User:Ganteka Future
Est. 19 October 2010
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Races & Templates
Complete Xeno (3.5e Sourcebook)/Appilon
Racial Paragon Classes
All Equipment
- Acacite Heartstone Amulet
- Accursed Visage Amulet
- Alchemical Sheath
- Alchemical Torch
- Amazonian Strength Belt
- Amber Prosthesis
- Amber Vial
- Amberpoint Arrows
- Amberstone
- Amefyst Rod
- Amulet of Merform
- Ancient Beastform Rings
- Ancient Karakean Wardenset
- Ancient Ocean Armor
- Answerer
- Antidote
- Apprentice Tailor's Mender
- Approximate Variable Duplicate Capsule
- Arcane Spellgem
- Arm Guard
- Artimancer's Coat
- Baleform
- Banana Slippers
- Bananarang
- Beautician's Baton
- Black Baroness's Amulet
- Black Box
- Blackmoss
- Blank Wand
- Blasphemous Hat
- Blood Contract Pen
- Bloodstone
- Blubber Layer
- Book of Telling Stories
- Branderbuss
- Branding
- Bubbloon Boots
- Buoyant
- Casual Purse
- Casual Shoes
- Casual Tent
- Casual Towel
- Casual Undergarments
- Cathasaigh's Crown
- Chain Whip
- Cherry Popsi
- Chitin
- Choker of Hotness
- Comfortable Sweater
- Corrosion Nix
- Corrupting Ice Sword
- Crown of Smoldering Glory
- Crown of Tentacles
- Cult Leader's Mask
- Cursed Oni Mask
- Dandy Wig
- Death Aegis Ring
- Diminuinas
- Dinosaur Training Manual
- Do Wand
- Drimdoldrum
- Drow Spidersilk Armor
- Dryad's Milk
- Durzite Boots
- Durzite Cloak
- Electric Mandolin
- Electrocoil Blunderbuss
- Essence of Leopard
- Eurixa Ring
- Everburning Candle
- Fairy Godmother's Wand
- Fashionable Sorceress Dress
- Fey Light
- Fey Punishment Mask
- Foam Flask
- Focus Tome of Anthropomorphizing
- Focus Tome of Enhancement
- Focus Tome of Sizing
- Forged Sky
- Frostwright Harp
- Full Speed
- Funeral Pyre Candle
- Gauntlet of Darkness
- Gauntlet of Light
- Giraffe Tongue
- Goddess Tears
- Goddess's Milk
- Goggles
- Golden Encumbrance Chains
- Golden Pudding Pot
- Golognorg
- Goop
- Gorgon's Milk
- Gossamer
- Great Helm
- Great Staff
- Greenade
- Hag Wart Dust
- Hag's Milk
- Hair Dye
- Hair Removal Slime
- Halfweight Backpack
- Haywire Wand
- Headhuntress Earrings
- Heat Root
- Hell Hound's Collar
- Hickory Honey Dipper
- Hoarfrost Plate
- Homefinding
- Horn Juice
- Hyperspring Boots
- Idol of Reincarnation
- Ink Sac
- Jade Moth Ring
- Knightly Corset
- Knuckled Gauntlet
- Krampus Tongue
- Kuirwood
- Lesser Psychoactive Skin of the Celestial
- Lifesaving
- Lightning Reins
- Liquid Food
- Living Pearl
- Loam
- Longspear of the Stars
- Loon Flute
- Lord of Ancient Ages
- Lotus Shoes
- LozoPozo Juice
- Lumberman's Axe
- Luminous
- Magic Aura Sabre
- Makuaa Beach Chair
- Makuaa Beach Umbrella
- Malachite Serpent
- Malaquian Slip Suit
- Malazon
- Malevolent Virtue
- Malleastite
- Mantis Picks
- Marchboots
- Marilith Bangles
- Mask of Daedalus
- Mask of the Desert Night
- Master Do Wand
- Master Tailor Tools
- Mechanical Strider Pack
- Midnight Loaf Box
- Mirror of Averted Gazing
- Mirror of Erring and Returning
- Mirror of If
- Mirror of Mirari
- Mirror of Proper Preparation
- Mithral Water Clock
- N-TWSL-1
- Nimble
- Nixieberry
- Noble Perfumed Regalia
- North River Blade
- Northern Elf Slippers
- Oola Ixa
- Ooplaxii Invigoration
- Ooplaxii Marrow
- Opalescent Warp Scorpion Honey
- Option
- Paint Ball
- Pale Maiden's 3rd Eye
- Palepoint Arrowheads
- Parempo
- Patina Polish
- Peachy-Keen Sabre
- Pearl
- Pegasus Saddle
- Pen Quill Rapier
- Pheromone Gland
- Philosopher's Fire
- Pixitte Ring
