Horace Devilson, Aasimar ConduitEdit
Male Aasimar Conduit of the Lower Planes 10 | |
LN Medium Outsider (Human, Native) | |
Init/Senses | +1/darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +2 |
Languages | Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Ignan |
AC | 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex) |
hp | 77 (10d6+40 HD) |
Immune | death effects, fire, poison |
Fort/Ref/Will | +6/+4/+7 |
Speed | 30 ft. |
Melee | Fire Sword +11/+6 melee (1d8+4 19-20 s) |
Base Atk/Grp | +7/+7 |
Sorcerer Spells Known | (CL 10th, DC 14+level): 3rd (3/day)—major image 2nd (5/day)—invisibility, rope trick 1st (6/day)—alarm, identify, shield, ventriloquism 0 (6/day)—detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation
Spell-Like Abilities | At will—burning hands, flame blade, fireball, charnel fire, parboil 5/day—death knell, desecrate 4/day—ghoul gauntlet, poison 3/day—vampiric touch, bestow curse 2/day—enervation, mind poison 1/day—cloudkill, light, raise dead
Abilities | Str 10, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 16 (20), Wis 11, Cha 20 (24) |
SQ | Enhanced sphere access, petitioner skills |
Feats | Greater Teleport, Heighten Spell-Like Ability, Memories of Death, Harmless FormB, Wings of EvilB |
Skills | Concentration +17, Disguise +15 (+25 with Harmless Form), Know (arcana) +28, Know (history) +18, Know (religion) +28, Know (the planes) +28 |
Possessions | Circlet of False Persona, Mithral Shirt of Speed, Headband of Intellect, Ring of Deflection, Planar Handbook, Applied Metaphysics Complete Series, Spirit Guide 2nd Edition: Undeath and Afterlife, Fire Sword |
Death Sphere | You are healed by negative energy as if you were undead (does not affect being healed by positive energy). |
Pyre Sphere | Fire damage from your spell-like abilities bypasses Fire Resistance, but not Immunity. |
Chuluunbold, Hobgoblin SamuraiEdit
Male Hobgoblin Samurai 10 | |
LE Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid) | |
Init/Senses | +7/blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., danger sense, ghost hunter; Listen +16, Spot +3 |
Languages | Common, Goblin |
AC | 30, touch 17, flat-footed 26; Uncanny dodge (+4 Dex, +13 armor, +3 deflection) |
hp | 118 (10d8+70 HD) |
SR | 20 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +14/+9/+14; +4 against mind-affecting effects |
Speed | 30 ft. |
Melee | Spiked Chain +20/+15 melee (2d4+11 p) |
Ranged | Composite Longbow +18/+13 ranged (1d8+11 p) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +10/+14 |
Atk Options | Kiai! 7/day, great cleave, blitz |
Special Actions | Iaijutsu, Parry Magic, Blade of Devastation, Murderous Intent, Subtle Cut, Whirlwind |
Spell-Like Abilities | 1/day—commune, speak with dead
Abilities | Str 18 (22), Dex 14 (18), Con 20 (24), Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9 |
SQ | Ancestral Weaponry |
Feats | Blitz, Danger Sense, Ghost Hunter, Murderous Intent, Blind FightingB, Horde BreakerB, Subtle CutB, WhirlwindB |
Skills | Intimidate +22, Know (nobility and royalty) +13, Move Silently +19, Sense Motive +16 |
Possessions | Spelleating Oni Hide, Soulbound Chain (Ancestral Weapon), Ring of Sustenance and Deflection, Mask of Terror, Belt of Giant's Strength, Amulet of Health, Gloves of Dexterity, Cloak of Resistance, Magic Composite (+6) Longbow, loose change |
Ancestral Weaponry | Chuluunbold can only have one weapon designated as his Ancestral Weapon at a time, and this weapon must be a masterwork weapon exalted by his warrior culture (a Spiked Chain). He must perform a 24 hour ritual to call his ancestral spirits into the weapon and designate it as his Ancestral Weapon. This ritual costs 100 gp in incense and offerings, and once performed grants the following abilities:
Kiai! (Ex) | Chuluunbold may convert a successful strike into a confirmed critical hit. He may use this ability 7 times per day at his current Samurai level. This ability is a free action that is declared after the strike is rolled and confirmed as a hit, but before damage is rolled. This ability cannot be used on Attacks of Opportunity. |
