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Ymmadraugge (3.5e Vestige)

1 byte added, 03:57, 25 November 2015
| 2,400 || align="left" | [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 120 feet
| 3,200 || align="left" | [[Hover (3.5e Creature Ability)|Hover]] (perfect) 20 feet or half land speed (whichever is higher)
| 6,400 || align="left" | [[SRD:Breath Weapon|Breath weapon]] of biting darkness. Deals 1d6 per binder level + [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] in a 30 foot cone once every 1d3+1 rounds. Damage is physical bludgeoning/piercing/slashing and counts as a magical [Darkness] effect and counters and dispels [Light] effects and counts as a spell of a level equal to 1/2 of the pact-bound creature's HD total.

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