User:Foxwarrior/Hindu Lord/ToP

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The Bluff skill is a social skill involving the art of trickery. With it, you can convincingly lie, hurt the image of others, and take on the identity of another individual. Those with advanced training in Bluff can even lie to spells and effects that would determine their information without giving the target a chance to lie about it.

Key Attribute: Intelligence

Minimum Rank 0 Abilities[edit]


Words and glances can mean different things to different people. You know what to say and how to say it, and can use that to pass secret messages to others during public conversations.

Lie Convincingly[edit]

You generally want people to believe that you are telling them the truth, especially if it isn’t the truth. You know how to craft lies well, so that they are more likely to be believed by those you are telling them to.

Minimum Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Combat Distraction[edit]

If you just need to buy yourself a moment to escape, it’s hard to beat the old “Hey, what’s that behind you!” You can attempt a similar distraction, buying yourself a bit of time to start on your escape.

Minimum Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Mock and Deride[edit]

Anyone can heckle a speaker or slander a public figure, but you can do it with style. When others speak and attempt to garner favor for themselves, you can twist their words and otherwise cause them to err. This allows you to counter the Improve Rapport ability of the Affability skill, blunting the goodwill they would gain or even causing them to lose it entirely.

Minimum Rank 8 Abilities[edit]

False Nature[edit]

Most people answer inquiries truthfully when those inquiries don’t use words. So you've learned how to conceal your alignment, and even wear a more appropriate one. You don’t want evil cultists to block you at the door because you don’t pass an alignment check, after all.

Minimum Rank 10 Abilities[edit]

False Thoughts[edit]

As with alignment, so too with thoughts. You don’t want the thought police to know what you really think of them, and you don't want magic to give away a skillful lie. You've learned to conceal the aura changes that give away falsehoods, as well as how to conceal your thoughts from inspection. You can even craft new ones to wear around.

Minimum Rank 12 Abilities[edit]

False Self[edit]

As with alignment and thoughts, so too with location. Those who know who you are can simply locate you, which is often inconvenient while you’re working a job as someone else. You've learned how to hide from these magical tracking abilities, and even how to throw them off your scent entirely.


The cultures skill represents your dedication to the studies of the peoples of the world, their languages, and cultures. Those who spend time learning about others learn their language and can better recognize them when they meet, in peacetime or war. Those who learn a great deal about others can also use that knowledge to try to activate magic items, even when they have no idea what the item would do. They can also pick up new languages just by being exposed to them.

Key Attribute: Charisma


Speak Language[edit]

Each rank, up to 5, that you put into cultures allows you to speak and write one additional language. You must receive approval from your DM before learning any secret or planar languages with these ranks.

Untrained Uses[edit]

Culture and Creature Insight[edit]

Your worldly knowledge of places and the people who live in them has also given you some understanding of the strengths and weakness of various humanoids. For example, you may recognize the difference between the goblins of the Frostmire and the goblins that plague the Forests of Durmalin. Or know the differences between a hill giant and a cyclops. You have a bit of knowledge about all of the humanoids, monstrous and otherwise, as well as the giants who inhabit your world.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Blindly Activate Item[edit]

Magic items, like other crafted objects, are a product of their time and culture. You know enough random bits about magic and devices from assorted cultures and traditions that you can try to activate magic items even when you have no idea what they do or how they work.Activating it doesn’t mean that you necessarily control it, however, and there is a chance that you may not actually get the item to do what you want it to when activating it in this way.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Acquire Tongue[edit]

Your knowledge of languages makes it easy for you to pick new ones up. You no longer select new languages after you gain 6 ranks in this skill. Instead, anytime you are exposed to a language you do not speak, you receive a check to see if you learn it after 1 minute. There is no limit to the number of languages you can learn to speak in this way.


Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Disguise


Endurance is a reactive skill; you will only roll it in response to outside stimuli. It allows you to ignore your own physical limits and push on despite fatigue, aggravated wounds, or continually damaging environments. Characters who invest heavily in this skill can push themselves much longer than those who do not, ignore or fight off debilitating magical effects like disintegrate, and sprint for hours at a time.

Key Attribute: Constitution


Taking actions at the different paces tires a character out at different rates. Everyone can move flat-out for 1 round per point of constitution, so even those of average constitution can run for at least a minute. Moving at a hustling pace for 1 minute is equivalent to 1 round of running. As most fights happen at this pace, this means that battles lasting longer than 1 minute per point of constitution may be hazardous for characters. Lastly, moving in a normal way for 15 minutes is equivalent to 1 round of running. While that doesn’t have much bearing on combat, it does mean that you can walk across the mountains for a few hours, resting for a few minutes every hour, without really wearing yourself out. Abilities in the Endurance skill can extend these times, and characters who invest in this skill can do substantially more.