Iaijutsu (Ex) | When Chuluunbold has the Edge on an opponent, he may take an Attack of Opportunity against that opponent as an immediate action at any time. |
Parry Magic (Su) | At 8th level, a Samurai may use his Ancestral Weapon to parry magic targeted at him. When the Samurai is targeted by a spell or supernatural ability, he may take an Attack of Opportunity against the targeted effect. If he can make an attack roll against an AC equal to the spell or effect's DC with this Attack of Opportunity, the effect does not affect him. |
Two-Skies, Githzerai SummonerEdit
Male Gith Summoner 10 | |
CN Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar) | |
Init/Senses | +1/darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +2 |
Languages | Common, Githzerai |
AC | 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +9 armor) |
hp | 67 (10d6+30 HD) |
SR | 11 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +6/+8/+7; +2 against mind-affecting effects |
Speed | 30 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +5/+3 |
Special Actions | Summon |
Summoner Spells Known | (CL 10th): 5th (3/day)—dimension shuffle, dimensional lock, black tentacles, greater dimension door, plane shift, summon frost beast V, summon monster V, summon nature's ally V, summon undead V, teleport, wall of iron, wall of stone, word of recall 4th (5/day)—dimension door, dismissal, evard's black tentacles, instant summons, lesser planar ally, lesser planar binding, summon frost beast iv, summon monster IV, summon nature's ally IV, summon undead IV, wall of fire 3rd (6/day)—clairaudience/clairvoyance, create food and water, dimension step, dimensional anchor, greater anticipate teleportation, magic circle against alignment, plant growth, stinking cloud, summon frost beast III, summon monster III, summon nature's ally III, summon undead III, vipergout, wall of ice 2nd (6/day)—analyze portal, baleful transposition, dimension hop, daylight, deeper darkness, entangle, glitterdust, phantom steed, planar tolerance, portal alarm, regroup, sleet storm, summon frost beast II, summon monster II, summon nature's ally II, summon undead II, tongues, web, wind wall 1st (6/day)—avoid planar effects, comprehend languages, grease, obscuring mist, portal beacon, summon frost beast I, summon monster I, summon nature's ally I, summon undead I, wall of smoke 0 (6/day)—anticipate teleportation, caltrops, darkness, detect magic, detect poison, light, protection from alignment, read magic, resist planar alignment
Spell-Like Abilities | At will—mage hand
Abilities | Str 7, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 21 |
SQ | Rapid summoning, summoned cohort, extend summoning, master tactician |
Feats | Extra Summons, Sudden ExtendB |
Skills | Concentration +18, Diplomacy +18, Know (arcana) +14, Know (the planes) +14, Spellcraft +14 |
Possessions | spell component pouch, a bunch of gems |
Rapid Summoning | Two-Skies can cast summoning spells in less time than most other casters. Any Conjuration spell of the (Summoning) subschool that Two-Skies casts that would have a casting time of one full round has a casting time of 1 standard action instead. This ability has no effect on spells which already require less than one full round to cast, nor does it affect spells with a casting time greater than one full round. |
Summoned Cohort | Once per day when Two-Skies casts a Conjuration spell of the (Summoning) subschool, he may extend its duration to 24 hours. This ability is not cumulative with other effects that increase the duration of a spell. |
Extend Summoning | Conjuration spells up to 2nd level of the (Summoning) subschool that Two-Skies casts can be affected by the Extend Spell metamagic for free. |
Master Tactician | Any ally within 30 feet of Two-Skies may gain a +4 bonus for flanking instead of the normal +2 bonus as long as they can perceive him. |
Summon (Sp) | Two-Skies can attempt to summon outsiders with an alignment identical to his own. Summoning another creature of the same character level has a 40% chance of success, and summoning a creature of a lower level increases the chances of success by 10% for every level Two-Skies’ level exceeds the CR of the target. This ability can be used 3/day. |