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''Blind Seer {{Su}}:'' You become permanently [[SRD:Blinded|blind]] but gain an additional spell slot and domain spell slot.
''Enlightened {{Ex}}:'' You gain 2 skills points per character level which may only be spent in [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]]. You add your [[Wisdom]] to your [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] checks in addition to [[Intelligence]].
''Cunning Interpretation {{Ex}}:'' At the start of each day, choose between Attack Roll, Damage Roll, AC and Saving Throw. Whenever you use Battle Prediction, increase the bonus granted by Battle Prediction to the chosen roll by 2.  
''Cunning Interpretation {{Ex}}:'' At the start of each day, choose between Attack Roll, Damage Roll, AC and Saving Throw. Whenever you use Battle Prediction, increase the bonus granted by Battle Prediction to the chosen roll by 2.  
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''Light of Destruction {{Sp}}:'' You gain [[Light Laser (3.5e Spell)|''light laser'']] as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to 2 + your [[Charisma]] bonus. You cast spells with the [Light] descriptor at +2 caster level for the purpose of calculating damage.
''Light of Destruction {{Sp}}:'' You gain [[Light Laser (3.5e Spell)|''light laser'']] as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to 2 + your [[Charisma]] bonus. You cast spells with the [Light] descriptor at +2 caster level for the purpose of calculating damage.
''Mysterious Purpose {{Ex}}:'' You may use your [[Charisma]] instead of your [[Wisdom]] for all of your Warseer's class features.  
''Pierce the Darkness {{Su}}:'' When you cast one of your divination, you may create a [Light] effect which dispel darkness-effect, counting as a spell of as half your class for that purpose. You may have any item you hold produce light up to twice as bright as torch and even focus it in a 120 ft. line of bright light, which thickine into 15 feet or dim illumination on each side.
===Prophetic Epiphany===  
===Prophetic Epiphany===  
''Light of Phos {{Su}}:'' The Godseer is capable moving quickly buy assuming the form of a beam of light. As a full-round action she may [[SRD:Greater Teleport|''greater teleport'']] alongside all of her equipment but only location capable of receiving light from the sky. She may bring other creatures but doing so reduce the effect to a [[SRD:Teleport|''teleport'']].
''Light of Phos {{Su}}:'' The Godseer is capable moving quickly buy assuming the form of a beam of light. A number of times per day equal to her [[Wisdom]] modifier, she may [[SRD:Greater Teleport|''greater teleport'']] alongside all of her equipment but only location capable of receiving light from the sky. She may bring other creatures but doing so reduce the effect to a [[SRD:Teleport|''teleport'']].
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''Final {{Ex}}:'' Incoming
''Final {{Ex}}:'' Incoming
| There is nowhere that I know that is safe from this war, and I can see forever.
The vision of conflict and war is a particularly difficult one to take, it is unneeded suffering not brought by a natural disaster of an act of gods, but by men. The greatest atrocities are done during those time, where conflict strip each side of their humanity and turn otherwise righteous men into beasts. The Godseer who has a vision of war are more prepared for battle than others.
''Domain:'' [[Herculean (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Herculean]], [[Metal (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Metal]], [[SRD:War Domain|War]]
''Able Combatant:'' You gain a single [Fighter] bonus feat you meet the prerequisites of and count your Godseer level as fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats and prestige class and their benefits. 
''Combat Visionary {{Ex}}:'' You gain the benefits of [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]] using your [[Wisdom]] instead of your [[Dexterity]].
''Direct Threat {{Ex}}:'' As long as you threaten a creature, it is incapable of taking attacks of opportunity against your allies.
''Fighting Spirit {{Su}}:'' You have vision of your own death and what it entails, forcing you to fight harder. All morale bonus you receive are increased by 1 and all morale penalty you receive are lowered by 1.
===Prophetic Epiphany===
''Combat Supremacy {{Ex}}:'' Your vision of constant battle and war made you one of the best combatant around. You apply weapon specific feat (such as [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]]) you possess to all weapons you wield as long as said weapon is valid (a longsword would not be valid for a mace-based style feats). You no longer miss on natural 1 and combat maneuver never succeed against you unless your foe's bab is at least 1 point higher than yours.

