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::And it's still grossly different from the rest of the powers given. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 00:00, 17 April 2015 (UTC)
Spanambula, shouting INFINITELY doesn't make it any more convincing. You know, Fighters get to do more damage than Shocking Grasp at first level. INFINITELY!!! Bah-roken, right? No, because merely getting an ability that is also a spell has no bearing on whether that ability is appropriate for the level and use schedule you get it at. Some spells are bad for their level. Some spells have long casting times to prevent shenanigans. None of this is relevant when giving a conditional use ability as part of a feat. If I gave out INFINITE Cone of Cold at level 16 you wouldn't bat an eyelid, but that's a 5th level spell too.
:: I guess we'll have to disagree that Raise Dead is a substantial effect by level 16. I assume that once a character reaches this level they will have some kind of insurance against dying from regular hp loss. One round is maybe too short, but the fact that anyone can spend an action to sever something vital means it really doesn't look out of line at this level to me. - Red_Rob