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Talk:Holt's Backhanded Slap (3.5e Spell)

That DurationEdit

Forgoing my usual criticisms about these spells... why is it 1 round/level? Did you mean Instant? -- Eiji-kun 00:51, 5 September 2012 (UTC)

Yush, that's copypasta. I fail proofreading. - TG Cid 04:06, 5 September 2012 (UTC)


The fluff doesn't really match the effect, as 1-2 points of damage and a chance of being briefly shaken seems unlikely to prevent low level wizards from committing future offenses. The scaling of the effect also seems a bit out of line for a cantrip, because they don't get any otherwise. That might be something that you'd prefer to see changed in general, but I figured I'd pitch an alternate setup anyway.

What about close or touch range non-lethal damage equal to your intelligence modifier (or spellcasting DC modifier if not-intelligence), and shaken for 1 round on a failed save instead? Removing the lethal is intentional, but I could see putting it back in if you wanted to drop the range to touch. - Tarkisflux Talk 17:13, 5 September 2012 (UTC)

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