Shadow Avatar (MC Paragon Path)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 4-2-11
Status: Shadow Avatar Tables
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Shadow Avatar

With the downfall of our home, we have become avatars of the darkness—we crave the light, but we must also embrace our fears.
—Darcey, Shadowcon druid of Enori Towers
Prerequisite: Shadowcon 

Masters of the darkness-- mysterious individuals whom invoke the shadows of the world. Many shadowcon fear the darkness that their home world had protected them by—which was also a shroud to worsen their fears. Since the destruction of their home, some have been left scarred by this belief that the darkness is Catastrophe reincarnated. Some shadowcon, however, have found a way around this fear—using the darkness to their advantage. With this knowledge, they have become the darkness themselves—an avatar of Catastrophe. Shadow Avatars are powerful, and they use the darkness to transpose themselves or imprison their foes in orbs of darkness full of dark memories.

As powerful as they seem, their power comes at a limit. Many Shadow Avatars have developed a use to combine martial or arcane powers with their shadow powers to create a plethora of combinations to enhance their effectiveness. However, this consumes their internal energy source. Like that of Catastrophe, Shadow Avatars have a life force within them. When this life force becomes unbalanced, it can tear them apart like what had befallen their home. You can use this life force to augment your powers in one way or another.

Shadow Avatar Path Features

Avatar's Power (11th level): Shadow Avatars acquire the use of power points that function like action points. Using a power point gives you a variety of benefits, but will also bring about temporary weakness. When you run out of power points, your weakness becomes greater until you regain power points. See the tables below.
Shadow Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take another action, you also gain concealment until the end of your next turn.
Shadow's Wrath (16th level): You can extend the range of all of your melee or close burst attack powers by 1, and you can also deal an additional 2d6 Necrotic damage on a successful hit with such powers.

Shadow Avatar Path Powers

Shadow Sphere
Shadow Avatar Attack 11
You trap your foe in an orb of darkness—full of your darkest memories—that torments your foe.
Encounter ✦ Augmentable, Fear, Necrotic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier Necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Aftereffect: The target suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

Augment 1
Hit: As above, plus ongoing 5 Necrotic damage (save ends).
Augment 2
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier Necrotic damage, and the target becomes insubstantial until the start of your next turn.
Shadow Jaunt
Shadow Avatar Utility 12
You transpose yourself to another area of shadow.
Encounter ✦ Augmentable, Teleportation
Move Action Personal
Effect: You teleport your speed to another area of shadow, and you become insubstantial until the start of your next turn.

Augment 1
Effect: Increase the teleportation speed a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Shadow Tendrils
Shadow Avatar Attack 20
Tendrils of darkness flows from you and across the floor—ensnaring your foes and filling them with the curse of your wrath.
Daily ✦ Augmentable, Fear, Necrotic
Standard Action Close Burst 4
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier Necrotic damage, and the target is restrained (until escape).
Miss: Half damage and the target is dazed (save ends).

Augment 1
Hit: As above, and ongoing 10 Necrotic damage
Miss: As above, and ongoing 5 Necrotic damage
Aftereffect: The target is weakened until the end of the encounter.
Augment 2
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier Necrotic damage, and the target also suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
Aftereffect: As above, and the target suffers a -1 penalty to all defenses.

[Tables under construction...]

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Action TypeStandard Action + and Minor Action +
AuthorXeadin +
IdentifierMC Paragon Path +
KeywordRadiant +, Healing + and Stance +
Level11 +, 12 + and 20 +
RaceShadowcon +
RangeRanged10 +, Close Burst5 + and MeleeWeapon +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryMasters of the darkness-- mysterious individuals whom invoke the shadows of the world. +
TitleShadow Avatar +
TypeShadow Avatar Attack Power +, Scion of Lucania Utility Power + and Scion of Lucania Attack Power +
UsageEncounter + and Daily +