Latest revision as of 18:31, 2 November 2018


The one common things that bind all Godseers together is the vision they receive from the divine. The Godseer do not serve a deity, instead they draw their divine power and inspiration from their vision, drawing upon all the Divines instead of serving a single God. The act of creating a Godseer require a Vision, and many are left scarred or traumatized by it. The Godseer's destiny is however bound to their vision in a way or another. Once a vision is chosen it cannot be changed, it become a definitive part of the Godseer's powers.


From dust to dust, then blown by the wind into oblivion.

The Godseer received a vision of death, her own, that of a loved one or perhaps the death of an entire nation. This vision can be literal or figurative, perhaps symbolizing change in it most benign form. The Gods seldom tend to show vision of death, as they are frightening and often confusing. The Death Vision grant the Godseer ability which allow her to play with life and death, as well as offensive abilities.

Domains: Afterlife, Birth, Death Domain, DeathboundSpC, Ghost, War


Creepy Portent (Su): Over the course of a minute you may make a creepy prediction about an adjacent creature's fate. The prediction is cryptic bit can potentially end in saving the target's life or perhaps doom it. The target gain the ability to reroll a single d20 in the next 24 hours, using the best result. Alternatively if the target is within your line of sight, you may activate the ability yourself, choosing which result the target keep. A creature may only be affected once every 24 hours by this Revelation.

Deathbringer (Su): The Godseer increase her Battle Prediction bonus when applies to damage to 1d6 per +1. This only apply to attacks which deal lethal damage.

Fear the Reaper (Su): You radiate an aura of dread which scare lesser creatures. During the first round of combat, all creature with a CR lower than your class level are At Bay from you.

Vision of Death (Ex): If you look a creature for more than 5 rounds, you automatically divine if it under the effect of a disease or posion, what stage it is in, if it fatal and the creature's maximum age. This is a divination effect.

Prophetic Epiphany[edit]

Harbinger of Finality (Ex): You become a manifestation of your vision, a being capable of playing with life and death. You are resistant to death, making you immune to [Death]-effect and being brought back from the dead no longer make you lose a level. Finally whenever you are slain, you rise back from the dead at 1 hit point within 5 round as per raise dead. If your body is too heavily damaged you must be resurrected as normal.


Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.
—Genesis 6:17

The Gods has warned the Godseer of an incoming deluge of catastrophic proportions, the parts the Godseer has to play in the event leading to and after the deluge are often vague. Some Godseer try to prevent it, if unable save as much as possible, while others are to preach the words of the Gods until the time come. In some case, the Gods sent the deluge to wipe out the unrighteous and the Godseer is to prevent rescue efforts, or at least make the unrighteous know what is coming and why it coming.

Domains: Judgment, Falling Stars, Lava, Weather


Communal Warning: (Su) When using Battle Prediction, a Godseer with the Deluge Vision may use it as a full-round action. Doing grant her Battle Prediction to all allies within 60 feet.

Dire Warning (Ex): The Godseer is capable of making a chilling warning of the future, especially to those opposing her. She gain the ability to demoralize opponent against all hostile creatures within 30 feet, making them At Bay from her for 1 round instead of it normal effect. Once a creature has been affected by Dire Warning it is immune for 24 hours.

Predict Weather (Ex): If you are in an area for at least an hour, you become supernaturally aware of the weather for the next week, including incoming storms and hurricane. If a creature use a spell or other ability to manipulate the weather you are immediately aware of it.

Violent Vision (Su): As a standard action, the Godseer can make a creature within close range see a vision of it own violent death. The creature must make a Will save or be cowering for 1 round. A successful save only render them shaken for 1 round and make them immune to further attempts for 24 hours. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the Godseer's Wisdom or Charisma bonus.

Prophetic Epiphany[edit]

Rain of Destruction (Su): The Godseer gain the ability to unleash an uncapped expanded rain of fireball that deal half fire and half divine damage. Unlike the spell she may concentrate on it, unleashing another salvo each turn she does. She possess a number of rounds of uses per day equal to half her class level, uses need not be consecutive.


The light reveal the way! The Light scorch the wicked!

The Vision of the Gods are often as mysterious as they are obtuse. The vision of a great light swallowing the Godseer whole, perhaps covering her entire world is one that can easily be misinterpreted. The Godseer who were gifted with this vision often find themselves spending many years of their life attempting to decipher it, while others are instantly convinced of it meaning.

