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Fairy Godmother's Wand (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 6 December 2017
Status: Wondrous
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Fairy Godmother's WandEdit

Fairy Godmother's Wand
Price: 800 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint transmutation
Activation: Standard
Weight: 1 lb.

Hold still my little darling while I get you ready for this noble engagement... just kidding, you get to stay home until you're older.

This little magical trinket, when held, can replicate the effects of prestidigitation in regards to changing the color of objects. Small sparkles fly off of it when it's swung around. The star-shaped pointed tip is made of mundane crystal.

Once per day, with a flick and a point, a targeted creature's style and worn outfit touched (willing only) with the wand (or an unworn set of clothing) can be magically transformed for 8 hours. When used as part of a Disguise check, it counts as a masterwork skill tool granting a +2 circumstance bonus.

A wielder with the appropriate Craft skill may make a craft check using gemstones or precious metals as a material component when transforming clothing to make the change instantaneous and add the gem's market value to the value of the clothing.

A wielder treats a fairy godmother's wand as a masterwork dagger if it is used to attack with.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation and cloth shape.
Cost to Create: 400 gp, 32 EXP, 1 day.

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