Hag Wart Dust (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 20 February 2011
Status: Tentative Completion
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Hag Wart Dust[edit]

When this powder comes in contact with the skin, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or become Disease Prone for 1 day. If the creature fails, one minute later, it must make another save or suffer discolored skin and many warts which last indefinitely.

Hag wart dust is derived from actual hag warts, appearing as a brownish-gray powder that smells like a foul rotten swamp.

Table: Hag Wart Dust
Poison Type Initial Damage Secondary Damage Base Price
Hag Wart Dust Contact DC 10 Disease Prone Warts 100 gp

Disease Prone: A target who fails his primary save against this toxin is weakened against diseases, suffering a -4 penalty on saves to resist non-magical diseases for 1 day. Though, any non-magical disease that the target suffers while in possession of this ability, he may spread by touch to another creature if he wills it. Though, willingly spreading a disease in this manner automatically deals him 1 point of Constitution damage upon a success.

Warts: After 1 minute, the target must make a secondary save or suffer discolored skin with many warts, primarily located on the face and hands. These warts remain on the target until removed with either heal, remove disease or restoration. The warts are automatically removed with such magic and no check needs to be made against them.

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AuthorGanteka Future +
Cost100 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA long-lasting, but weak, contact poison derived from actual hag warts. +
TitleHag Wart Dust +