Mezmorrias, Greater Pact (3.5e Vestige)
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[hide]Mezmorrias, The Luminant Breath (Greater Pact)[edit]
A stronger pact with The Luminant Breath. Gain new abilities and abilities augmented by having Mezmorrias bound in both pacts.
Level: 3rd
Binding DC: 15
Special Requirement: Yes
Information on the origins and history of Mezmorrias can be found under the standard pact Mezmorrias article.
Special Summoning[edit]
Mezmorrias requires a special willing vessel to manifest into when summoning. The vessel needs to be living or animate with a soul. The summoner can choose to use themselves as the vessel (even if lacking a soul), but always gains the influence of Mezmorrias for such a pact.
A pact-bound creature cannot bind both Mezmorrias and Ymmadraugge at the same time.
While binding a greater pact of Mezmorrias and having access to its standard pact, the standard pact may be performed simultaneously with this pact.
Upon completing his seal and speaking whispered words, the vestige of Mezmorrias enters into the willing vessel, illuminating it like a white torch. Upon completion of the pact and bargaining finished, a breath of fog enters into the summoner (or envelopes the vessel in the case of the summoner serving as the vessel).
Those with the sign of Mezmorrias have noticeably paler bodies, exhale foggy breath and shine their eyes like drops of moonlight. Those creatures that do not breathe instead have the fog cascade slowly off their bodies.
Creatures already under the influence of another binding pact gain a +2 bonus on checks to avoid the influence of a greater Mezmorrias pact. If a Mezmorrias pact is already bound on the creature, this instead becomes a –2 penalty to the check.
Mezmorrias longs for the night. Those under its influence are compelled to take their time of rest under the open, starry night. Additionally, the natural instinct to lead causes them to take point when traveling and avoid helping others (unless the idea to perform the action was their idea).
Creatures under the influence of a greater Mezmorrias pact suffer a –2 penalty on saves against Transmutation effects. This penalty stacks with that of a standard Mezmorrias pact. Those under its influence must be changed, even if not by its will.
Granted Abilities[edit]
Body of the Vessel[edit]
As a full-round action, the pact-bound creature gains a single effect from the list on transfigure ability that lasts until Mezmorrias is unbound. The choice may be changed or suppressed with another full-round action.
If the creature is of at least 10 HD and has a standard Mezmorrias pact bound, he may choose a second or enhanced transfiguration from the list.
Light of the Beast[edit]
When under the light of the full moon (or that generated by a standard pact Mezmorrias Body of the Moon, a greater Mezmorrias pact-bound creature gains a +2 morale bonus on attacks rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability DCs, and ability checks.
Vision into the Voice of Power[edit]
A greater Mezmorrias pact-bound creature gains the standard pact Vision into the Voice ability. If the standard pact of Mezmorrias is also bound to the creature, it gains the following additional features:
- Disabling Wail (Ex): When rolling a Fortitude save against Horrid Wail, creatures also take a –2 morale penalty on attacks rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability DCs and ability checks for 1 minute unless they save.
- Horrid Line (Ex): A Mezmorrias-bound creature may make its Horrid Wail into a 90-foot line instead.
- Horrid Beam (Ex): A Mezmorrias-bound creature may deal [Light] damage instead of [Sonic] damage with either its Horrid Wail or Horrid Line attacks.
Borrower of Memories[edit]
As a standard action touch attack, a pact-bound creature can temporarily draw memories from a creature (of at least 3 Intelligence). The creature is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 effective binder level + Charisma modifier) or lose its memory. The afflicted creature retains skills, languages, feats, and class abilities, but forgets everything else. A pact-bound creature restores 1 negative level affecting it for each set of memories drawn in this way.
A pact-bound creature can hold up to 1/2 its HD total in borrowed memories as a buffer against negative levels, where each set of borrowed memories counts as 1 level drained first before the pact-bound creature is affected by negative levels. A pact-bound creature can borrow its own memories if it chooses.
A pact-bound creature does not have access to these memories, instead using them as protection or "filling in the holes" to restore itself.
Borrowed memories return in 4 hours or if the subjected creature receives a heal spell or memory restoration with limited wish, wish, or miracle.
Breath of the Luminant[edit]
It is unknown what this ability does. Scholars and binders agree that a greater pact binding of Mezmorrias bestows the ability to invoke the Breath of the Luminant, but no one has figured out how to use it, what it is, or what it does.
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