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The positive energy plane has quite a lot of stuff to find, if you know where to look.

Wood and Crystal


This special material is not well suited to making weapons or armor, but it can do in a pinch. More nature-focused groups tend to use this as opposed to metal due to their standards or because they are forbidden to use metal.

Any weapon, armor or tool (things like crowbars and hammers) made of metal can be made of wood instead. Weapons and armor so converted have half as many HP. Weapons made in this fashion deal 1 less damage per attack, while armor made in this fashion has its armor check penalty increased by 1 point. Tools made of wood simply have their hitpoints cut.

Because wood armor isn't made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty.

Wood weapons, armor and tools are actually cheaper than their metal counterparts, as seen on the table.

Wood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.

Wood Cost Modifier
Ammunition: -3 sp/10 units
Light armor: -10 gp
Medium armor: -15 gp
Heavy armor: -40 gp
Light weapon: -2 gp
Weapon: -7 gp
Other -2 sp/pound


This is special wood grown on positive-dominant planes. Not all wood grown there takes on this special quality, as it requires special care. Any weapon, armor or tool made of wood (including those converted to wood via the Wood special material) can be made of vitawood. Any weapon, armor or tool made of vitawood is considered a masterwork item. If an item made of vitawood is damaged, the item naturally regains its hitpoints at a rate of 1 per round. If the item is destroyed, it will still regain its hitpoints if reassembled. Weapons made of vitawood deals an extra 4 positive energy damage to creatures damaged by positive energy.

Because vitawood armor isn't made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty.

Vitawood weapons and armor are more expensive than their wood counterparts, as seen on the table.

Wood Cost Modifier
Light armor: +250 gp
Medium armor: +300 gp
Heavy armor: +400 gp
Light weapon: +350 gp
Weapon: +450 gp
Shield: +200 gp
Other +10 gp/pound


This special material is mainly used to make crystal magic items to protect from the plane of positive energy. In fact, energy surges on the plane of positive energy cause the creation of these crystals (some can also cause the creation of these crystals on their own).

In addition to that use, it can also be used in the creation of some weapons. A weapon made of auracrystal heals those attacked with positive energy instead of damaging them. The amount of healing provided is equal to the amount of damage that would have been dealt. Creatures that are damaged by positive energy are damaged by this effect for double the amount that would be healed (this damage is positive energy). However, auracrystal weapons are somewhat fragile; performing a critical hit or rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll causes the weapon to shatter and become powerless.

Auracrystal weapons cost more than their normal counterparts, as follows. You can buy daggers, short swords, longswords and greatswords made of auracrystal. The cost to make it out of auracrystal is 350 gp on top of the price of the weapon. You can also buy arrows or crossbow bolts made of vitacrystal. The cost for this is 10 gp per arrow. Any weapon made of auracrystal is considered a masterwork item.

Auracrystal can also be used in powder form. Half a pound of auracrystal powder, if prepared properly and sprinkled on a dead body, reduces the amount of time that body has been dead by 10% of the time the body has been dead. This can allow effects like raise dead or resurrection to work past when they normally would. Once used, the powder is powerless. Half a pound of prepared auracrystal powder costs 250 gp.

1 pound of raw, unworked auracrystal costs 140 gp, and is a trade good.

Anchors and Sustainers

These magic items allow people to survive on the plane of positive energy.

Personal Positive Planar Sustainer
Price: 2500 gp
Body Slot: Ring
Caster Level: 10
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: --
Weight: --

This ring made of white crystal is useful to those who want to be on positive-dominant planes safely. The creature wearing a personal positive planar sustainer are immune to the effects of the positive-dominant planar trait and can breathe the energy of positive-dominant planes as if it was air.

Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Positive Endurance.
Cost to Create: 1240 GP, 100 EXP, 20 gp auracrystal.

Positive Planar Anchor
Price: 5000 gp
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 10
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: --
Weight: 15

This large white crystal (15 pounds, 1 ft x 1 ft) is a great boon to those who would have a extra-planar base. Those within 40 feet of a positive planar anchor are immune to the effects of the positive-dominant planar trait and can breathe the energy of positive-dominant planes as if it was air. In addition, if the positive planar anchor is on a positive-dominant plane, anyone attempting to plane shift into the area protected by the anchor will always land on target.

