From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Hello, and welcome to my talk page! If you'd like to e-mail me, you can send me a message here or (even better) contact me on Discord!
[hide]Welcome Message[edit]
Misc Thoughts[edit]
- I agree strongly with JanusJones's Treatise on Optimization.
- Iron Heart Surge fix
- Karrius explains my philosophy on class design
- Why the rogue-level balance point is the best point... for me
- For posterity
- Why 4e is Poorly Executed
- Reasons why Pathfinder is not good
- What classes and power mean
- Quotes
- Blogs
- Counterplay and why it's important. VH-level games usually don't have much counterplay. H-level games usually do.
- Rules-heavy/gamist vs. Rules-lite/narrativist systems
- My take on morality in D&D
- Despite disliking 4e, I am very much on the "Combat as Sport" side of the line
- On alignment and motivations
- Treantmonk on Optimization vs. Roleplaying
My Creations for D&D 3.5[edit]
- Berserker
- Cosplayer
- Daywalker Paragon
- Iaijutsu Master
- Magus Portalus
- Marshal
- Rage Mage
- Reaper
- Sharpshooter
- Spellthief, Pathfinder Variant
- Thaumaturge
- Toxinblade
- Trapsmith, Variant
- Xenophile
Alternate Class Features[edit]
- Barrage Sharpshooter
- Grimoire Fighter
- Grimoire Paladin
- Grimoire Ranger
- Grimoire Rogue
- Grimoire Soulknife
- Grimoire Tenken
- Grimoire Totemist
- Psychic Soulknife
- Trapspringer Bard
- Trapspringer Sharpshooter
- Wildmagic Thaumaturge
- Access Divine Power
- Access Divine Spells
- Accomplished
- Accurate Opportunist
- Acolyte of the Skin
- Adaptable Technique
- Adjusted Accuracy
- Aegis of Health, Tome
- Arcane Champion
- Assassinate
- Augmented Thaumaturge
- Barreling Charge
- Bladeblast
- Blood of Stone
- Bolster Technique
- Careful Movement
- Charismatic Prodigy
- Cleave, Grimoire
- Close Miss
- Combat Reflexes, Greater
- Combat Reflexes, Grimoire
- Combat Reflexes, Improved
- Compensate for Size
- Copy Technique
- Cross-Style Training
- Dabbler
- Danger Intuition
- Dash
- Death From Afar
- Defensive Roll
- Defensive Strike
- Deft Opportunist
- Diehard, Grimoire
- Distracting Barrage
- Divine Stalker
- Dragoon Charge
- Endurance, Grimoire
- Euphoric Blade
- Expose Weakness
- Extended Psychic Strike
- Focused Energy
- Fortune's Friend
- Furious Blow
- Gatecrasher
- Gatling Spell
- Goad
- Greater Spellthief
- Greater Spring Attack
- Gripping Vise
- Heavy Build
- Heedful Charge
- Hidden Manifestation
- Hostile Mind
- Improved Charge
- Improved Mage Knight
- Improved On Your Knees
- Improved Wild Talent
- Incredible Focus
- Intervene
- Intimidating Brute
- Iron Tide
- Know-It-All
- Last to Fall
- Living Weapon
- Mage Knight
- Magekiller, Tome
- Mana Engine
- Master Blaster
- Master Creature Killer
- Master of Concoctions
- Metamana Fuel
- Mobile Wall
- Mystic Arts Synthesis
- Mystic Theurge
- On Your Knees
- Overwhelming Blow
- Penetrating Strike
- Phantom Health
- Pounce
- Power Attack, Grimoire
- Power Charge
- Precise Marksman
- Primal Enchanter
- Psyblade
- Purple Dragon Knight
- Quick Reconnoiter
- Ranged Feint
- Ranged Flanking
- Ranged Threat
- Renewed Zealousness
- Shadow Pounce
- Sharpshooter
- Shielded in Life
- Short Haft
- Skill Trick Mastery
- Spell Cascade
- Spell Parry
- Spell Reflection
- Spellcutting Strike
- Spellthief
- Spiritual Weapon
- Spymaster
- Stand Still, Grimoire
- Stand Still, Tome
- Startling Opportunist
- Steadfast Prodigy
- Steadfast Zealousness
- Still Teleport
- Stilled Charge
- Stone Power, Grimoire
- Stone Power, Pathfinder
- Strike of the Believer
- Strong Grip
- Suppress Chi