Untrained Uses[edit]

Continue Exertion[edit]

Whatever action pace brings you to your limit, characters have to start making checks to see if they become tired once there. This is an endurance skill check, or just a constitution check if the skill is untrained.

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Suck It Up[edit]

Some hazards and battles will be painful, and that pain can interrupt and ruin an action or drive you closer to death. You can ignore that pain to some degree.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Not… Finished… Yet…[edit]

Alternate Ability
As discussed in the related concentration ability, this ability may not be appropriate for some styles of games. You can go ahead and substitute the following ability if you prefer, though it drastically reduces the value of the skill:

Not... Finished... Yet...: You may add the higher of your Strength or Constitution modifier to your Fortitude saving throws. You may change which bonus is applied at any time, with no action required.

Some people just refuse to lay down and die, even as their bodies are slowly turning to stone, and can even turn the process back. You may attempt to fight off any lingering effects resulting from a failed Fortitude save. This includes death effects like finger of death, petrification effects like flesh to stone, and other status effect inducing abilities.

Cardio Trained[edit]

Adventurers ran and climbed and swam, and they did it for longer periods than the peaceful masses. You can move flat-out for two rounds per point of your Constitution score, and after you reach this limit, you make checks for each additional two rounds of flat-out action.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

Paragon Athlete[edit]

Running twice as far as others before tiring isn't enough. You can move flat-out for one minute per point of your Constitution score, and after you reach this limit, you make checks for each additional minute of running.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Marathon Machine[edit]

You could probably sprint marathons without much difficulty. You can move flat-out for ten minutes per point of your Constitution score before you need to begin making checks.

Rank 14 Uses[edit]

Chase the Setting Sun[edit]

Your races are the things of legend, lasting longer than most people regularly stay awake. You can move flat-out for an hour per point of your Constitution score before you need to begin making checks.


The intimidation skill is a social skill involving the threat of force, violence, and other unpleasantries. With it, you can scare people into helping or running from you. Those who practice intimidation intensely can scare off larger groups of people, demand obedience from others, and break fear’s grasp over people.

Key Attribute: Charisma

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Coerce Assistance[edit]

Fear is a powerful tool in social interactions. If you have at least one minute to interact with someone, you may make someone temporarily more “helpful”.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Shake Resolve[edit]

With threats, gestures, and posture, you can make even the bravest foe cower. You may attempt to scare off an enemy rather than, or in addition to, trying to stab them in the face.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Shout Them Down[edit]

It's easy to project an air of confidence and menace when you know what you're doing. You can get multiple creatures to run from you instead of fighting.

Snap Out Of It[edit]

Intimidation is a skill all about making people afraid of you, and that fear can be used to break people free from the grip of inaction. Maybe you threaten them, maybe you just glare; the simple fact is that you can shake your friends (or your "friends", in some cases) free of [Fear] effects and the stun condition. You may only affect these conditions if their remaining duration is less than 1 hour.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

New Orders[edit]

You’ve learned which tones of voice work best to get people to obey you without thought. Under most circumstances, you can make a target drop what they’re doing and follow your orders instead.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Cowards, All of You![edit]

You don’t just shake the resolve of your enemies with your actions and combat prowess, but with your very presence. You don't even have to know a creature is present to make it run from you instead of fighting.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Go Jump Off A Cliff[edit]

Some tones of voice can override a person's natural sense of self-preservation. You have practiced these tones, and may use them where you feel appropriate.


Legerdemain is an active skill involving distraction, deception, and dexterity. With it, you can trick people in combat, lighten pockets, poison drinks, conceal weapons on your person, and perform other feats of misdirection. Those with advanced skill in legerdemain can throw their voices, make large objects or people seemingly vanish, and even swipe attended objects without the target noticing.

Key Attribute: Dexterity

Untrained Uses[edit]


A bit of misdirection can get a foe to drop their guard for a moment. You can feint in combat, and if successful, gain an opening for a potentially more damaging strike.

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Conceal Object[edit]

Hiding contraband on yourself so you can walk it through a checkpoint or carry it into a peace treaty is a time-honored tradition. As is concealing contraband in furniture or other objects so that it is missed during a search. You have a bit of knowledge in both of these areas.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Conceal Action[edit]

Sometimes, you just don’t want people to notice exactly what it is that you’re doing. You can actually hide small actions while under scrutiny so that no one is the wiser.

