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Revision as of 19:09, 24 June 2019

Author: Dingobabee (talk)
Date Created: 6/22/2019
Status: Tweaking Mechanics
Editing: Conservative edits only
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A race of people who soul bind to animal companions and take on appearances similar to them.



Wolfens look similar to humans in build. They have animalistic ears and tails that match those of their animal companion that they are soul bound to. Females have longer incisors than males that often stick out beyond their lips.

Wolfens have a tradition of covering one of their eyes with their hair, uncovering it only in intimate moments or to make a life or death shot.


Wolfens tend to have extreme personalities that are balanced out by the complimentary personalities of their soul bound companions.


Wolfens hate vampires with a passion and will go out of their way to slay any they come across. Conversely, they have a healthy respect for lycanthropes and have a rich history and legends surrounding them.


Wolfens have a matriarchal society with a great focus on craftsmanship. The ideal wolfen is the best at what they do and proud of it. They live all over the Island of Velch which has a variety of ecosystems. Wolfens adapt and build wherever they find room to grow.

Wolfens protect their lands jealously, wary of outsiders they have successfully defended their lands from invasion on countless occasions


Young wolfens often go out and explore the world before returning home as adults. Thus, adventurers are very common. From those that are out seeking their bonded companion as they move from teenager to adult, to those that found purpose in helping others and decided to stay out in the world, wolfens are well suited to the adventuring life.

Wolfen Names

Wolfen names are an enigma to outsiders, as they often have three syllables or more and have meanings that only speakers of the Wolfen language will understand.

Male Names: Amanuen, Damien, Kashikoi

Female Names: Katiana, Sumati, Vythica

Family Names: Fañerka, Shlander, Tittelek

Wolfen Traits


Creature Type. Humanoid
Ability Score Increase. Dexterity +1, Wisdom +2
Age. Wolfens go out to find their companion at 13 years of age, reach full physical maturity at the age of 17 and live to about 100, possibly significantly more if they bond to a particularly long lived companion.
Alignment. The most common alignment for Wolfens is Lawful, though where they fall on the rest of the spectrum varies wildly.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.  
Darkvision: Wolfens have keen senses usually only found in the animal kingdom, with this comes the ability to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 
Dual Minded. Because of the nature of their souls being bound to another creature, Wolfens get advantage on Wisdom saving throws as a reaction. 
Claws. Wolfens deal 1d4 slashing+ Strength modifier damage with their unarmed strikes 
Companion. A Wolfen's animal companion is different from your average animal. They are the other half of a Wolfen's soul and personality. While a Companion could be left at home they provide needed balance to the usually extreme personalities of Wolfens. Benefiting from the bond as much or even more than the Wolfen themselves might. The first and most clear advantage is the life expectancy of the companion or Wolfen grows to match that of the one who would naturally live the longest. A Companion otherwise behaves as a Ranger's Companion, you must choose a creature of CR 1/4 or lower, though a large size creature that otherwise fits these requirements. 
Broken Bond. A Wolfen who's bound companion dies must make a DC20 Wisdom saving throw or become stunned as a feeling of half their soul being ripped from them overtakes them. They may make additional saves every hour, or if the source of the death is nearby, every round. A Wolfen who makes the saving throw can then take a week to learn how to transform into their lost companion twice per long rest and behaves as if it were a Druid's Wild Shape.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Wolfen


Every Wolfen is soul bound to an animal companion. This lifelong bond effects certain physical and mental traits of the Wolfen, such effects only strengthen over time.

The Bond
Animal Type Benefit
Reptile Your skin has toughened with scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor
Bird Whether it's a sonorous voice or brightly colored feathers, you stand out in a crowd and have the confidence to perform under pressure, granting you proficiency in Performance
Feline Your bond with your feline companion has granted you agility and flexibility not found in other Wolfens, granting you proficiency in Acrobatics
Canine A canine nose is one of the sharpest in the animal kingdom, granting Advantage to perception when smelling
Arachnid Small hairs have grown on the tips of your fingers, giving you a 10 foot climb speed and allowing you to manipulate spider's webs without getting caught in them.
Aquatic You have developed fins and a large flat tail, granting you a Swim speed 30feet
Rodent Your companion's uncanny ability to move quickly and unseen while fitting into tight spaces has rubbed off on you, granting you proficiency in Stealth.
Deer/Horses Your bond with your companion has granted you powerful legs that grant you an extra 5 feet of movement speed.
Venemous Your connection with your venomous companion has given your body the same defense mechanism adding 1d4 Poison damage to your natural attacks
Insects You have become developing a chitinous hide. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Bats You have developed sensitive ears that allow you to echo locate, giving you proficiency in Perception into small spaces without revealing yourself.
Mustalids Your body has started exuding a natural and powerful musk. Giving you disadvantage on Stealth rolls, but advantage on Intimidation rolls

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Facts about "Wolfen (5e Race)"
Ability ModsDex +1 + and Wis +2 +
AuthorDingobabee +
Canontrue +
Dexterity+1 +
FeaturesAge +, Alignment +, Size +, Speed +, Darkvision 60 +, Dual Minded +, Claws +, Companion +, Broken Bond + and Languages +
Identifier5e Race +
Is Racetrue +
Race NameWolfen (5e Race) +
RatingUnrated +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA race of people who soul bind to animal companions and take on appearances similar to them. +
TitleWolfen +
TypeHumanoid +
Wisdom+2 +