- Supreme Dilettante
- Surging Inspiration
- Swift Spell
- Tattooed Monk
- Toughness, Grimoire
- Turtle Monk
- Unconventional
- Versatile
- Way of the Hare
- Weapon Training
- Wielder of Legacy
- Witch Slayer
- Wrong Place, Right Time
- Zen Exaltation
- Ambidextrous
- Avenger
- Exceptional Luck
- Hulking Brute
- Mixed Blood
- Opportunist
- Preacher
- Psychic Potential
- Radical Upbringing
- Raised by Wolves
- Sight Without Sight
- Skilled
- Trapspringer
- Unnatural Aura
- Unorthodox Tutelage
- Versatile
- Void Born
Alternate Rules[edit]
- Alignments by Color
- Alternative Iterative Attacks
- Background-Based Skills
- Balanced Skills
- Balanced Wealth
- Broken Shields
- Capped Modifiers and DCs
- Condensed Skills
- Custom Weapon Creation
- Dual Preparation Casting
- E20
- Expanded Movement Options
- Failure is not the End
- Grace Points
- Healing Surges
- Lengthened Spellcasting
- Limited Spell Levels
- Magical Focus Implements
- Masterwork Variant
- Monstrous Player Characters
- New Level-Dependent Benefits
- Original Race Rebuilding
- Prepared Spontaneous Casting
- Recharging Magic
- Recharging Power Points
- Refillable Potions
- Rituals
- Scaling Item DCs
- Simplified Experience
- Simplified Races
- Simplified Skills
- Simplified Social Interaction
- Simplified Special Attacks
- Stacking Ability Modifiers
- Standardized Bonus Types
- Taking Stock
- The Edge
- Turn Undead
- Variant Reach
- Vow of Poverty
- Wounds
- My guide to roles in the party.
- Poltho (Race)
- Arcane-Corrupted (Template)
- Necropolitan (Template)
- Psychic (Template)
- Beginner's Quickspell Bracers (Item)
- Circlet of Quickened Summoning (Item)
- Crystal of Foefinding (Item)
- Crystal of Spellwarding (Item)
- Crystal of Swarmdeath (Item)
- Everscroll Bag (Item)
- Helm of Favorable Alignment (Item)
- Loregems (Item)
- Reaving Crystal (Item)
- Running Deer Tablet (Item)
- Vanishing Smoke Bomb (Item)
- Incorporeal (Subtype)
- Witchslayer Crystal (Item)
- Maered (Deity)
- Din (NPC, Grimoire Tenken 11 / Iaijutsu Master 5)
- Challenging Hand (Spell)
- Greater Invisibility (Grimoire) (Spell)
- Greater Invisibility (Variant) (Spell)
- Invisibility (Grimoire) (Spell)
- Outlast the Ages (Spell)
- Rag Doll (Spell)
- Spirit of the Warrior (Spell)
- Welcome to the Jungle (Spell)
- Cat's Feet (Power)
- Regenerate Flesh (Power)
- Burning (Condition)
- Enraged (Condition)
- Immobilized (Condition)
- Resilient (Special Ability)
- Battle Sheath (Weapon)
- Double Sword (Weapon)
- Gunblade (Weapon)
- Paired Knives (Weapon)
- Swordaxe (Weapon)
- Dancing (Weapon Enhancement)
- Focused (Weapon Enhancement)
- Mindblade Inducer (Weapon Enhancement)
- Powerful (Weapon Enhancement)
- Swarmbane (Weapon Enhancement)
- Flat Feet (Flaw)
Optimized Builds[edit]
- Arcane Warrior
- Basic Blaster Wilder
- Basic Combat Rogue Guide
- Bladesinger
- Clever Critfighter
- Dragoon
- Eternal Blade of the Revenant
- Feral Shifter
- Glaive of the Dungeon Crasher
- Glaive of the Hellfire Warlock
- Grapplemancer
- Healing Personified
- Hero of Time
- Knightly Charger
- Low Level Nova
- Machine Gun Assassin
- Mindspider Infiltrator
- Mobile Blender
- Mobile Glaive
- Nightcrawling Shadowpouncer
- Psionic Monk
- Righteous Rager
- Sacred Fist of the Silver Flame
- Shower of Arrows
- Sublime Singer
- Ubermount
- Whirling Eater of Souls
Other Stuff[edit]
- My banned list for D&D 3.5.
- My house rules in D&D 3.5.
- My campaign setting, Shattered Haven. (Work in progress)
- To do list
- 5e
- G4e
- Sandbox 1
- Grimoire
- Sandbox 2
- Sandbox 3
- One-shot Variants
To finish:
To maybe scrap: