Temporal Twist (3.5e Utterance)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-27-15
Status: Complete
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This utterance uses the rules for the truenamer rebuild.

Temporal Twist
Lexicon of the Primal Word
Level: Truenamer 2
Casting time: 1 immediate action
Range: 60 ft
Duration : Instantaneous or 1 round; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Truespeak DC: 15



You twist time to give the advantage to your allies. You duplicate the effect of snake's swiftnessSpC. This is a [Time] effect.

Reverse: You twist time to disrupt your opponents. You can activate this just before an opponent makes an attack roll. They lose their highest attack from BAB, to a minimum of 1 attack. If they already have one attack (because of low BAB or because they are only making one attack), the attack requires a full attack action to perform. The opponent may choose to perform a different action besides attacking in response to this effect.

Failure: On a failed truespeak check, no bonus attack is given, but their next attack made within 1 round recieves a +1 bonus to attack rolls. This does not stack with the bonus from haste. For the reverse, they do not lose an attack, but take a -1 penalty on attack rolls on their next attack within 1 round.

Primal Utterance[edit]

Normal: The target gains a full round's worth of actions instead of just an attack action.

Reversed: The target is unable to make any attack rolls for 1 round.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Utterance +
LevelTruenamer 2 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolPrimal Word +
SummaryBend time to allow for extra attacks to occur, or decrease the number of attacks opponents can make. +
TitleTemporal Twist +