- Pocket Watch of Rilox
- Portable Alchemist's Lab
- Portable Cot
- Portable Freeze n' Bake
- Potion of UnDeath
- Potions of Dangerous Longevity
- Power Potato
- Princess Slippers
- Priosma
- Purgicarnis
- Queen's Comb
- Quick Changing Screen
- Radical Skateboard
- Rag of Bats
- Red King's Plate
- Red Long Stockings
- Reindeer Antlers
- Rejuvenating Mud Jar
- Ring of Antidotes
- Ring of Colorbody
- Ring of Fat Disguise
- Ring of Moods
- Ring of Retributive Fireball
- ... further results
Cosmology & Locations
- Under Construction Offline
- Cuddi Rul
- The Dreamscape
- The Edge of Time
- The Forgotten World
- Nymnelia
Base Classes
Grim Alterations
Prestige Classes
NPC Classes
NPCs & Monsters
Feats, Spells & Skill Tricks
All Feats
- 10-Foot Pole Proficiency
- Ability Mastery
- Advantageous Charge
- Alchemical Enchantment
- Ammunition Recoverer
- Armed Wrestler
- Bad Moon Rising
- Bind Possession
- Blessed Refreshment
- Boiling Waters
- Brew Archpotion
- Brew Restorative Potion
- Brute Force Programming
- Burning Zeal
- Caltrop Attack
- Caltrop Tosser
- Cantrip Training
- Casting Conservation
- Charged Item Specialist
- Charged Item Training
- Charlotte's Tongue
- Clumsy Dodge
- Cold Iron Forger
- Conductive Spell Essence
- Copyright Form
- Craft Construct
- Craft Wearable Item
- Create Language
- Create More Water
- Crushing Slam
- Dance Everywhere
- Death's Arbiter
- Disguise Preparation
- Elemental Scourge Attack
- Elven Trance
- Enhance Weapon-Like
- Extra Skipper Talent
- Fairy-Friend
- Fey Glare
- Fey Grace
- Fey's Resilience
- Final Rites
- Freezing Waters
- Gorgonzola's Gaze
- Grim Desperation
- Grim Rider
- Gunsmith
- Hovering Trance
- Hybrid Vigor
- Ideal Creature
- Improved Ink Sac
- Improved Soul Imprint
- Intuitive Initiative
- Jekyll & Hyde
- Leatherworker
- Life Point Reserve
- Linguist
- Long Arc Shot
- Maddening Screech
- Mage Armor
- Maintain Minor Transfiguration
- Major Hand
- Manifest Scourge Attack
- Massage Therapy
- Masterwork Body
- Mental Altarx
- Monk Weapon Style
- Mounted Mount
- Multi-Spell
- Nonhumanoid Armor Crafter
- Nonlethal Combat
- Noodler
- Obscuration
- Perfect Save
- Poison Specialty
- Poison Surprise
- Potion Potency
- Puffness
- Quickfall
- Racial Save Focus
- Racial Skill Focus
- Radiant Beauty
- Residual Growth
- Rod of Wonder Training
- Scourge Attack Focus
- Scourge Cleave
- Shapechanger's Cohesion
- Shapechanger's Rejuvenation
- Shapechanger's Resilience
- Sharky
- Sharky, Improved
- Shattering Screech
- Shoop da Whoop
- Silver Slasheneer
- Singular Poison Immunity
- Skill Specialization Focus
- Skill Synergizer
- Skill Tricky
- Skillful Jack
- Slippery Escape
- Sneak Attack Attack
- Sorcerer's Grimoire
- Soul Warden
- Staunch Grip
- Succinct Spell
- Swordsmith
- Tactical Striker
- Tenebrous Midnight Focus
- Tenebrous Spell Essence
- Tenebrous Twilight Focus
- Tip Toe
- Unaging Mystic
- Urban Traveler
- Vestige Dabbler
- Vivacious Waters
- Wearable Companion
- Weight Training
- Witch Vanish
- Wraith Sight
- Zephyrean Spell Essence
Scaling Feats
Skill Tricks
Creature Abilities
Weapon Enhancements
Variant Rules
Adopted Articles
Image Index
User Information
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Location: Michigan, USA
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Player: Since 2001
DM: Since late 2002
Campaign Characters
This section is limited to characters that have gotten at least 5 sessions of play time, probably more.
