I am an avid D&D player and fanatic, but I am also creating an RPG based off of the core templates of D&D. You may see some articles underneath this text that may relate to some content you may see somewhere soon on this wiki.
[hide]Test Run Section[edit]
This section is for running certain elements for my new RPG: the Magi Chronicles RPG
A race of heroes and villains. They are made up of charismatic adventurers and diehard explorers willing to push the edge of the modern day tech available to them.
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 5'6" -- 6'4" |
Average Weight: 135 -- 175 lbs |
Ability Scores: +2 to one ability score of your choice |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 6 squares |
Vision: Normal |
Language: Common; choice of one other |
Bonus At-will Power: You gain one extra at-will power from your class |
Bonus Feat: You gain one extra feat at 1st level. You must meet the feat's prerequisites. |
Bonus Skill: You gain training in one additional skill from your class skill list. |
Human Defense Bonus: +1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. |
Modern-day humans have become more dependent on the technology built upon from medieval times. Now, they have access to many of the equipment brought to them by strange beings known as the Magi. As a result, the humans have once again become a diverse race—soaring to the stars aboard spacecraft and exploring planets by use of different modes of transportation. This has made them extremely adaptable to any environment, as they have always been. The only thing they lack is the ability to harness the magical powers of the Elements, which is claimed to be only truly harnessed by all the other races. As a result, there have been no human spellcasters since the medieval times of witchcraft and sorcery.
Play a Human if you want:
- To be a decisive hero and to overcome any challenge
- To have the most versatility and flexibility of any race
- To be a member of a race that favors the Fighter, Marine, and Sniper classes
Physical Qualities[edit]
Humans come in a wide variety of skin colors and tones—from brown or dark tan to frail skin and every tan and brown in between. They also cover a huge variety of hair colors—some have even taken the opportunity to color, dye, or bleach their own hair in many ways. Humans also have several eye colors, such as black, brown, blue, hazel, and the occasional green.
Clothing styles vary depending on their environment—some can be simple casual styles of the common-folk, the dense fur coats high up in the mountain peaks, or even layers of thin canvas while travelling through hot deserts. There are plenty of times where human society will intermingle with other nearby societies, developing even more bizarre clothing styles and new ways to craft protective gear.
Humans life spans around 80 years of age, but some of the most venerable citizens of the human race can live to be around 110 years or more. At this point, many humans have become very frail and their sense of adventure is lost due to their old nature.
Playing a Human[edit]
Humans are decisive and sometimes rash. They explore the darkest reaches of the worlds in order to gain knowledge and uncover hidden secrets. Most humans attempt to uncover hidden treasures that have been long forgotten in ages past. They pay the consequences while enduring such adventures, and some may even sacrifice their own life for the good of others.
Even though humans are extremely adaptable, they are unable to harness or even acquire the powers that the Magi have acquires themselves—the ability to use the Elements. They are able to study them and are dependent on those who are able to use such powers when they are present.
Most humans in the modern-day world are either commoners or employed with the military, but a small number have taken on the challenge to become well-known adventurers—separating themselves between modern-day technology and medieval tactics to survive in an ever-changing world full of danger. These few are willing to push the edge just a little to find the answers not answered by many.
Human Characteristics: Adaptable, ambitious, bold, corruptible, creative, driven, hardy, pragmatic, resourceful, territorial, tolerant
Humans have an extensive list of names—most of them are commonly known, such as Andy, Anna, Brad, Cara, Chad, Cody, Dave, Frank, Fred, Harry, Jason, Josh, Kate, Mia, Mary, Nick, Peter, Rick, Sam, Sarah, Steve, Tom, Will, Zach, and Zoe. Some have uncommon names, and it is these names that many of these optimistic heroes have been referred as by many.
Male Names: Aldris, Devin, Elran, Felar, Horace, Jace, Klein, Lars, Nathaniel, Sarlan, Trenn, Warlan
Female Names: Alcene, Bree, Celene, Esara, Glecina, Kacie, Lin, Melanie, Pasha, Silvana, Vashel
Human Adventurers[edit]
Three sample human adventurers are described below.
Elran, a human marine, is a devoted and charismatic person with a heart of steel. His constant struggle for freedom and glory is what had made him a military asset amongst his comrades during battle. He is a skilled marksman, and likes to get into melee brawls with a few of his enemies to make the battle more interesting. His extreme devotion has burned through the ranks, and may soon be promoted to become an officer if he continues at his current pace.
Kacie, a human fighter, is as much of an explorer as she is a brawler. Her gladiator-like skills she’s earned from extensive, personal training has given her many good tactics in combat styles and in wielding many different weapons with little worry. She has been curious about the elements, and her curiosity has led her to believe that it is still possible for humans to acquire the knowledge and the power that the Magi have.