Improved Feint[edit]

A little sleight of hand goes a long way on the battlefield. Your practice has made your feints faster and harder to predict.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Plant Evidence[edit]

Instead of concealing that you’re taking something from another person, you can hide that you’re planting incriminating evidence on them instead. You can attempt to conceal an object on an unwilling, non-helpless, and unaware target.


Sometimes it's nice to be able to talk without letting people know where you are. You can throw your voice so that it appears to come from someone or somewhere other than yourself.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

Disappearing Pig Trick[edit]

Shifting small unattended items around doesn't do it for you anymore. You've moved on to bigger and better things.

Rank 10 Uses[edit]

Faster than the False Eye[edit]

Tremorsense, blindsense, blindsight, and scent are strong enough as to be almost cheating. Luckily, you can cheat right back. Your concealed actions and objects show poorly against these senses, at least for a time.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

I Can Work With That[edit]

You've had a lot of practice making people not see the things you're doing, and it would show if you ever let anyone notice. There aren't a lot of things that you find difficult to work with.


Survival is an active skill related to the great outdoors. With it you can bind foes or prey, set minor traps in the wilderness, find food while traveling, and tie some impressive knots. You can also recognize the creatures you encounter in the wilds, and thus know whether to fight or flee them. Those who learn the secrets of survival can fashion protective gear from natural resources, predict the weather, hide their own trail, use their knowledge to survive on other planes, and even find any location they have ever visited.

Key Attribute: Wisdom

Untrained Uses[edit]

Bind Adversary[edit]

The ability to bind objects and tie knots is extremely helpful when attempting to survive outside the bounds of civilization. You can apply that knowledge to binding adversaries, even if your knowledge is pretty rudimentary.

Rank 1 Uses[edit]

Creature Insight[edit]

Knowing how to get by in the uncivilized world means you also need to recognize the threats and creatures within it. Animals are the most common example of these creatures, and your knowledge of them includes rare, exotic, and even dire varieties. Magical beasts are those animals who have been enhanced by magic. Dragons are ancient and powerful creatures, the largest of which tend to shape their territory in ways important to one traveling through it. Oozes are creatures with neither spine nor nervous system that know neither mercy nor hatred, only hunger. Plants are no less dangerous, however, and you are familiar with plants that walk around and plants that swallow men whole.

Hunter’s Traps[edit]

Hunting in the wild is as much about setting an ambush or trap for a quarry as putting an arrow through them. You can set traps for creatures, for eating or other reasons.

Live Off the Land[edit]

When you’re between towns and have lost all of your food to bandits, you have to find more if you want to eat. You are able to find sustenance almost anywhere you are.

Rope Tricks[edit]

Fancy knots and special rope tricks are not particularly impressive, but are sometimes very useful. You can use some special knots with your rope as well as properly set a grapple.

Track Game[edit]

You know how to spot the signs that an animal has passed by. Conveniently enough, people and monsters leave lots of the same signs. You can find and follow any trail with a DC of 15 or less. Locating or following any trail more complicated requires the Tracker feat.

Rank 4 Uses[edit]

Navigate Wilds[edit]

It’s a big world out there, and lots of it will kill you if you get lost or don’t know what you’re doing. You can guide yourself through that big world with landmarks and generally avoid getting lost or killed by natural hazards.

Rough It[edit]

If you have to spend a long day on the ice planes braving deadly icicle storms in sub-freezing temperatures, it's nice to do so in clothing that protects you. And at the end of that long day, it's nice to be able to return to a nice warm structure where those things can't affect you. If you find yourself unprepared for these conditions, you're well equipped to make your own gear. You can turn natural flora and fauna in an area into protective clothing and shelters for yourself or others.

Rank 6 Uses[edit]

Dead Reckoning[edit]

You are so used to making your way in the wilderness that you seem to have a compass installed in your head. As long as there is a "true north" or similar cardinal direction on your current world or plane you always know which direction it points in. Always.


You know what that soreness in your bones means. You can be pretty accurate about the future weather in your area.

Rank 8 Uses[edit]

Break Trail[edit]

Being pursued is not fun, especially when they're using your own trail against you. You can mask the passing of an entire group of people, even if they continue moving at full speed.

Rank 12 Uses[edit]

Infinite Adaptations[edit]

The multiverse is a lot larger and a lot more varied than the little world you call home. You have learned how to apply your survival tricks to other environments, and can survive pretty much anywhere.

Rank 14 Uses[edit]

The Long Road Home[edit]

You have a sort of sixth sense about distant places you have visited before, as well as places where the world is thin and you could step across to another. With a bit of time to scan the horizon, you can determine direction and approximate distance to any location you have ever visited on your current world or plane. You can also determine the direction and distance to the nearest portal, conduit, or other magical link that leads to any other plane or world.