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Surprise Inside Door (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 1-22-15
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk please.
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Surprise Inside DoorEdit

An ornate door sure to confound your parties with indecision and overthinking. Really, it's not even a locked door...

The surprise inside door is an ornate door which should be described as such, made of thick iron or stone with a detailed embossed relief filling in most of the door, gold trim framing the image, and a large solid brass handle. The door isn't locked, but there is one problem. The door is a push door. If pushed, the door swings open. But if someone pulls the door handle, the front of the door open up revealing it as two doors sandwiched together, with a nasty surprise in the space between the two iron slabs. This secret center space is also revealed for those attempting to sunder their way through the door. Poison gas, killer bees, deadly slimes, and all manner of doom can be placed within the door space.

Spotting the seem between the doors along the gold trim is a (Search DC 20). The trap can technically be disabled (Disable Device DC 20) but beating the Search DC by 4 or more also reveals that the trap can simply be bypassed by pushing it. More to the point, the door often delays adventurers who begin to wonder over the mystery of the fancy door, and what strange traps it may have. To make things more difficult, feel free to offer all manner of fake traps upon the door as well.


  • A DC 20 Search check before the trap is sprung reveals the existence of the seem sandwiching the unknown contents between two doors, or reveals it by tapping revealing the door to be hollow. Beating the DC by 4 or more reveals the door can be pushed as well. Once revealed, a DC 20 Disable Device can jam it, or one can simply push open the door.


The trap itself is not very dangerous, and the CR of the trap will depend on what horrible thing you stick in the hallow space. Typically gaseous things are held there, but liquids, oozes, and swarms also work.

Secret Door (ad hoc): CR 1/2; mechanical; touch attached trigger; manual reset; Never miss; effect: releases contents; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 200 gp.

Add the cost, if any, of the contents of the door to the price of the trap. Adjust CR accordingly.

Total Market Price: 200 gp.

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