilitynote= <!--blank, note such as Choice of-->|str=|dex=|con=|int=+2|wis=|cha=
|age=Safir reach adulthood at 48 years, and their life expectancy is approximately 450 years.
|alignment=Safir are known for being stoic if not emotionless, and as a result are usually Neutral. Their natural telepathic and empathic powers, meanwhile, lead them to prefer cooperation and Good over violence and Evil.
|sizedesc=Male safir average 5’2” and 110 pounds, while ; azhar safir average 5’10” and 140 pounds; female safir average 6’2” and 165 pounds.
|speed=30 ft
|trait1desc=Safir have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. When a safir engages At the start of each of your turns, choose two arms to be considered active until the start of your next turn. You can only make use of items, weapons, or shields in {{srd5lc|Making an Attack#Two-Weapon Fighting|Two-Weapon Fighting}}the active arms, she may make 2 additional attacks and any checks made with her third and fourth the other arms, though these attacks are made at a {{srd5lc|disadvantage}} and deal half damage.
|trait2name=Naturally Psionic
|trait5desc=Safir have a sixth sense that allows them to perceive their close surroundings without need of sight. You have {{srd5lc|Advantage}} on {{SRD5|BlindsightPerception}} checks to detect creatures within 30 ftof you.
|trait6name=Mental Map
|languages=Āirumāli & Common
|languagedesc=Āirumāli is a soft, fluid, melodic language with syllabic liquids; these characteristics color a safir's accent when speaking other languages.
|subrace=<!-- if the race has any subraces that you can choose from, please include a description of them here -->

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