The anchor only works when stationary. If moved, the planar anchor is disabled for 12 hours.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Positive Endurance.
Cost to Create: 1450 GP, 200 EXP, 2100 gp auracrystal.

Plant Positive Planar Sustainer
Price: 10000 gp
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 13
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: --
Weight: 15

This large white and green crystal (15 pounds, 1 ft x 1 ft) allows your extraplanar base to create its own resources. Plants within 200 feet of a positive planar sustainer can use the positive energy of positive-dominant planes instead of the carbon dioxide and water they need.

The sustainer only works when stationary. If moved, the planar sustainer is disabled for 12 hours.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Positive Endurance.
Cost to Create: 3950 GP, 400 EXP, 2100 gp auracrystal.

Greater Positive Planar Anchor
Price: 100000 gp
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 15
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: --
Weight: 15

This large white crystal (135 pounds, 3 ft x 3 ft) allows you to build larger bases then its normal cousin. Those within 1 mile of a greater positive planar anchor are immune to the effects of the positive-dominant planar trait and can breathe the energy of positive-dominant planes as if it was air. In addition, if the positive planar anchor is on a positive-dominant plane, anyone attempting to plane shift into the area protected by the anchor will always land on target.

The anchor only works when stationary. If moved, the planar anchor is disabled for 24 hours.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Positive Endurance.
Cost to Create: 40550 GP, 4000 EXP, 18900 gp auracrystal.

Mender Items

These items are most useful to menders, but some can be used by others.

Staff of Life Force
Price: 10000
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 10
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Activation: --/Command Word
Weight: 4 lbs.

In addition to being a +1 quarterstaff, this staff acts as storage for a menders life force. A mender holding a staff of life force can, as a free action, spend any number of points from their Life Force pool. When they do, the number of points in the staff increases by the same amount. The staff can hold up to 50 points. Points in the staff can be spent as if they were in the life force pool of the mender holding the staff.

In the hands of a non-mender, the energy in the staff can still be used, but not as well. By speaking a command word while touching the tip of the staff to someone, you spend 3 points from the staff to cast cure light wounds on the touched individual (CL 1).

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Heal, Cure Light Wounds.
Cost to Create: 5000, 400 EXP.

Greater Staff of Life Force
Price: 40000
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 15
Aura: Strong Conjuration
Activation: --/Command Word
Weight: 4 lbs.

A stronger version of the Staff of Life Force, this staff is used by more skilled menders. The greater staff of life force functions exactly like a staff of life force, except as follows:

  • It is a +1 Merciful quarterstaff.
  • To store points in the staff or use points from the staff for mender class features, your maximum life force pool must be at least 150 points.
  • The staff can hold up to 100 points.
  • A non-mender can, via a second command word, spend 30 points from the staff and 1000 xp to cast raise dead on a touched individual (CL 1).

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Raise Dead
Cost to Create: 25000, 2000 EXP.

Mender's Gloves
Price: 8,000 gp (+2), 32,000 gp (+4), 72,000 gp (+6)
Body Slot: Hands
Caster Level: 8
Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Activation: --/standard action (command word)
Weight: --

These simple gloves are a great boon to menders. When worn, these gloves provide an enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. This bonus can come in +2, +4 or +6. In addition to the enhancement bonus, the gloves have an added use for mender's. Twice per day, a mender wearing mender's gloves can activate the gloves as a standard action (command word). When activated, the gloves add X points to the mender's life force pool, where X is the enhancement bonus of the gloves.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Eagle’s Splendor, Owl's Wisdom.

Epic Mender's Gloves
Price: 1,280,000 gp (+8), 2,000,000 gp (+10), 2,880,000 gp (+12)
Body Slot: Hands
Caster Level: 20
Aura: Stong Transmutation
Activation: --/standard action (command word)
Weight: --

A greater version of mender's gloves. When worn, these gloves provide an enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. This bonus can come in +8, +10 or +12. The gloves also have the life force property of the lesser gloves. Twice per day, a mender wearing mender's gloves can activate the gloves as a standard action (command word). When activated, the gloves add X points to the mender's life force pool, where X is the enhancement bonus of the gloves.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Eagle’s Splendor, Owl's Wisdom

Other Magic Items

Life Dust
Price: 200 gp
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 5
Aura: Faint Conjuration
Activation: Standard
Weight: --

This fine white dust holds just a bit of positive energy. Throw the dust on the ground hard (as a standard action) to activate its power. All creatures within 30' are healed 1d8+3 hit points (those harmed by positive energy are damaged 1d8+3 instead). Once used, the dust vanishes.