Trenn, a human sniper, is a shady and sly figure—lurking in the shadows—waiting for the right time to pull the trigger without hesitation, He has developed extreme senses of his environments, and he has become a critical combat asset to his military comrades.
Noble and wise, these flawless avians are as much mentors as they are scholars in an ever-changing world.
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 5'9" -- 6'5" |
Average Weight: 145 -- 215 lbs |
Ability Scores: +2 Charisma; +2 Dexterity or Wisdom |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 6 squares |
Vision: Low-light |
Language: Common, Rathian |
Ancestral Roots: You gain a +2 bonus to all knowledge skill checks. |
Natural Athlete: You gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks made to jump. This could also be used in conjunction with your flight ability to increase your fly speed by 2. |
Rathian Endurance: When you become bloodied, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier. You also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against blinded, immobilized, and slowed conditions. |
Rathian Wings: You can use rathain wings as an at-will power. |
Rathian Wings | Eagoran Racial Power |
Your ties to the Rathians guide you through your flight. | |
At-will | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: You fly your speed. If you take damage during your flight, you fall; if you end your movement mid-flight, you fall. Your flight is considered Clumsy. |
Noble, fearless warriors that protects their kind with their own lives. They are highly courageous, and their ancient bloodlines to the Rathians make them who they are. As with all other races, Eagorans have adapted to the world of technology.
Play an Eagoran if you want:
- To become a legend and pass on your destiny to future generations.
- To be able to soar through the skies like your ancestors.
- To be a member of a race that favors the Commando, Sage, and Spellcaster classes.
Physical Qualities[edit]
Eagorans are different from other races—besides the fact that they look like walking birds. They have a dazzling array of feathers that grow in varying lengths and makes natural patterns upon their bodies. Some Eagorans have heads of hawks and eagles, but some have heads of owls—these few claim to be the direct descendants of the Rathians. Most Eagorans have golden, brown, or blue eyes.
An Eagoran’s society is based on a civilized system of nobility and old traditions passed down from the Rathian traditions. Most Eagorans live in dense forest-cities—living in homes carved into the trunks of large trees. Some live in the bustling streets of the common metropolis.
Eagoran life spans around 130-150 years, but some of the oldest can reach the age of 200 years. At this state, they are too weak to carry on their normal duties that they were used to do. Their wealth of knowledge, however, is invaluable, and these old Eagorans serve as reliable loremasters and sages.
Playing an Eagoran[edit]
Eagorans sometimes live in solitude, but most like to have company. They are easily adaptable in social situations. In older Rathian traditions, citizens would meditate to relieve stress built up within them to alleviate their tempers. This is one reason why Rathian civilization was the first to successfully establish a democracy without any conflict or backlash. Many Eagorans reflect upon their ancestors and many more call upon their ancestors to guide them through the world of ever-changing conflict and change. Some Eagorans have formed a small religious branch called Rana—a strong devotion to safeguarding the Rathian traditions.
Most people believe that Eagorans can fly—the fact is: Eagorans can’t fly very well. They aren’t capable of flying long distances for an extended period of time. As a result, most Eagorans can just glide short distances to be able to get where they need without exhausting their own energy.
Eagoran Characteristics: Ancient, cautious, devoted, graceful, irritable, noble, perceptive, rash, religious, solitary, stern
Male Names: Alkenos, Barket, Clemenos, Farkeln, Inclinus, Lectos, Mirkat, Orkan, Salkarat, Undaris, Wendet
Female Names: Bleke, Clenira, Eltara, Hio, Kenara, Nulsira, Peshana, Retisha, Thelina, Vetrani
Eagoran Adventurers[edit]
Three sample Eagoran adventurers are described below.
Clenira, an Eagoran Spellcaster, is a spiritually guided individual that keeps her faith before her duties. It is this devotion that she has become a powerful wizard and a critical asset in the world of arcane lore. Her fighting skills along with her arcane trainings have given her a clear understanding of how the Rathians once lived.
Inclinus, an Eagoran Argonaut, is an individual full of questions and hidden mysteries. As a result, his personality is less known by his close friends because he keeps a constant shroud in front of him. He is sometime open for conversation, but his actual history is kept in the dark. No one knows if he is looking for unanswered questions or if he’s just not willing to talk about his own personal life. One thing is for certain—he does not let this shroud get in his way when it comes to moving his enemies aside with powerful magic.
Thelina, an Eagoran Sage, is as tough as she is kind. Her spirited personality hints at the fact that she is a direct descendant of the Rathians. Her extreme devotion to the protection of the old traditions has made her a reliable ally and a helpful guide when faced with long wilderness treks. She knows which way to go—whether she has been there or not. Her guidance is aided by the whispers of the ancestors that tell which way to go to reach civilization once again.