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''"In an instant, shadowed wings folded around her, protecting her."''
''"In an instant, shadowed wings folded around her, protecting her."''
As a free action at the start of her turn or a non-action at any other time, so long as she has not used any available uses of her number of attacks of opportunity per round, a Ymmadraugge-bound creature may expend her uses of her attacks of opportunity to instead gain a +2 deflection bonus to her armor class as well as take minimized damage (1 per damage die) from falling.
As a free action at the start of her turn or a non-action at any other time, so long as she has not used any available uses of her number of attacks of opportunity per round, a Ymmadraugge-bound creature may expend her uses of her [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attacks of opportunity]] to instead gain a +2 deflection bonus to her armor class as well as take minimized damage (1 per damage die) from [[SRD:Falling|falling]].

Revision as of 04:10, 25 November 2015

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 24 November 2015
Status: Shadowy
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Ymmadraugge, The Dragon's Shadow

The binding seal of Ymmadraugge.

"At first, we believed it a dragon made of obsidian. We made a mistake."

Level: 1st

Binding DC: 15

Special Requirement: Yes


Very little is actually known of Ymmadraugge. There was once a book detailing the entity and means for summoning a living avatar of it, but the book has since gone missing. With it were lost many of its secrets and only the barest means of summoning it as a vestige remain.

Various accounts, which appear to share different original sources, claim that the book was once stored with a statue depicting the avatar of the creature. Commonalities among the stories claim it to be made of a dark stone (though sources argue about it being obsidian, onyx, black marble or even shadowed alabaster) with a set of 8 great bat-like wings enveloping its chamber. The main figure itself being described as a twisting mass of draconic heads and clawed arms, some jutting from others.

Several cursed items, including large gemstones, were found in the chamber along with another plain text book that apparently contained a heretofore unknown history of a possibly unrelated civilization on a desolate rocky plain that had been ravaged by war with the incorruptible armor of the fallen remaining behind. With details vague in the text, the only place that had been mentioned (or was recorded as mentioned) was "The Origin of Monsters" (or something close to that meaning as it had been translated from Draconic text). Some scholars believe this to be indicative of the home of Ymmadraugge and its kind, though others protest that there is no evidence to link the two and making such an assumption is foolish.

Special Summoning

Ymmadraugge requires a special willing vessel to manifest into when summoning. The vessel needs to be living or animate with a soul. The summoner can choose to use itself as the vessel (even if lacking a soul), but always gains the influence of Ymmadraugge for such a pact.

A pact-bound creature cannot bind both Ymmadraugge and Mezmorrias simultaneously.


Upon completing its seal and speaking whispered words, the vestige of Ymmadraugge enters into the willing vessel, shrouding it in darkness as if covered in shadow... except for the creature's eyes (if it has them) which glow an emerald green. Upon completion of the pact and the bargaining finished, the shadowed darkness swims off of the vessel and into the summoner (or into the vessel in the case of the summoner serving as the vessel).


Pact-bound creature's blood turns black as pitch, often causing skin to appear darker. Spilled blood maintains this dark shade so long as it remains within the space of the pact-bound creature. Removing it causes it to return to its normal shade.

Additionally, the unconscious body of a Ymmadraugge-bound creature is effectively weightless (though its gear is not). While sleeping or trancing, such creatures emit a faint, mumbling whisper or a low hum (DC 20 Listen check).


Creatures already under the influence of another binding pact gain a +2 bonus on checks to avoid the influence of Ymmadraugge.

Ymmadraugge is a noble creature and does not abide by perceived insult (lashing out with unkind words in response) or injury (lashing out with sword and nail if necessary) as recompense for transgressions against her and her allies.

Pact-bound creatures under the influence of Ymmadraugge cannot speak properly, as if trying to learn a language and translate into it as they speak. Grammar tends to be broken, stilted or odd. Words occasionally omitted entirely. Understanding usually there, off... missing... slow. Pronoun trouble as describe –self. Archaic word choice.

Granted Abilities

Biting in Darkness

"She stepped into the shadows, and the orcs followed with their blades. When we arrived with our torches, they lay dead at her feet, as if bitten by great maws of teeth."

As a swift action when in total darkness, a pact-bound creature can cause her body to become enveloped in harmful biting energy that lashes out at those who would harm her. Adjacent targets are subject to 1d6 + her Charisma bonus in bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage immediately (interrupting and preceding any attacks) if they attempt to directly harm her. This aura lasts until the start of her next turn or end immediately if exposed to any amount of illumination of dim or greater.

Cursed Queen

"She pulled the hammer from its resting place as fell, crackling energy pierced into her. She held on, unaffected."

A pact-bound creature can hold one magical or supernatural curse or penalty on it at bay at a time so that it does not affect her. The duration of the negative effect does not deplete and the effect resumes immediately if another penalty is put at bay. At 5th effective binder level, a pact-bound creature can hold 2 such effects at bay at a time.

Additionally, a Ymmadraugge-bound creature can fully suppress the drawbacks or granted penalties of a single magical item (but not an artifact).

Emerald Infusion

While showing the sign of Ymmadraugge, a pact-bound creature can absorb emeralds into itself. The pact-bound creature gains the following benefits at each level of gp value of absorbed emeralds.

These emeralds spill out when Ymmadraugge is unbound.

Table: Emerald Infusion Values and Abilities
200 Low-light vision
400 Darkvision 60 feet
600 +2 Competence bonus on Hide, Jump, Move Silently
1,200 Ability to naturally heal vile damage as though it were ability burn at double the natural rate.
2,400 Darkvision 120 feet
3,200 Hover (perfect) 20 feet or half land speed (whichever is higher)
6,400 Breath weapon of biting darkness. Deals 1d6 per binder level + Charisma in a 30 foot cone once every 1d3+1 rounds. Damage is physical bludgeoning/piercing/slashing and counts as a magical [Darkness] effect and counters and dispels [Light] effects and counts as a spell of a level equal to 1/2 of the pact-bound creature's HD total.
9,600 Ability to squeeze through spaces as if 2 sizes smaller, though only while in total darkness.

Shielding Wings

"In an instant, shadowed wings folded around her, protecting her."

As a free action at the start of her turn or a non-action at any other time, so long as she has not used any available uses of her number of attacks of opportunity per round, a Ymmadraugge-bound creature may expend her uses of her attacks of opportunity to instead gain a +2 deflection bonus to her armor class as well as take minimized damage (1 per damage die) from falling.

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AuthorGanteka Future +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level1st +
RatingUndiscussed +
Summary"At first, we believed it a dragon made of obsidian. We made a mistake." +
TitleYmmadraugge +