Byuroc: Half-Elf Druid: He had a raspy voice and liked to talk about the virtues of wood and buttered rolls. His animal companion wolf tripped the evil wizard (BBEG who then failed another check) and fell off a bridge where he plummeted to his doom. Retired with his wolf, Log, and his reincarnated dire wolverine/centaur lady, Stump. First campaign character. (2001 - 3.0e)
Yoh: Human Fighter Rogue (Scythe Specialist): A young man who watched his grandfather die in combat, along with every one in his original party. The new guys just weren't the same, except when the paladin NPC "came back", after being hauled up into the ceiling by demonic chains. That guy was all right, even if he was secretly a blackguard. Failed a Will save ("The guy behind you is trying to kill you." suggestion) and accidentally slaughtered the helpful king of the barbarian tribes NPC with a sneak attack critical hit. (2002 - 3.0e)
Hat: ApeMan Monk: A white apeman, who wore only a hat, walked around like an idiot and climbed buildings. After the party disbanded he headed east for adventure. (2003 - 3.0e)
Cedric "Chet" Hazard III: Human Sorcerer Incantator: A panicky maniac in a city where arcane magic is banned. He helped run a brothel and his life's goal was to have a son to carry on the family name. Peasants fled from him and he was one of the city's most wanted outlaws. Character created for the dual-purpose of getting critical hits with spells as well as talking like Dracula. (2005 - 3.0e to 3.5e)
Carmine King: Fire Genasi Fighter Barbarian: A smart-ass who dropped more weapons in a single encounter than most adventurers ever do. Suffered innumerable amounts of pain in the pursuit of enough coin to retire on comfortably. Kind of an odd choice, but has 19 Intelligence (which did plenty to make him a bit terse). Enjoyed cigars. Once wrestled a goblin vampire after dropping 3 weapons in a row in 3 rounds. (2007 - 3.5e)
Prester Tovar: Human Cleric Radiant Servant of Pelor: He mouthed off to hulking brutes twice his size and exploded undead. Maybe he put a little too much faith in his faith. Slaughtered by a charnel hound after a Claw+Claw+Bite+Rend+failed Fortitude save dealt more than his total max HP in damage in a single round. We then remembered his active hide from undead spell. His bits were gathered together after the battle and he was later restored to life. (2008 - 3.5e)
Grungle: Orc Crusader: Same setting and time as Chet but different campaign. He was a big orc "freedom-fighter" with a big adamantine maul. He also ate people. He ran around in mithral full-plate and successfully jumped an 8-foot wall while being pursued by city guards. Imprisoned after a failed "wookiee prisoner gag". (2009-3.5e)
Kaizak Skyspider: Deeka Rogue/Warblade: Suffered from a longstanding bout of amnesia in which he couldn't remember his youth. Later became a mercenary. Had a disregard for the value and safety of the lives of others. (2010-3.5e)
Ambassador Scullskiff: Hobnoblin Cleric: A rather charismatic ambassador from his goblin village (repurposed castle ruins in a swamp) out on a mission to spread the good will of cooperation after a devastating dragon war ravaged the land. Got caught up in a bunch of stuff with elves and dragons trying to rise to power again. Also had a difficult time reigning in his vicious side. (2012-3.5e)
Cherry Popsi Klein: ATRuns Superior Master of Armor Silverlight Adept: A repurposed beverage brand mascot robot. (2015-3.5e+Pathfinder+Lots of Homebrew)
Gali'axxe Galaxia: Drow Apothecary Codex Swashbuckler Underdark Chemist: A young drow woman who quit her job as a librarian and took up her capacity to be pretty good at alchemy and lasers and joined a necromancy college, fell in love, fell out of reality like 5 times, got gunned down by Nazis, traveled through time on a couple occasions, became an alien goddess, gained a sister who is actually an alternate version of herself without a reality of her own, stopped being an alien goddess, got killed by a god of darkness when a toaster dropped into the water, traveled to Mount Olympus, had a shoggoth named after her, probably some other stuff. Her life got really out of hand. (2015-3.5e+Pathfinder+Lots of Homebrew)
Teotzal'tuacheb: Apothecary Asuta Paragon Battle Chemist: A gruff, grumpy outsider and the half-curse son of a concordant killer. A severe problem with getting lost, he fell outside of his own reality in a medieval setting and ended up in a modern one, joined a military academy aboard a city-sized ship shaped like a giant flying manta-ray above Magical Siberia. Became a spy somehow. Best friends with a former cheerleader and a pygga. (2015-3.5e+Pathfinder+Lots of Homebrew)