Instead of throwing it on the ground, you can eat the powder as a standard action. If eaten, the person who ate it is healed 1d8+5 hit points and gets a +1 morale bonus to all attack rolls and skill checks for 1 minute (both effects are reversed for those harmed by positive energy).

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Cure Light Wounds OR Positive Flood (Mender level required 5).
Cost to Create: 100 GP, 8 EXP.

Ward Shard
Price: 12000 gp
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 11
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: Standard
Weight: --

This crystal radiates positive energy. The living are unaffected by this energy, but undead can not come within 15 feet of the ward shard. If moved, the shard stops working for 5 rounds.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Halt Undead.
Cost to Create: 6000 GP, 480 EXP.

Phoenix Stone
Price: 11000
Body Slot: --
Caster Level: 11
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Activation: --
Weight: --

This white stone appears to contain a bird made of flickering flame. This stone is an easy route to returning from the dead.

If you die while carrying a phoenix stone, the magic of the stone activates. You may come back from the dead at the location of your body at any point in the next hour. If you don't use this ability within one hour, your body vanishes in white flames (these flames do not damage anything else) and you are raised from the dead at the closest safe location. You can press a phoenix stone into the chest of another creature that died within the last hour to raise them from the dead instantly.

Creatures brought back from the dead with a phoenix stone come back with 1 hit point and no levels lost. Once its magic activates, the stone vanishes in a puff of white fire.

Prerequisites: Can not be crafted, see "The Radiance".

The Scepter of Positive Command

This scepter grants the bearer great control over positive energy. The scepter can hold 50 charges at any given time. If the scepter is below this 50 charge maximum, it regains 1 charge every 2 rounds. If the scepter is on a plane with the positive-dominant planar trait, it instead regains 2 charges every round. If on a plane with the negative-dominant trait, it loses 1 charge every round.

These charges can be spent on any of the following spells (Caster level 20th). Unless noted, activating the scepter is a standard action (command word):

  • 1 charge: Cure Moderate Wounds
  • 3 charges: Cure Moderate Wounds, Instant (swift/immediate action as the spell, no bead required)
  • 6 charges: Summon Monster V (either 1 medium positive elemental or 1d4+1 small positive elementals)
  • 9 charges: Plane Shift (only to positive-dominant planes, the users native plane or the material plane [if the campaign has more than one material plane, they may choose any of them])
  • 18 charges: Resurrection (the user also must spend 500 XP)

The scepter can also use the following spells at will (caster level 20): Positive Endurance, Cure Minor Wounds and Detect Lifeforce. These are also a standard action (command word).

In addition, the holder is immune to the effects of the positive-dominant planar trait and can breathe the energy of positive-dominant planes as if it was air. Lastly, the scepter can be used as a +4 defending club.

The current holder of the scepter is the capo of Lumière, Passade III.

To destroy the scepter, it must be left on a plane with the major negative-dominant trait for a year and a day consecutively, after which it loses all magical abilities. One days exposure to anything else, even the minor negative-dominant trait, resets the time.

Body SlotRing +, -- +, Held + and Hands +
Cost2500 gp +, 5000 gp +, 10000 gp +, 100000 gp +, 10000 +, 40000 +, 8,000 gp (+2), 32,000 gp (+4), 72,000 gp (+6) +, 1,280,000 gp (+8), 2,000,000 gp (+10), 2,880,000 gp (+12) +, 200 gp +, 12000 gp + and 11000 +
SummaryThis is special wood grown on positive-dominant planes. +, This special material is mainly used to ma
This special material is mainly used to make crystal magic items to protect from the plane of positive energy. In fact, energy surges on the plane of positive energy cause the creation of these crystals (some can also cause the creation of these crystals on their own).
creation of these crystals on their own). +, Allows you to survive on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a field where creatures can survive on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a field where plants can grow on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a large field where creatures can survive on the plane of positive energy. +, A staff for menders to store their life force in. +, A better Staff of Life Force. +, Provides a bonus to Wis and Cha, and extra lifeforce points. +, White dust, heals an area once. +, Crystal, repels undead +, Stone that brings you back if you die with it. + and Scepter that allows control of positive energy +
TypeMajor +