Domain: Solar, Light, Lunar, Psychic


Enlightened (Ex): You gain 2 skills points per character level which may only be spent in Knowledge. You add your Wisdom to your Knowledge checks in addition to Intelligence.

Cunning Interpretation (Ex): At the start of each day, choose between Attack Roll, Damage Roll, AC and Saving Throw. Whenever you use Battle Prediction, increase the bonus granted by Battle Prediction to the chosen roll by 2.

Light of Destruction (Sp): You gain light laser as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day equal to 2 + your Charisma bonus. You cast spells with the [Light] descriptor at +2 caster level for the purpose of calculating damage.

Pierce the Darkness (Su): When you cast one of your divination, you may create a [Light] effect which dispel darkness-effect, counting as a spell of as half your class for that purpose. You may have any item you hold produce light up to twice as bright as torch and even focus it in a 120 ft. line of bright light, which thickine into 15 feet or dim illumination on each side.

Prophetic Epiphany[edit]

Light of Phos (Su): The Godseer is capable moving quickly buy assuming the form of a beam of light. A number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier, she may greater teleport alongside all of her equipment but only location capable of receiving light from the sky. She may bring other creatures but doing so reduce the effect to a teleport.


You must suffer! For the sake of all the innocents you have harmed!

A vision of crimes left unavenged can turn even the most soft-hearted person into a walking instrument of divine justice. The vision can be a specific crime that must be punished, with any other punishment along the way being merely good coincidence. Alternatively the Godseer can get a vision of how depraved and justice-less society is, and the means to solve such problems. A Godseer with this vision possess the ability to discern 'sinners' and punish them for their action.

Domain: Curse, Judgment, Pain, Revenge


An Eye for an Eye (Su): If a creature dealt damage to the Godseer within the last round, she may use an free action to use her Battle Prediction. However the Battle Prediction bonus only apply against creatures which dealt damage to her.

Judgment Blade (Ex): As a swift action, the Godseer can make all weapon she wield Holy for 1 round. This stack with any existing enhancement on her weapons and does not hurt her if her alignment conflict. This ability consume uses of her Battle Prediction ability.

Righteous Vengeance (Su): As a swift action, a Godseer can accuse a target of having done a specific crime or sin. The DC of the next spell she cast on the target increase by 2 if the target is guilty, or decrease by 4 if it is innocent. The crime or sin must be an evil act or at least an immoral act in the Godseer's religion The benefit is lost if not used within 1 minute and a creature may only be affected by this ability once per day.

Sinseeker: The Godseer gain detect alignment as a supernatural ability at-will, they gain all information within 1 round instead of 3. In addition the Godseer add reveal greatest sin to her spell list as a 2nd level spell.

Prophetic Epiphany[edit]

Final (Ex): Incoming


There is nowhere that I know that is safe from this war, and I can see forever.

The vision of conflict and war is a particularly difficult one to take, it is unneeded suffering not brought by a natural disaster of an act of gods, but by men. The greatest atrocities are done during those time, where conflict strip each side of their humanity and turn otherwise righteous men into beasts. The Godseer who has a vision of war are more prepared for battle than others.

Domain: Herculean, Metal, War


Able Combatant: You gain a single [Fighter] bonus feat you meet the prerequisites of and count your Godseer level as fighter level for the purpose of qualifying for feats and prestige class and their benefits.

Combat Visionary (Ex): You gain the benefits of Combat Reflexes using your Wisdom instead of your Dexterity.

Direct Threat (Ex): As long as you threaten a creature, it is incapable of taking attacks of opportunity against your allies.

Fighting Spirit (Su): You have vision of your own death and what it entails, forcing you to fight harder. All morale bonus you receive are increased by 1 and all morale penalty you receive are lowered by 1.

Prophetic Epiphany[edit]

Combat Supremacy (Ex): Your vision of constant battle and war made you one of the best combatant around. You apply weapon specific feat (such as Weapon Focus) you possess to all weapons you wield as long as said weapon is valid (a longsword would not be valid for a mace-based style feats). You no longer miss on natural 1 and combat maneuver never succeed against you unless your foe's bab is at least 1 point higher than yours.