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Talk:Protected by Spirits (3.5e Feat)

208 bytes added, 00:03, 17 April 2015
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::Unfortunately 3 rounds is still pretty well into the "combat time" even at VH. I suppose I'm stressing this point because it's not merely insurance against death but because it actually affects action economy. If someone is going out of their way to destroy a corpse mid combat, that's a round not spend killing the PCs. And in VH play, a round not spent firing your rocket launchers is a death sentence. You need to make sure that your revival doesn't invoke in the middle of how long you expect combat to last.
::Also, the caster is less of a problem if they have an emergency scroll or staff, or are a spontaneous caster, or simply roll well and don't lose their rocket launcher/get out of jail free spell of choice.
::And it's still grossly different from the rest of the powers given. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 00:00, 17 April 2015 (UTC)

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